Discover our workplace
This section focuses on what we’re doing to improve where and how we work. This includes initiatives such as Workplace 2.0, support for telework, technology, tools for employees, and the various transformation and modernization initiatives taking place at PSPC. This page contains the documents that pop-up throughout the “Discover our workplace” section of the #DiscoverPSPC video.
Heritage Conservation Directorate Video
Heritage Conservation Directorate Video
(Start of video.)
(Upbeat music plays.)
(Up-close video of different women and men standing in an office, while looking into the camera and saying each line.)
Do you know about Blueprint 2020?
Blueprint 2020 is about taking action to make a difference where we work.
It’s about innovation and taking intelligent risks.
It’s about improving our workplace and collaborating.
It’s about finding new ways to tackle old problems.
It’s about all of us.
These are our stories.
(Text of “Heritage Conservation Services” is displayed over images of the Parliament buildings under construction. Followed by a collage of images of employees looking at and creating architectural samples, followed by two employees walking towards each other and shaking hands).
As a part of the Technical Services Service Line, Heritage Conservation is a leader in client service.
(Video of an employee in front of a screen displaying a virtual mapping and design tool.)
Increasing client demand means they need to attract experts in a specialised field from across the country to join their team.
(Video of an employee looking at architectural drawings of the Parliament buildings, followed by a video of 3D printers refining architectural samples.)
They inspire interest and opportunity in the field of heritage conservation through a partnership with Carleton University’s new degree program in Conservation Architecture and Conservation Engineering.
(Video of 3D models of decorative pillars, followed by a video of a young female employee looking at her notebook while walking down the hall in an office.)
Heritage Conservation is providing opportunities for a new generation of Conservation Architects and Engineers by recruiting co-op students and graduates from this program.
(Video of a modern, open-concept office, followed by a video of a modern communal kitchen space and eating area)
Their new and modern workplace helps inspire and retain these young public servants.
(Video of two employees wearing construction hats and vests beside a bridge. Followed by images of an historic building, an employee wearing a hard hat repairing a wall, a 3D virtual image of the architecture of Parliament, totem poles in a forest, and a lighthouse near the ocean).
Their inspiration, dedication, collaboration and innovative use of new technologies helps protect and preserve Canada’s heritage.
(Text is “This is Our Story” followed by “Living. Owning. Blueprint 2020” against a background of moving arrows.)
This is the story of how PSPC employees are living and owning Blueprint 2020. They’ve shared their story. What’s yours?
(Government of Canada word mark appears on a white screen.)
(Canada word mark appears on a white screen.)
(Music fades out.)
(End of video.)
100 Days of Workplace Solutions

Long Description: 100 Days of Workplace Solutions
Workplace Solutions vision:
To provide modern Government of Canada (GC) workplaces that support the Blueprint 2020 vision and that are based on the following principles: flexibility, efficiency, health, collaboration and digital capacity.
To translate this vision into concrete objectives, a phased approach is being developed:
- Short term (1 to 3 years): Promote mobility concepts, which include work points as opposed to offices, supported by change management tools to facilitate the evolution toward Workplace 2.0 and to enable one department to be mobile within a workspace.
- Medium term (3 to 5 years): Introduce and implement the concept of hubs where mobility will enable a department to work in any of their workspaces.
- Long term (5 to 10 years): Push mobility to enable any department to work in any GC workspace.
- Longer term (10 years and +): Pursue mobility so any department can work in any GC workspace internationally.
100 Day Accomplishments
From April to September 2016
1 – Getting organized
The Workplace Solutions (WS) service line was created, bringing together all the expertise (48 employees) into one integrated team to deliver on WS services.
2 – Engaging employees
- 15 webinars that have attracted 513 participants across the GC
- 40 new resources on our GCconnex platform
- Workplace Modernization Strategy and Engagement Plan
- Help workplace transformation initiatives with the CHANGE MANAGEMENT FUNCTION
3 – Putting tools in place
- New procurement instrument makes buying collaborative furniture a snap!
- 23 additional product types and over 21,000 more items!
- Special purpose space and office support space: know the difference? Use the new tool!
4 – Delivering project
- Three workplace lite projects in Public Services and Procurement Canada, allowing early adopters to innovate in how they use space
- WPSol is fitting up 73,000 m2 of office space at Portage III, and 50,000 m2 of swing space is being prepared
- New fit-up innovation pilot program based on activity-based workplace
- Over 20 clients on board
5 – Streamlining processes
- Regional approval of fit-up standards variation
- Class-generic Investment Analysis Reports (IAR) and Integrated Investment Plans (IPP) to simplify project approval
- Simplified project-specific non-compliance approval process
More than 800 mailbox inquiries
Over 21,000 more items!
Our GCpedia pages are averaging 2479 views per month
15,000 views in 100 days
108,450 m2 of office space has been or will be modernized this year
Timeline Tool: Blueprint 2020 and Transformation

Blueprint 2020 and Transformation
Slides 1 – 5:
“There is a lot of change going on throughout Public Service and Procurement Canada (PSPC) … and the entire Public Service!”
“We're improving how we work to better serve Government and Canadians.”
“We're changing our workplace, making it more modern.”
An illustration shows an old rotary telephone replaced by a newer smartphone.”
Slide 6:
“We're updating our tools:
- New technology
- New systems
- New partnerships
- New ways of working”
Slides 7 – 10:
“Here are a few examples of the initiatives and projects happening now:”
“GCDOCS (government-wide and PSPC-internal) … will make storing, finding and sharing documents easier.”
“Workplace Renewal Initiative… will modernize our work environment.”
“Mental Health Strategy and Wellness Dashboard… will provide a broad level of support to employees through education, tools and guidance.”
Slides 11 – 14:
“Want to know more about these changes?”
“When are they happening?”
“How will you be impacted?”
“How will you be supported?”
Slides 15 – 16:
“Introducing the Timeline Tool: Transformation and Blueprint 2020.”
A graphical timeline appears on-screen. It is an example of the Timeline Tool interface. It lists PSPC initiatives, such as Email Transformation and the Pay Consolidation project. For each initiative, it shows a target to indicate milestone dates and a book to indicate training dates.
Slides 17 – 20:
“The Timeline Tool lists all the current initiatives …organized by their type, Transformation or Blueprint 2020 … and the degree to which they will change the way you do your work:
- significant changes
- some changes
- minimal changes
- no changes”
“Plus, it's interactive and easy to use.”
A thumbs-up illustration appears on-screen.
Slide 21:
“At the top, you will see buttons.”
Five software application buttons appear across the screen: Home, Accessible, Report, Subscribe and Feedback.
A cursor selects the Home button.
“Return to the Timeline home.”
A cursor selects the Accessible button.
“View an accessible version.”
A cursor selects the Report button.
“Select initiatives and print a report.”
A cursor selects the Subscribe button.
“Subscribe to receive email updates on select initiatives.”
A cursor selects the Feedback button.
“Leave a comment.”
Slides 22 – 23:
“The Timeline Tool interface includes additional interactive features.”
The word “interactive” is highlighted.
The Timeline Tool interface appears on-screen.
A cursor selects the initiative titled GCDOCS (government wide).
“Click on each initiative to learn more about it.”
A cursor selects a red dot icon. It looks like a target.
“Click on a Red Dot icon to learn about a milestone associated with an initiative.”
A cursor selects a book icon.
“Click on a Book icon to learn about training to support you.”
The Timeline Tool interface slides off the screen.
Slides 24 – 26:
“We know that change is not always easy … and we want to support you.”
“PSPC is evolving in exciting ways … but we can't do it without you!"
“Your help is essential to our success.”
(End of Prezi.)
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