Roles and responsibilities

Roles and Responsibilities
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These roles and responsibilities are only applicable to departments and agencies serviced by the Public Service Pay Centre


The Consolidation of Pay Services Project (Phase 1) transferred pay services from participating organizations to the Public Services and Procurement Canada's Public Service Pay Centre in Miramichi, New Brunswick. Phase 1 involved the consolidation of pay administration services from organizations using, and planning to use, the endorsed Government of Canada Human Resources Management System (PeopleSoft). Phase 1 began in 2012.

The Pay Modernization Project is undertaking the replacement of the legacy regional pay system through the implementation of a modern COTS-Based system (pay system). The new pay system, Phoenix, will commence implementation in the Pay Centre in February 2016 and will roll out to the Pay Centre departments in two phases, February and April 2016.


To support the establishment of the Pay Centre in 2012, a roles and responsibilities table was created. This document was intended to provide a high level reference guide for the Pay Centre and departments around roles and responsibilities related to pay events processed by the Pay Centre. With the implementation of Phoenix, the points of interaction and certain roles and responsibilities between the Pay Centre and departments will require updating. The purpose of this document is to provide a revised roles and responsibilities table outlining select roles and responsibilities once Phoenix is implemented in the Pay Centre.

The roles and responsibilities table document is not intended to reflect all roles or associated responsibilities or accountabilities, nor is it intended to replace the detailed activities included in the Pay Centre desktop procedures. Since this document is not intended to replace desktop procedures it does not address all transactions and will not specify all responsibilities or accountabilities. The status of the document is evolving and it will continue to be updated.

Audit requests

Audit requests Description

From time to time departments are subject to internal audits related to pay administration. The proposed auditing and reporting approach using Service Organization Controls reporting will provide member departments with comfort on the design and operating effectiveness of Public Services and Procurement Canada Pay Centre controls. It is assumed that this reporting format will address the majority of audit related requests.

In the event that audit requests cannot be addressed through Service Organization Controls reporting, the departments will require the support of the Pay Centre to complete the audit request.

Note: Assume that any audit requirements would be communicated to the department, the manager and finance separately.

Audit requests Human resources

Human resources is responsible for the following:

  • Identifying a single point of contact for the specific audit request
  • Coordinating requests for information from the Pay Centre
  • Communicating, in writing, the specific audit requirements (information required and timeline) to the managers of Pay Operations of the Pay Centre
  • Keeping the Pay Centre up to date on any new developments related to pay information requirements to support the audit
  • Sharing outcomes and recommendations from the audit that may impact the Pay Centre, including any pay transaction corrections (submitted through the normal channels with required paperwork)

Audit requests Finance

Finance is responsible for the following:

  • Identifying a single point of contact for the specific audit request
  • Coordinating requests for information from the Pay Centre
  • Communicating, in writing, the specific audit requirements (information required and timeline) to the managers of Pay Operations of the Pay Centre
  • Keeping the Pay Centre up to date on any new developments related to pay information requirements to support the audit
  • Sharing outcomes and recommendations from the audit that may impact the Pay Centre, including any pay transaction corrections (submitted through the normal channels with required paperwork)

Audit requests Pay Centre

The Pay Centre is responsible for the following:

  • Ensuring compliance with Service Organization Controls reporting requirements
  • Responding to ad-hoc audit requests and informing departments if the audit request is covered under Service Organization Controls reporting or whether an ad-hoc audit is required

If the audit request is not covered under Service Organization Controls reporting the Pay Centre will do the following:

  • Inform departments if request is not actionable within desired timeframe.
  • Provide departments with copies of the documents and information that the Pay Centre maintains
  • Prepare copies of the requested material and deliver them in a secure fashion to specified departmental contact

Authentication of departmental signatures for paper requests transmitted to Pay Centre, such as Section 34 (Financial Administration Act) signatures and human resources delegated signatures (trusted source)

Authentication of departmental signatures for paper requests transmitted to Pay Centre, such as Section 34 (Financial Administration Act) signatures and human resources delegated signatures (trusted source) Description

The trusted source is responsible for ensuring that signatures on paper requests transmitted from a departments to Pay Centre are authenticated, for example:

  • the Section 34 signature is authenticated for all requests affecting financial results and/or manager’s budget before it is sent to the Public Service Pay Centre
  • the human resources delegated signature is authenticated for all requests being submitted by departments (excluding direct from employees)

Note: Paper requests submitted directly by employees to the Pay Centre, without any departmental signatory requirements are excluded from the trusted source scope.

Authentication of departmental signatures for paper requests transmitted to Pay Centre, such as Section 34 (Financial Administration Act) signatures and human resources delegated signatures (trusted source) Manager

The trusted source within a department may be a manager or an employee working in human resources or finance. The trusted source must be named on the pay action request form that is submitted to the Pay Centre (although the pay action request form can be forwarded by someone other than the Trusted source as long as the name of a trusted source appears on the form).

Departments are responsible for ensuring that the Pay Centre has a current trusted source contact list for their organization.

Authentication of departmental signatures for paper requests transmitted to Pay Centre, such as Section 34 (Financial Administration Act) signatures and human resources delegated signatures (trusted source) Human resources

The trusted source within a department may be a manager or an employee working in human resources or finance. The trusted source must be named on the pay action request form that is submitted to the Pay Centre (although the pay action request form can be forwarded by someone other than the Trusted source as long as the name of a trusted source appears on the form).

Departments are responsible for ensuring that the Pay Centre has a current trusted source contact list for their organization.

Authentication of departmental signatures for paper requests transmitted to Pay Centre, such as Section 34 (Financial Administration Act) signatures and human resources delegated signatures (trusted source) Finance

The trusted source within a department may be a manager or an employee working in human resources or finance. The trusted source must be named on the pay action request form that is submitted to the Pay Centre (although the pay action request form can be forwarded by someone other than the Trusted source as long as the name of a trusted source appears on the form).

