Form CC‑5c

Receiver General Manual - Chapter 18 - Top of the page navigation

ABC Corporation Limited
Annual supplementary information
Amortization policies, works of art or similar items
March 31, 2017

To be completed only by consolidated Crown corporations and other entities on an annual basis.

Table Summary

This table consists of three columns: Asset type, Amortization policy and Useful life or rate (as applicable). The rows are divided into six groups: Tangible capital assets, Buildings and works, Machinery and equipment, Vehicles, Leasehold improvements and Assets under capital leases.

(in thousands of dollars)
Asset type Amortization policy Useful life or rate (as applicable)
Tangible capital assets
Buildings and works
Buildings Straight-line 35 years
Works and infrastructure    
Machinery and equipment
Machinery and equipment Straight-line 10 years
Informatics equipment - hardware Straight-line 5 years
Software Straight-line 5 years
Other equipment (including furniture) Straight-line 10 years
Ships and boats    
Motor vehicles (non-military) Straight-line 5 years
Other vehicles    
Leasehold improvements
Leasehold improvements Straight-line Lease term
Assets under capital leases:
Assets under capital leases Straight-line Lease term

Describe the nature of museum collections, works of art, historical treasures or other similar items held by your organization.

Table Summary

This table consists of two columns: Work of art or similar items description and Net book value.

(in thousands of dollars)
Work of art or similar items description 54 Net book value 55
Collection of prints, photos and posters 15
Total (Agrees with CC‑5) 15

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