Form CC‑5b

Receiver General Manual - Chapter 18 - Top of the page navigation

ABC Corporation Limited
Annual supplementary information
Supplementary information on capital assets
March 31, 2017

To be completed by all Crown corporations and other reporting entities on an annual basis.

List capital assets administered on behalf of the Government, a Minister, or any government organization, for which the cost or part of the cost is not recorded in your financial statements (and the cost is above $1,000,000).
Provide particulars in the table below for any recorded portion of costs of the asset and any unrecorded costs which are known.

Table Summary

This table consists of five columns: Description of asset, Asset owner, Recorded original cost, Recorded net book value and Unrecorded cost. The last column is split into two columns: Estimated cost (if available) and Estimated net book value.

(in thousands of dollars)
Description of asset Asset owner Recorded original cost Recorded net book value Unrecorded cost
Estimated cost
(If available)
Estimated net book value
Building A, Sussex Drive PWGSC 0 0    

To be completed only by consolidated Crown corporations and other entities on an annual basis.

  1. List capital assets which were recorded at a value other than the original cost of acquisition by the Government. For example, assets that were transferred from the Government at market value.
    Provide particulars in the table below for assets with a net book value greater than $1,000,000.

    Table Summary

    This table consists of four columns: Description, Recorded market value, Net book value and Original cost. The last column is split into two columns: Estimated cost (If available) and Estimated net book value.

    (in thousands of dollars)
    Description Recorded market value Net book value Original cost
    Estimated cost
    (If available)
    Estimated net book value
    Building C, Wellington Street 2,000 1,500 1,700 1,400
  2. List any contribution in the form of tangible capital assets received during the year. Provide a description of the nature and amount of the contributed tangible capital assets received in the period and recognized in the financial statements, as well as the detail of the source (i.e. internal or external to government reporting entity).

    Only required where the estimated fair market value of the asset is greater than $1,000,000.

    Table Summary

    This table consists of three columns: Description, Estimated fair market value and Source.

    (in thousands of dollars)
    Description Estimated fair market value Source
    Equipment - Informatics (Hardware) 5,000 National Defence
  3. List tangible capital assets that are recognized at nominal value. Provide the nature and use of such assets.

    Table Summary

    This table consists of two columns: Description and Use of assets

    Description Use of assets
    Paintings and other Works of Art Display

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