Departments are responsible for ensuring that the Pay Centre has a current trusted source contact list for their organization.

Authentication of departmental signatures for paper requests transmitted to Pay Centre, such as Section 34 (Financial Administration Act) signatures and human resources delegated signatures (trusted source) Pay Centre

For any transaction submitted via paper request and requiring trusted source authentication, the Pay Centre will review all incoming pay action request form forms to ensure that the trusted source appearing on the form corresponds to an identified departmental trusted source contact.

Benefits (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.01.03)

Benefits (Common Human Resources Business Process) 4.01.03) Description

Benefits refer to health, medical, insurance and pension benefits that result in deductions from pay. Examples of benefits:

  • Public Service Health Care Plan
  • Public Service Dental Care Plan
  • Provincial Medical
  • Disability Insurance/Long Term Disability
  • Public Service Management Insurance Plan
  • Supplemental Death Benefit
  • Public Service Pension Plan

Benefits (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.01.03) Employee

The employee is responsible for enrolling in and amending their Public Service Health Care Plan coverage using Phoenix self-service.

In certain circumstances the employee can’t make changes using Phoenix self-service to their Public Service Health Care Plan coverage (e.g. while on unpaid leave or unable to access self-service). In these scenarios, the Pay Centre will perform any actions on behalf of the employee (an employee who is unable to access self-service must have made reasonable efforts to do so prior to requesting assistance from the Pay Centre).

Eligible employees are automatically enrolled in Public Service Dental Care Plan.

The employee is responsible for sending any required forms by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

The employee is responsible for sending the appropriate forms for enrollment in any voluntary insurance plans (or other benefits not available for enrollment through Phoenix self-service) by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

Once eligibility has been confirmed by the Pay Centre, eligible employees are responsible for sending the completed Public Service Pension Plan enrolment form by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

Benefits (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.01.03) Pay Centre

The Pay Centre is responsible for enabling employee self-service with respect to the Public Service Health Care Plan.

The Pay Centre is responsible for the following activities with respect to in Benefits:

  • Verify eligibility for Insurance plans
  • Provide access with “Waive” in the “Coverage Election” for Public Service Health Care Plan
  • Start the registration to the applicable insurance plans or change the information regarding the enrolment in Phoenix
  • Start, change or stop enrolment in other benefits in Phoenix when the relevant documents are received
  • Determine eligibility for employees and ensure that eligible employees complete the Public Service Pension Plan enrolment form. One than needs to process enrolment in Phoenix and send the forms to the Pension Centre

Insurance Plans

The Pay Centre is responsible for sending the information to the Insurer on the employee’s behalf.

Health Coverage

The Pay Centre is responsible for correcting errors which may occur in employee coverage during transfers in to the client departmenst.

The Pay Centre responsible for communicating with Sun Life Financial regarding errors and initiating any data corrections.

Canada Savings Bonds

Canada Savings Bonds Description

The Payroll Savings Program allows employees to contribute to a Canada Savings Bonds payroll savings plan at their place of work through automatic payroll deductions via Canada Savings Bonds online services.

All departments and organizations now participate in the campaign through the Canada Savings Bonds Online website. Therefore, paper applications are no longer required.

Departmental campaign directors will provide their employees with an Organization Identification to access the website. Employees must log in using the Identification number of the department or organization through which they are being paid. Employees who have already used the website will also require their client Identification and password to access the site. Once logged in, employees must provide their current pay office and paylist numbers. This information can be found in the upper left corner of their most recent statement of earnings (pay stub).

All changes will be made effective for the first pay in December.

Canada Savings Bonds Employee

Employees are responsible for registering online to the Canada Savings Bonds website and following the step by step instructions located in the employee How-to Guide found on the Government of Canada Savings Bonds website at Government of Canada Savings Bonds.

There are three different situations which may apply to the employee:

  1. Employees actively contributing to the payroll savings plan but new to Online services will go to Canada Savings Bonds Employees and select Canada Savings Bonds Online Services
  2. Employees who have never contributed to the payroll Savings plan will go to Canada Savings Bonds Employees and select Canada Savings Bonds Online Services from the Login page, select Register
  3. Employees actively contributing to the payroll savings plan but want to amend their contributions will go to Canada Savings Bonds Employees and select Canada Savings Bonds Online Services, enter your client Identification and password, select login. employees can now view all existing plans from the My Plans screen

Canada Savings Bonds Pay Centre

Note: The online process will automatically update the employee’s first pay of December.

The Pay Centre will be responsible for correcting errors which may occur during the automatic transfer.

  • Where errors occur, the Pay Centre will be responsible for increasing the remaining deductions to compensate for any missed deduction amounts with a written request from the employee
  • The Pay Centre will stop or decrease existing deductions when provided with a written request from the employee
  • When contacted by employees who are unable to access online services, the Pay Centre will advise him or her on the paper form process

Change in employment

Change in employment Description

Change in employment could include the following pay events:

  • Acting Appointment
  • Change in Hours
  • Change in Status
  • Change in Tenure
  • Extension of Term
  • Promotion
  • Demotion
  • Job Reclassification
  • Conversion
  • Position Change
  • Early Termination of Acting, Term or Temporary Assignment
  • Deployment
  • Revert to Basic Pay

Change in employment Employee

If applicable, the employee is responsible for the following:

  • Signing Authoritative Document (e.g. letter of offer)
  • Providing information and all completed documents to applicable human resources staff, if requested
  • Taking the oath/affirmation (if applicable) (e.g. for a Casual employing changing status to a Term employee or indeterminate)
  • Record any Time and Labour entries against the appropriate employee record

Change in employment Manager

If applicable, the manager(s) with Section 34 authority and staffing delegation authority is responsible for the following:

  • Signing Authoritative Document (e.g. a letter of offer or an Acting may require a departmental acting form instead of a letter of offer)
  • Administering the oath/affirmation (if applicable) and ensuring it is signed and shared with human resources
  • All relevant tasks in Phoenix self-service, including reviewing or creating and assigning the employee’s work schedule in manager self-service in Phoenix

Change in employment Human resources

If applicable, human resources is responsible for preparing the Authoritative Document.

