Form CC‑2b‑2

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ABC Corporation Limited
Liabilities – supporting details
Pensions and other employee future benefits
March 31, 2017

To be completed only by consolidated Crown corporations and other entities on an annual basis.

Table Summary

This table consists of four columns: Reconciliation of accrued benefit obligation, Pension benefits, Other future benefits and Total. The second column is split into two columns: Funded and Unfunded.

Reconciliation of accrued benefit obligation:
(in thousands of dollars)
Reconciliation of accrued benefit obligation: Pension benefits Other future benefits Total
Funded Unfunded
Accrued benefit obligation, beginning of year 20 20,000 48,000 2,000 70,000
Prior period restatement (if applicable) 23       0
Accrued benefit obligation, beginning of year - restated 20,000 48,000 2,000 70,000
Row Group
Benefits earned, net of employee contributions (+) 1,050 2,000 100 3,150
Employee contributions (+) 500 1,000   1,500
Interest on average accrued benefit obligation (+) 1,000 1,500 50 2,550
Benefits paid (-) -1,050 -3,000 -100 -4,150
Administrative expenses (+)       0
Net transfers from or (to) other plans (+/-)       0
Plan amendments (+/-) 50     50
Curtailments (+/-)   500   500
Settlements (-)       0
Actuarial (gains) or losses (+/-) 1,000 2,500 75 3,575
Accrued benefit obligation, end of year 22,550 52,500 2,125 77,175
Measured under (International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)/Canadian Public Sector Accounting Standards (PSAS)) accounting standard (specify) (specify) (specify)  
Table Summary

This table consists of four columns: Reconciliation of plan assets, Pension benefits, Other future benefits and Total. The second column is split into two columns: Funded and Unfunded.

Reconciliation of plan assets:
(in thousands of dollars)
Reconciliation of plan assets: Pension benefits Other future benefits Total
Funded Unfunded
Value of investments, beginning of year 20 22,500 XXXX   22,500
Prior period restatement (if applicable) 23   XXXX   0
Value of investments, beginning of year - restated 22,500 XXXX 0 22,500
Actual return on investments:        
Expected return on average value of investments (+) 1,125 XXXX   1,125
Actuarial gains or (losses) (+/-) 21 -500 XXXX   -500
Employer contributions (+) 100 XXXX   100
Employee contributions (+) 100 XXXX   100
Benefits paid (-) -1,050 XXXX -100 -1,050
Net transfers from or (to) other plans (+/-)   XXXX   0
Settlements (-)   XXXX   0
Termination payments (-)   XXXX   0
Value of investments, end of the year 22,275 XXXX -100 22,175
Contributions receivable from Employees for past service buyback elections (+)   XXXX   0
Plan assets, end of year 22,275 XXXX -100 22,275
Measured under (market-related value/fair value) (specify)   (specify)  
Additional information:
(Note that if a cell in this section of the CC Form is not applicable or the value is nil, please write N/A or insert the number "0" to indicate that the requested information has not been overlooked.)
Fair Value of investments, end of year 22,000 XXXX   22,000
Actual rate of return on investments 22 5%
Accounting policy:
If Plan assets are measured using market-related value: 
Smoothing period (N/A if not applicable)  
Limit over which excess amount is recognized immediately (write N/A if not applicable)  
Amortization of actuarial gains/losses: 24 Name of plan Applicable accounting policy Yes/No
Corridor approach    
Amortization period:    
Expected Average Remaining Service Life (EARSL)
Average remaining life expectancy (ARLE)
(Specify other type of period)
Commence in period of actuarial gains or losses    
Commence in period following actuarial gains or losses    

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