Form CC‑6

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ABC Corporation Limited
Supplementary information: borrowings
Cumulative from April 1 to
March 31, 2017

To be completed by all Crown corporations and other reporting entities on a quarterly basis.

Table Summary

This table consists of five columns: Borrowings, Borrowings guaranteed by the Government, Other borrowings, Accrued interest and Total.

Borrowings from third parties, including accrued interest
(in thousands of dollars)
Borrowings Borrowings guaranteed by the Government Other borrowings Accrued interest Total
Balance as at April 1 54,800   1,200 56,000
New borrowings and other credits 19,400     19,400
Repayments and other charges 6,700   387 7,087
Balance at end of period (Agrees to CC‑2) 67,500 0 813 68,313

(The following tables are to be reported on an annual basis only)

Table Summary

This table consists of three columns: During year ending March 31, Detail breakdown - To be completed by Consolidated entities only and Total (To be completed by all). The second column is split into 3 columns: Instrument #1, Instrument #2 and Instrument #3. Instrument column from #1 to #3 and the Total column are split into 2 columns each: Amounts and Average interest rate.

Maturity of borrowings from third parties, including accrued interest
Minimum borrowing repayments commencing with the next fiscal year
(in thousands of dollars)
During year ending March 31 Detail breakdown - To be completed by Consolidated entities only Total (To be Completed by All)
Instrument #1 Instrument #2 Instrument #3 Total
Amounts $ Average interest rate % Amounts $ Average interest rate % Amounts $ Average interest rate % Amounts $ Average interest rate %
Year 1 (Next fiscal year) 3,000 8.50 4,000 8.50     7,000 8.50
Year 2 3,000 8.50 4,000 8.50     7,000 8.50
Year 3 3,000 8.50 4,000 8.50     7,000 8.50
Year 4 3,000 8.50 4,000 8.50     7,000 8.50
Year 5 2,500 8.50 3,500 8.50     6,000 8.50
Subsequent years 16,000 8.50 17,500 8.50     33,500 8.50
Accrued interest     813       813  
Total (Agrees to CC‑2) 30,500 8.50 37,813 8.50     68,313 8.50
Table Summary

This table consists of three columns: Currency of borrowing, Detail breakdown - To be completed by Consolidated entities only and Total (To be completed by All). The second column is split into 3 columns: Instrument#1, Instrument#2 and Instrument#3. Instrument column from #1 to #3 and the Total column are split into 2 columns each: Amounts and Canadian money Equivalent value as at March 31.

Currency of borrowings from third parties including accrued interest
(in thousands of dollars)
Currency of borrowing Detail breakdown - To be completed by Consolidated entities only Total (To be completed by All)
Instrument #1 Instrument #2 Instrument #3 Total
Amounts Cdn $ Equivalent value as at March 31 Amounts Cdn $ Equivalent value as at March 31 Amounts Cdn $ Equivalent value as at March 31 Amounts Cdn $ Equivalent value as at March 31
Canadian $     37,813 37,813     37,813 37,813
American $ 25,000 30,500         25,000 30,500
Pound             0 0
Yen             0 0
Deutsche Mark             0 0
Australian $             0 0
Euro             0 0
Netherland Guilder             0 0
New Zealand $             0 0
South African Rand             0 0
Sweden Krona             0 0
Norway Krone             0 0
Hong Kong $             0 0
European Currency Unit             0 0
Other (specify):

            0 0
Canadian dollar borrowing 0   37,813   0   37,813
Total Canadian dollar equivalent value 30,500   0   0   30,500
Total Borrowings (Agrees to schedule (b) above) 30,500   37,813   0   68,313
Table Summary

This table consists of two columns: Financial instruments and Description of terms and conditions associated with the subsequent column.

Terms and conditions by borrowing instrument - To be completed by consolidated Crown corporations and other entities.
(in thousands of dollars)
Instrument #1  
Instrument #2  
Instrument #3  

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