Human resources is responsible for verifying the Section 34 and staffing delegation authority is appropriate on the Authoritative Document.

Human resources is responsible for ensuring all required documentation including the Authoritative Document and if required, the oath/affirmation is received from the hiring manager.

Human resources is responsible for accurate and timely completion of job and personal information rows in PeopleSoft and verification of that data. human resources is responsible for ensuring that information was received successfully in Phoenix.

For departments using My Government of Canada Human Resources (v9.1), when processing an Acting, human resources is responsible for entering a leave of absence row in the substantive job row to place the employee’s substantive pay ‘on hold’.

For exceptions such as demotion, salary protection, job reclassification etc., human resources is responsible for collecting the Letter of offer and acceptance or any other authoritative documentation and sending by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type. The Section 34 approval signature must be authenticated by the trusted source prior to submission to the Pay Centre.

Change in employment Finance

Finance is responsible for the Section 33 authorization of the transaction in Phoenix.

If there are questions or concerns on a transaction requiring Section 33 authorization, finance will contact the Pay Centre in accordance with procedures.

Change in employment Pay Centre

The Pay Centre will check the trusted source list.

The Pay Centre is responsible for the following:

Upon notification of data entry in PeopleSoft:

  • Determining eligibility and enrolling employee in all benefits
  • Enrolling (granting access) employee for Time reporter in new record and unenrolling employee for Time reporter in existing record (acting appointment)

Upon receiving pay action request & any additional documents:

  • Inputting salary where salary is not at minimum in Phoenix
  • Establishing leave with pay entitlements

If applicable, The Pay Centre will provide the employee with the compensation benefits letter which will include information on all entitlements and benefits programs.

If an employee is promoted in an unrepresented position or excluded and would be entitled to the Public Service Management Insurance Plan, the Pay Centre has to send the documentation.

The Pay Centre will make the necessary changes if the employee is promoted and entitled to insurance paid by employee.

At the end of a term assignment, the Record of Employment is automatically initiated in Phoenix. The Pay Centre will have the ability to create or amend in exceptional circumstances.

Changes to personal data

Changes to personal data Description

Changes to personal data include the following:

  • Change of address
  • Change of name
  • Change in marital status

Changes to personal data Employee

For departments with self-service through PeopleSoft, the employee will input the required changes directly in the system.

For employees without self-service functionality through PeopleSoft, the employee is responsible for advising human resources in writing of the changes.

Changes to personal data Human resources

Human resources is responsible for accurate and timely completion of changes in address, marital status or name in PeopleSoft (for employees without self-service functionality). human resources is responsible for ensuring that information was received successfully in Phoenix.

Communicating with third parties

Communicating with third parties Description

Third parties may request Federal Government employee compensation related information, in certain circumstances.

Communicating with third parties Employee

The employee is responsible for providing written confirmation of their consent for the disclosure of part or all of their compensation information to the requesting individual by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including the Personal Record Identifier and case number on the form.

Communicating with third parties Human resources

Requests may include both human resources and compensation information. human resources is expected to transfer third parties to the Pay Centre for further assistance on compensation specific enquiries.

Communicating with third parties Pay Centre

The Pay Centre is responsible for dealing with all compensation related requests.

The Pay Centre is expected to notify human resources in the department that they have received a request from a third party requesting an employee’s compensation information (if applicable i.e. third party requests involving law offices or the Department of Justice).

The Pay Centre is expected to notify the employee regarding the request for information and to obtain the employee’s consent in writing prior to the release of any information, should the requested information not be mandated by law.

The Pay Centre is responsible for the identification and authentication of the third party prior to releasing any employee pay related information.

Critical error handling

Critical error handling Description

Critical error handling includes the identification and correction of all errors which will prevent the processing of pay, whether derived from data entered by either human resources or the Pay Centre.

Critical error handling Human resources

Human resources is responsible for ensuring that the Pay Centre has a current Departmental Point of Contact for Error Handling.

The Departmental Point of Contact will receive written notification from the Pay Centre of any errors identified by the Pay Centre that will prevent the processing of pay and that resulted from the input of data entered into PeopleSoft by human resources.

Human resources is responsible for ensuring critical error corrections are processed prior to the cut-off for the final off-cycle pay in order for the employee to receive pay that pay period.

Human resources must advise the Pay Centre once the error has been fixed.

Critical error handling Pay Centre

The Pay Centre is responsible for running the R38 Error Report in Phoenix daily. This report will identify critical errors that will prevent pay processing if not corrected.

The Pay Centre is responsible for reviewing the errors and identifying the source of the error (e.g. human resources data vs. data entered by the Pay Centre).

If the error derives from data entered by human resources, the Pay Centre is responsible for notifying the departmental point of contact on the same day.

The Pay Centre will receive notification that the error has been fixed by human resources.

If the error derives from data entered by the Pay Centre, the Pay Centre is responsible for ensuring this correction is processed prior to the cut-off for the final off-cycle pay in order for the employee to receive pay that pay period.

Deductions (excluding garnishments and set-off) (Common Human Resources Business Process Reference: 4.01.01)

Deductions (excluding Garnishments and Set-off) (Common Human Resources Business Process Reference: 4.01.01) Description

Tax deductions

Tax related deductions refer to the standard tax deductions from an employee’s pay and may include the following:

  • Federal tax
  • Provincial income tax

In addition, an employee may request additional tax withheld.

