Form CC‑2b‑1

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ABC Corporation Limited
Liabilities – supporting details
Pensions and other employee future benefits
March 31, 2017

To be completed only by consolidated Crown corporations and other entities on an annual basis.

Part A - Future benefit asset (liability):

Table Summary

This table consists of four columns: Future benefit asset or liability, Pension benefits, Other future benefits and Total. The second column is split into two columns: Funded and Unfunded.

Future benefit asset (liability)
(in thousands of dollars)
Future benefit asset (liability): Pension benefits Other future benefits Total
Funded Unfunded
Row Group 1
Accrued benefit obligation, end of year (–) (from CC‑2b‑2) –22,550 –52,500 -2,125 -77,175
Plan assets, end of year (+) (from CC‑2b‑2) 22,275   -100 22,175
Funded status of defined benefit plans - surplus (deficit) -275 -52,500 -2,225 -55,000
Row Group 2
Unamortized net actuarial loss or (gain) (+/-) 2,300 4,200 120 6,620
Employer contributions after measurement date up to March 31(+)   XXXX   0
Benefits paid directly by corporation after measurement date up to March 31(-) XXXX     0
Future benefit asset (liability) 2,025 -48,300 -2,105 -48,380
Row Group 3
Valuation allowance (-)       0
Future benefit asset (liability), net of valuation allowance 2,025 -48,300 -2,105 -48,380
Note: The valuation allowance represents the extent to which an accrued benefit asset is impaired when there is a plan surplus for accounting purposes that the consolidated Crown corporation or other entity is not entitled to benefit from fully.
Presented in the Statement of Assets or Statement of Liabilities and Equity as follows: 
Note: Future benefit assets for funded plans must not be netted against future benefit liability for funded and unfunded plans, but rather presented separately.
Future benefit asset, net of valuation allowance 5,875     5,875
Future benefit liability (-) -3,850 -48,300 -2,005 -54,155
Other amounts not included in the above reconciliation:       0
(specify)       0
(specify)       0
(specify)       0
Total pensions and other employee future benefits
(in CC‑1 and CC‑2)
2,025 -48,300 -2,005 -48,280
In regards to the funded status of defined benefit plans as stated above, the amounts included in the above accrued benefit obligation and value of plan assets for plans that are in a deficit position are as follows:
Accrued benefit obligation -7,550 -52,500 -2,125 -62,175
Plan assets 2,000     2,000
Funded status of defined benefit plans, deficit -5,550 -52,500 -2,125 -60,175

Part B - Reconciliations and calculation checks:

Table Summary

This table consists of four columns: Reconciliation of Future benefit asset or liability, Pension benefits, Other future benefits and Total. The second column is split into two columns: Funded and Unfunded. The rows are divided into two groups: Benefits paid directly by corporation after measurement date up to March 31 and Employer contributions after measurement date up to March 31.

Reconciliation of future benefit asset (liability):
(in thousands of dollars)
Reconciliation of future benefit asset (liability): Pension benefits Other future benefits Total
Funded Unfunded
Future benefit asset (liability), beginning of year
(from prior year's CC‑2b‑1) 
3,200 -46,000 -1,950 -44,750
Total defined benefit and interest expense for the year (from CC‑2b‑3)  -1,275 -5,300 -155 -6,730
Benefits paid and administrative expenses paid (from CC‑2b‑2)  XXXX 3,000 100 3,100
Benefits paid directly by corporation after measurement date up to March 31: 
From prior year (-)  XXXX     0
In current year (+) (from above)  XXXX 0 0 0
Employer contributions (from CC‑2b‑2)  100 XXXX 0 100
Employer contributions after measurement date up to March 31: 
From prior year (-)        0
In current year (+) (from above)  0 XXXX 0 0
Future benefit asset (liability), end of year 2,025 -48,300 -2,005 -48,280
Future benefit asset (liability), net of valuation allowance, end of year per Part A  2,025 -48,300 -2,005 -48,280
Difference - to be explained below if applicable  0 0 0 0
(specify)       0
(specify)       0
(specify)       0
Table Summary

This table consists of four columns: Reconciliation of unamortized net Actuarial loss or gain, Pension benefits, Other future benefits and Total. The second column is split into two columns: Funded and Unfunded. The rows are divided into two groups: Current year actuarial losses or gains and Accelerate amortization of actuarial losses or gains.

Reconciliation of unamortized net actuarial (loss) gain
(in thousands of dollars)
Reconciliation of unamortized net actuarial (loss) gain: Pension benefits Other Future Benefits Total
Funded Unfunded
Unamortized actuarial loss (gain), beginning of year
(from prior year's CC‑2b‑1)
1,100 3,000 50 4,150
Current year actuarial losses (gains) on:
Accrued benefit obligation (from CC‑2b‑2) 1,000 2,500 75 3,575
Plan assets (from CC‑2b‑2) 500 XXXX 0 500
Total current year actuarial losses (gains) 1,500 2,500 75 4,075
Row group
Amortization of actuarial (losses) gains during the year (from CC‑2b‑3) -100 -300 -5 -405
Accelerate amortization of actuarial losses (gains) following (from CC‑2b‑3):
Plan amendments -200 0 0 -200
Curtailment 0 -1,000 0 -1,000
Settlement 0 0 0 0
Other - (specify)       0
(specify)       0
Unamortized net actuarial loss (gain), end of year 2,300 4,200 120 6,620
Unamortized net actuarial loss (gain), end of year per Part A 2,300 4,200 120 6,620
Difference - to be explained below if applicable 0 0 0 0

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