General deductions:

General deductions include both mandatory deductions (union dues) and voluntary deductions. Some examples include the following:

  • Charitable Donations: Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign
  • Parking

Deductions (excluding Garnishments and Set-off) (Common Human Resources Business Process Reference: 4.01.01) Employee

Tax deductions: Additional tax

If the employee would like additional tax withheld, they are responsible for submitting the relevant tax forms to either their human resources Department (as part of a Hire) or to the Pay Centre: Mail facility by encrypted email, fax or mail, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

General deductions (excluding union dues)

Employees may use Phoenix self-service to start, amend or stop certain voluntary deduction as of today or on a future date (refer to Phoenix self-service for a list of options).

For all other voluntary deductions, the employee is responsible for completing and submitting the relevant forms to the Pay Centre: Mail facility by encrypted email, fax or mail, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

General deductions: Union dues

If an employee wishes to object to the automatic deduction of union dues on the grounds of conscience, the employee is responsible for sending the following form to the departmental human resources officer:

  • Affidavit: Objection on grounds of conscience to union dues check–off (TBS/SCT 340-52E) form

Note: Some departments may have a different process and the employee should check with their human resources department before completing the form.

Deductions (excluding Garnishments and Set-off) (Common Human Resources Business Process Reference: 4.01.01) Human resources

Tax deductions: Additional tax

For a Hire, human resources is responsible for submitting any tax forms through a trusted source by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

General deductions: Union Dues

Human resources is responsible for entering the Bargaining Status Indicator, Union Code and Bargaining Unit Designator code to initiate the proper deduction of union dues for represented employees.

Human resources is responsible for sending the following form to Treasury Board Secretariat for approval, where required:

  • Affidavit: Objection on grounds of conscience to union dues check–off (TBS/SCT 340-52E) form

Once approval is received from Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, human resources would be responsible to update the Bargaining Status Field in PeopleSoft and provide the information through a trusted source by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

Deductions (excluding Garnishments and Set-off) (Common Human Resources Business Process Reference: 4.01.01) Finance

General deductions: Union Dues

Finance is responsible to issue cheques to unions when requisitioned by the Pay Centre for dues payable within 30 days.

The amount will be recovered from the employee until amount is paid in full. Please refer to overpayment event for details.

Deductions (excluding Garnishments and Set-off) (Common Human Resources Business Process Reference: 4.01.01) Pay Centre

The Pay Centre will check the trusted source list for any deductions submitted by human resources.

Tax deductions: Additional tax

The Pay Centre is responsible for making adjustments to the employee’s tax related deductions if they receive tax forms indicating additional tax related deductions (system defaults to basic claim amount).

General deductions: Other

The Pay Centre is responsible for starting, amending or stopping an employee’s deductions that are not available through Phoenix self-service

General deductions: Union Dues

The Pay Centre is responsible for ensuring the employee has paid the right dues to the right union in the right amount including requisitioning payments by departmental finance to unions and recovering dues paid on the employees’ behalf by the department.

The Pay Centre will send, by encrypted email or fax, Government of Canada 80-1 form to inform Finance that a payment must be made to the bargaining unit.

The Pay Centre will recover amounts owing from the employee (refer to recovery of overpayments)

Emergency salary advance

Emergency salary advance Description

Emergency salary advance must only be issued to employees:

  1. on initial appointment or re-appointment following a return from a leave without pay and have not received a pay within first 20 days of work.
  2. If a regular pay was not received or not paid at the proper substantive salary level or at regular hours worked for that pay period

An emergency salary advance request must be associated with a letter of offer (since it is done on the initial appointment or re-appointment) or manager confirmation following a period of leave without pay or it will not be processed by the Pay Centre.

The amount is not to exceed 60% of the employee gross pay entitlement.

The emergency salary advance is to be recovered from the first salary payment covering the period the emergency salary advance was issued for. Under no circumstance can the emergency salary advance be recovered over an extended period.

Emergency salary advance Employee

The employee can speak to their manager if they wish to request an emergency salary advance.

An emergency salary advance request must be associated with a letter of offer (since it is done on the initial appointment or re-appointment) or it will not be processed by the Pay Centre.

Employees do not need to accept an emergency salary advance if offered.

Emergency salary advance Manager

The manager is responsible for determining if an emergency salary advance is appropriate in accordance with the Directive on Terms and Conditions of employment.

The manager is responsible for obtaining approval for the emergency salary advance request following departmental procedures.

The manager is responsible for requesting the emergency salary advance in writing by sending the emergency salary advance request through a trusted source who will authenticate the manager’s signature, by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

Emergency salary advance Finance

Finance receives the Government of Canada 80-1 requisition from the Pay Centre and is responsible for the following:

  • Obtaining Section 34 authorization for the emergency salary advance (following departmental processes for sign off)
  • Issuing the emergency salary advance payment
  • Sending the signed Government of Canada 80-1 by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type
  • and including the Personal Record Identifier and case number on the form to set up the emergency salary advance payment recovery as soon as the emergency salary advance is issued to avoid an overpayment. The Government of Canada 80-1 must be authenticated by a trusted source prior to sending to the Pay Centre

Emergency salary advance Pay Centre

The Pay Centre will contact the employee to advise them when the first regular pay cheque will be available if it is expected beyond the service standards identified in the Treasury Board policy or relevant Terms and Conditions of employment.

The Pay Centre will check the trusted source list for any emergency salary advance requests.

The Pay Centre will calculate the emergency salary advance based on the manager’s request and the particulars of the hire or return from leave, and provide this information via a Government of Canada 80-1 requisition and supporting documentation to Finance including the case number.

Upon receipt of the signed Government of Canada 80-1 from Finance, the Pay Centre will set up the emergency salary advance payment recovery to avoid an overpayment.

Employee End Dates: For casual, term and student

Employee End Dates: For casual, term and student Description

Recording employee end dates in PeopleSoft when the employee is a casual, term and student.

Employee End Dates: For casual, term and student Human resources

Human resources is responsible for entering the initial employee record in the PeopleSoft.

Human resources is responsible for modifying the end date when notified by the manager in PeopleSoft. For extensions or early terminations to an end date, please refer to “Change of appointment”.

Employee End Dates: For casual, term and student Pay Centre

The pay Centre must determine if they have to stop benefits.

Entitlements (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.01.02)

Entitlements (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.01.02) Description

Entitlements are allowances that result in additions to basic pay. Entitlements could include the following:

  • Bilingualism Bonus
  • Statutory Holiday Premium
  • Vacation Pay Premium
  • Education Allowance
  • Maternity and Parental Allowance
  • Isolated Post Allowance (IPA)
  • Department and Classification Group Specific Allowances and Entitlements

For the purposes of the R & R table, entitlements do not include vacation leave payout. Refer to the Liquidate Leave event for information about vacation leave payouts.

Entitlements (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.01.02) Employee

Completing any required forms (e.g. Public Services and Procurement Canada 7631 for Isolated Post Allowance)

In the event that an employee declines receipt of an Entitlement, the employee must send notice by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

Entitlements (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.01.02) Manager

Confirm entitlements.

Ensure appropriate forms are completed such as the Public Services and Procurement Canada 7631 (Isolated Post Allowances).

Entitlements (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.01.02) Human resources

Human resources is responsible for providing employees with information about departmental processes for entitlements (e.g. on an Isolated Post Allowance, provide the employee with a comprehensive information package on the Isolated Posts and Government Housing Directive).

Human resources is responsible for ensuring all required documentation including the letter of offer and if required, the oath/affirmation of new employees is received from the hiring manager.

Human resources is responsible for accurate and timely completion of job and personal information rows in PeopleSoft and verification of that data. human resources is responsible for ensuring that information was received successfully in Phoenix. For example, the Official Language’s field determines if the employee is eligible for the bilingualism bonus.

Human resources is responsible for collecting any required documentation and sending to the trusted source for authentication of the Section 34 signature and then sending by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type. For example, the Public Services and Procurement Canada 7631 (Isolated Post Allowance) form.

Entitlements (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.01.02) Finance

Finance is responsible for the Section 33 authorization of the transaction in Phoenix.

If there are questions or concerns on a transaction requiring Section 33 authorization, finance will contact the Pay Centre in accordance with procedures.

Entitlements (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.01.02) Pay Centre

The Pay Centre will check the trusted source list.

The Pay Centre is responsible for confirming an employee’s eligibility for entitlements as identified in the letter of offer and when other authoritative documents are received (e.g. for an Isolated Post Allowance ensuring that the employee is an indeterminate and term of three months or more, including part-time working more than one-third of the schedules work week).

On receipt of authorizing document, the Pay Centre will enter data (pay transaction) for entitlements not derived automatically from human resources data (e.g. Isolated Post Allowance) into Phoenix.

The Pay Centre is responsible for adjusting any entitlements if applicable (adjusting entitlement to the bilingualism bonus if the employee has not worked 10 days in the month).

Extra duty pay

Extra duty pay Description

Extra duty pay refers to payments to employees for any hours worked beyond the regular hours defined in the employee’s schedule (i.e. overtime).

Extra duty pay will be processed through employee and manager self-service in Phoenix.

Extra duty pay Employee

Departments using Time & Labour Module in Phoenix

For departments that use the Time & Labour module in Phoenix self-service, employees must have enrolled in MyKey to access the self-service functionality.

It is the employees’ responsibility to record and save their time entries regularly in the timesheet page using Phoenix self-service. The entries should be made during the current pay period to avoid delays in getting paid. After Phoenix checks the time entries, they will be sent to the employee’s Section 34 manager for approval.

Some employees may not be able to access Phoenix self-service (due to lack of internet connection or a remote location). In this case, their Section 34 manager will be able to make entries on their behalf.

Departments not using Time & Labour Module in Phoenix

For departments that have not opted to use the Time & Labour module in Phoenix for some or all of their employees, the employees must submit their extra duty pay claim to their Section 34 manager.

Late Submission of extra duty pay

If extra duty pay is not submitted within 8 weeks of the overtime worked, the employee must complete an extra duty pay form and provide it to their Section 34 manager for entry.

Extra duty pay Manager

Departments using Time & Labour Module in Phoenix

It is the Section 34 manager’s responsibility to review and approve time entries for all employees they have Section 34 responsibility for.

When an employees is unable to access Phoenix self-service, a Section 34 manager will submit the extra duty pay on behalf of an employee. In addition, if the employee has not entered their extra duty pay within 8 weeks of overtime worked, they can enter the time in Phoenix self-service for up to 6 months of the overtime worked on behalf of the employee.

Departments not using Time & Labour Module in Phoenix

The Section 34 manager must approve the request for extra duty pay and provide the request to the Timekeeper.

Late Submission of extra duty pay (Greater than 6 months)

The Section 34 manager is responsible for signing the extra duty pay form and requesting authentication by the departmental trusted source. The extra duty pay form can then be submitted by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

Departments using Timekeeper Role in Phoenix

It the department’s responsibility to ensure that the Section 34 manager approves the request prior to its submission to the Timekeeper and to maintain the necessary records.

The department is required to sign a letter of attestation that the Timekeeper will only enter requests that have been approved for payment by the Section 34 manager.

The department must identify the individual(s) who will fill the role of Timekeeper. The department will establish its own internal procedures for requesting, approving and submitting data to the Timekeeper and for records maintenance and will communicate this procedure to employees, the Section 34 manager and financial officers (Section 33).

Extra duty pay Finance

Finance is responsible for the Section 33 authorization of the transaction in Phoenix.

If there are questions or concerns on a transaction requiring Section 33 authorization, finance will contact the Pay Centre in accordance with procedures.

Extra duty pay Pay Centre

Late Submission of extra duty pay

The Pay Centre will check the trusted source list

The Pay Centre is responsible for manually entering the late extra duty pay into Phoenix.

For lost or stolen cheques or direct deposit payments

For lost or stolen cheques or direct deposit payments Employee

The employee is responsible for notifying the Pay Centre if a cheque has either been lost or stolen or a direct deposit has not been received.

The employee is responsible for filling out and signing the following forms:

  • Public Services and Procurement Canada 535: Undertaking and indemnity: Lost cheque
  • Public Services and Procurement Canada 536: Direct deposit payment
  • Public Services and Procurement Canada 540: Affidavit

The employee must submit the completed forms to the Pay Centre including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

For lost or stolen cheques or direct deposit payments Finance

Finance is responsible for the Section 33 authorization of the transaction in Phoenix once the cheque/payment has been re-issued.

For lost or stolen cheques or direct deposit payments Pay Centre

The Pay Centre will be responsible to request a trace of the payment from regional pay office, and if trace shows that cheque/deposit has not been cashed or received in an employee’s account, then the Pay Centre will request the issuance of a duplicate cheque from the regional pay office (these cannot be issued by the Pay Centre).

The Pay Centre will be responsible for pre-populating the Public Services and Procurement Canada 535/536 and sending this document, along with the Public Services and Procurement Canada 540 to the employee for completion.

Garnishment and set-offs (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.01.06)

Garnishment and set-offs (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.01.06) Description

Garnishments and set-offs are deductions mandated by the Department of Justice or the Canada Revenue Agency.

Garnishment and set-offs (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.01.06) Finance

Finance is responsible for Section 34 and issuance of all garnishment payments as directed by the Court Order and Set-off payments as directed by Canada Revenue Agency and requisitioned by the Pay Centre.

Reconcile garnishment amount with accounts payable to the court.

When Finance receives notice from the Pay Centre, finance will obtain the appropriate Section 34 signature and issue cheques to third parties, as per the garnishment instructions.

Garnishment and set-offs (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.01.06) Pay Centre

The Pay Centre will receive notice of any Garnishments from the Department of Justice and notice of any set-offs from Canada Revenue Agency (Canada Revenue Agency will first provide this notice to Compensation Sector who in turn will provide this to the Pay Centre).

The Pay Centre is responsible for notifying Departmental Finance of Garnishment. There is no notification sent to Finance related to Statutory set-Off details.

The Pay Centre is responsible for entering the garnishment information into Phoenix. The amounts withheld for a Garnishment will be automatically calculated by Phoenix.

The Pay Centre will notify the employee about the garnishment deduction.

Grievance Support

Grievance Support Description

Labour relations representatives within departments may request support from the Pay Centre when resolving grievances or following the resolution of a grievance.

Grievance Support Human resources

The labour relations representative may contact the Pay Centre for the following:

  • Request information or support when resolving a grievance indicating the timeline for the response through a trusted source by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type
  • Request a follow-up action after a grievance has been resolved

Grievance Support Pay Centre

The Pay Centre will receive the grievance support request or the request to conduct an action following the resolution of a grievance from the labour relations representative within the department.

Note: The Pay Centre will only initiate requests that are received by a departmental labour relations representative

The Pay Centre will inform departments if the request is not actionable within the desired timeframe.

If the Pay Centre is responding to a grievance support request, the Pay Centre will prepare the requested information and will deliver it to the labour relations representative in a secure fashion.

Hire (Common Human Resources Business Process 3.05)

Hire (Common Human Resources Business Process 3.05) Description

Hire includes all new hires to the public sector. Examples include the following types of new hires:

  • Term: Part-time less than 3 months
  • Term: Part-time greater than 3months, less than 6 months
  • Term less than 3 months
  • Term greater than 3 months, less than 6 months
  • Term greater than 6 months
  • Seasonal or seasonal: Part-time
  • Indeterminate or indeterminate: Part Time
  • Senior exempt staff
  • Exempt staff
  • Executive Group
  • Governor in Council Appointees
  • Dual employment
  • Dual remuneration
  • Casual
  • Casual as required
  • Student
  • Student: Part-time
  • Part-time worker (12.5 hours and less hours worked)
  • As and when required

For information about an emergency salary advance, refer to the emergency salary advance event.

Hire (Common Human Resources Business Process 3.05) Employee

The new employee is responsible for the following:

  • Signing the letter of offer
  • Providing information and all required completed documents to human resources, as requested
  • Taking the oath (if required) from the departmental area responsible (this is not required for casual employees, part-time workers or for employees who are not employed under the Public Service Employment Act (i.e. some separate employers))
  • Providing Social Insurance Number to human resources
  • Completing the TD1 form and provincial tax form
  • Completing the employee questionnaire (including providing departmental email address)
  • Completing the direct deposit enrolment form (Public Services and Procurement Canada: 8437) (form is required in order to initiate first payment)
  • Enrolling or updating enrolment in MyKey (employee needs a valid government address, a Personal Record Identifier and his date of birth to register)
  • Establishing relationship with Section 34 manager in Phoenix self-service
  • Recording any time and labour entries against the appropriate employee record
  • For dual employment, advising the manager that they are on leave without pay from their substantive position

Hire (Common Human Resources Business Process 3.05) Manager

The manager(s) with Section 34 authority and staffing authority is responsible for the following:

  • Signing letter of Offer
  • Administering the oath/affirmation and ensuring it is signed and shared with human resources (if required)
  • Ensuring the employee has requested a myKEY
  • All relevant tasks in manager self-service in Phoenix, including reviewing or creating and assigning the employee’s work schedule

Hire (Common Human Resources Business Process 3.05) Human resources

Human resources is responsible for preparing the letter of offer for new employees.

Human resources is responsible for ensuring all required documentation including the letter of offer and if required, the oath/affirmation of new employees is received from the hiring manager.

Human resources is responsible for verifying and creating the employee Personal Record Identifier in the Central Index.

Human resources is responsible for accurate and timely completion of job and personal information rows in PeopleSoft and verification of that data. human resources is responsible for ensuring that information was received successfully in Phoenix. Examples include the following:

  • Start date
  • Valid Personal Record Identifier
  • Pay office and pay list
  • Location code
  • Official language field
  • Bargaining status, union code or bargaining unit designator code
  • End of term date or seasonal period(s)

Human resources is responsible for collecting the following documentation and sending through a trusted source by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

  • Letter of offer and acceptance (for exceptions only: e.g., salary above minimum, demotion, salary protection, conversion and reclassification, as well as certain allowances that may be specific to a given employee (e.g. Ab initio employee, Isolated Post Allowance) or any other authoritative documentation (e.g. Appointment letter)
  • The employee questionnaire
  • Completed TD1 form and provincial tax form and
  • Signed direct Deposit Form

Note: If the letter of offer and acceptance is required, the Section 34 approval signature must be authenticated by the trusted source prior to submission to the Pay Centre.

Note: The Direct Deposit enrolment form (PSPC-SPAC: 8437) is required in order to initiate first payment. For more information please refer to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Directive on Terms and Conditions of Employment Section 12.

If a request is received without all documents listed it will be rejected by the system automatically and returned to the sender. The sender will be required to resend all documents.

Hire (Common Human Resources Business Process 3.05) Finance

Finance is responsible for the Section 33 authorization of the transaction in Phoenix.

If there are questions or concerns about a transaction requiring Section 33 authorization, finance will contact the Pay Centre in accordance with procedures.

Hire (Common Human Resources Business Process 3.05) Pay Centre

The Pay Centre will check the trusted source list.

The Pay Centre will ensure all required documentation is with the hire.

The Pay Centre’s responsibilities include:

Upon notification of data entry in PeopleSoft:

  • Determining eligibility and enrolling employee in all benefits
  • Enrolling (granting access) employee for Time Reporter (including unenrolling in Time Reporter for dual employment)

Upon receiving Pay Action Request & required documents:

  • Entering any additional entitlements and benefits based on documents received, including applying additional tax in Phoenix as requested by employee
  • Inputting salary where salary is not at minimum in Phoenix
  • Initiating direct deposit
  • Calculating and recovering late pensionable earnings
  • Establishing leave with pay entitlements (including any adjustments required for a re-hire)

The Pay Centre will provide the employee with the compensation standard benefits letter which will include information on all entitlements and benefits programs.

Initiating and processing pay transaction requests for the purposes of Section 33 authorization

Initiating and processing pay transaction requests for the purposes of Section 33 authorization Description

This describes the generic process for determining whether documents need to be sent to Finance for section 33 authorization.

Initiating and processing pay transaction requests for the purposes of Section 33 authorization Employee

The initiator of the pay action request is responsible for determining if the pay action request is one that requires copies of the initiating documentation to be sent to Finance as part of the Section 33 authorization process and ensuring that these copies are sent to Finance.

Initiating and processing pay transaction requests for the purposes of Section 33 authorization Manager

The initiator of the pay action request is responsible for determining if the pay action request is one that requires copies of the initiating documentation to be sent to Finance as part of the Section 33 authorization process and ensuring that these copies are sent to Finance.

Initiating and processing pay transaction requests for the purposes of Section 33 authorization Human resources

The initiator of the pay action request is responsible for determining if the pay action request is one that requires copies of the initiating documentation to be sent to Finance as part of the Section 33 authorization process and ensuring that these copies are sent to Finance.

Initiating and processing pay transaction requests for the purposes of Section 33 authorization Finance

Departmental Finance is responsible for the following:

  • Identifying the transactions they want to receive copies of documentation and communicating this within the department
  • Conducting any reviews they deem necessary prior to providing Section 33 authorization for the pay transaction using the documentation provided by the pay action request initiator and conducting any post-processing reviews
  • Section 33 authorization of the transaction in Phoenix.
  • If there are questions or concerns on a transaction requiring Section 33 authorization, finance will contact the Pay Centre in accordance with procedures

Leave Management (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.02.01)

Leave Management (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.02.01) Description

Leave management is the maintenance of employee leave banks based on employee leave plan entitlements as per the Terms and Conditions of Employment and Collective Agreements and actual leave taken by the employee.

Leave Management (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.02.01) Employee

Employees are responsible for entering leave with pay in PeopleSoft self-service.

Leave Management (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.02.01) Manager

The employee’s manager or supervisor is responsible for approving leave with pay in PeopleSoft self-service.

Leave Management (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.02.01) Human resources

Human resources retains responsibility for maintaining leave banks for other leave systems administered by the department.

Leave Management (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.02.01) Pay Centre

The Pay Centre will be responsible for maintaining leave banks for employees in Government of Canada Human Resources Management System. Maintaining leave banks includes the following activities:

  • Updating leave balances to reflect leave transactions based on incoming approved pay actions, such as approved leave with pay and without pay, leave credits and adjustments in PeopleSoft and
  • Closing leave accounts when pay action requests are received of an employee’s permanent separation and upon entering the leave transaction to pay out unused leave entitlements in PeopleSoft

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Illness and Disability (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01)

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Illness and Disability (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Description

Disability Insurance and Long–Term Disability Insurance are compulsory government insurance plans designed to protect against loss of income due to long–term illness.

Disability Insurance is applicable to employees subject to collective bargaining and long–term disability for employees excluded or unrepresented by the collective bargaining process. Disability Insurance or long–term disability are compulsory plans for all eligible employees.

Refer to the Insurance Administration Manual to confirm all employees who are eligible for Disability Insurance or Long–term Disability.

Refer to the Plan member’s guide on Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat website.

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Illness and Disability (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Employee

The employee will submit a formal leave request to their manager (Government of Canada 178 or equivalent). If the employee is unable to complete the leave form, the delegated authority can complete on their behalf.

The employee will provide their medical certificate.

The employee is responsible for completing the following documents and sending by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type and case number on the form.

  • Agreement for the payment of Public Service Health Care Plan Contributions while on Leave Without Pay;
  • Cheques for cash payment of Public Service Health Care Plan (if applicable); and
  • If an employee chooses to cease the Public Service Health Care Plan deduction, written notification

Once the employee becomes eligible for either Disability Insurance or Long–term Disability, the employee will be responsible for completing the relevant form (depending on whether they are claiming Disability Insurance or Long–term Disability).

Disability Insurance Claim

For a Disability Insurance Claim, there are three separate forms, and the employee is responsible for ensuring the employee’s statement and the employer’s statement forms are completed and sent back to the Pay Centre: Mail Facility by encrypted email, fax or mail, including a pay action request form and including the Personal Record Identifier and case number on the form.

The employee must also complete Part 1 of the physician’s statement and then request it be completed by their physician who, in turn, will send it directly to Sun Life.

Long–term disability claim

For long–term disability claim, there are two separate forms to fill out such as the employee’s and physician’s statement. The employee must complete Part 1 of the declaration and request that Part 2 be completed by the attending physician and sent to Industrial Alliance.

It is the employee’s responsibility to ensure that completed forms and supporting documents be sent to the Insurer.

The employee is responsible for ensuring all sections are completed and sent back to the Pay Centre: Mail facility by encrypted email, fax or mail, including a pay action request form and including the Personal Record Identifier and case number on the form.

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Illness and Disability (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Manager

The delegated authority is responsible for signing the leave form and requesting authentication by the departmental trusted source (if the employee is on secondment, seek signature from home organization delegated authority).

The delegated authority can complete the leave form if the employee is unable to complete the form.

Once authenticated by a trusted source, the leave form can be submitted by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

The manager can provide a copy of the employee's job description upon request, by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

Disability Insurance Claim

The manager or direct supervisor will fill out the employer’s statement and return to the employee.

Long–term disability claim

The manager will fill out their portion of the long–term disability claim form and return to the employee.

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Illness and Disability (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Finance

Finance is responsible for the Section 33 authorization of the transaction in Phoenix.

If there are questions or concerns on a transaction requiring Section 33 authorization, finance will contact the Pay Centre in accordance with procedures.

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Illness and Disability (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Pay Centre

The Pay Centre will check the trusted source list for all leave without pay greater than 5 days.

Upon receipt of the leave form, the Pay Centre is responsible for contacting the employee and for sending the required Disability Insurance or long–term disability form for completion and will provide the compensation benefits letter.

The Pay Centre is responsible for entering the leave without pay into PeopleSoft (job data including expected return date and leave balances).

The Pay Centre will ensure all entitlements and benefits are updated as required in Phoenix.

Disability Insurance Claim

The Pay Centre is responsible for completing their relevant sections of the employer’s statement.

The Pay Centre is responsible for sending the following to Sun Life by fax:

  • The completed employee’s statement; and
  • The completed employer’s statement and signed by the manager or direct supervisor and a copy of the employee job description.

Long–term disability claim

The Pay Centre is responsible for completing their relevant sections of the long–term disability form.

The Pay Centre is responsible for sending the form to Industrial Alliance.

The Pay Centre will advise the relevant insurer if the employee becomes entitled to a retroactive salary revision, reclassification, etc.

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Maternity and Parental (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01)

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Maternity and Parental (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Description

Maternity and Parental leave is unpaid leave granted to an employee (male or female) for the purpose of caring for their new-born or adopted child.

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Maternity and Parental (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Employee

The employee is responsible for the following:

  • Providing a notice to the employer in advance of the birth or when the leave is intended to commence in accordance with the relevant Collective Agreement
  • Completing and signing the leave form (Government of Canada 178 or equivalent) and providing it to their delegated authority

Once the employee receives the benefit letter and related forms, they must collect and send the following documentation by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including the Personal Record Identifier and case number on the form:

  • Completed and signed Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plan agreement
  • Proof of application and receipt of Employment Insurance or Québec Parental Insurance Plan benefits in order to receive full maternity or parental benefits allowance
  • Agreement for the payment of Public Service Health Care Plan Contributions while on leave without pay (if applicable);
  • Cheques for cash payment of Public Service Health Care Plan (if applicable)
  • If an employee chooses to cease the Public Service Health Care Plan deduction, written notification
  • Option for advance payment form; and
  • QPIP employee Statement

If there is an amendment to original leave dates, the employee is responsible for notifying the manager if the original agreed upon leave dates have changed.

The employee is responsible for amending the leave form (Government of Canada 178) as required and providing to delegated authority for signature.

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Maternity and Parental (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Manager

The delegated authority is responsible for signing the leave form and requesting authentication by the departmental trusted source (if the employee is on secondment, seek signature from home organization delegated authority).

Once authenticated, the leave form can be submitted by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Maternity and Parental (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Finance

Finance is responsible for the Section 33 authorization of the transaction in Phoenix.

If there are questions or concerns on a transaction requiring Section 33 authorization, finance will contact the Pay Centre in accordance with procedures.

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Maternity and Parental (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Pay Centre

The Pay Centre will check the trusted source list for all leave without pay greater than 5 days.

Upon receipt of the leave form, The Pay Centre will provide the compensation standard benefits letter and any related forms to the employee.

The Pay Centre is responsible for entering the leave without pay into PeopleSoft (job data including expected return date and leave balances).

The Pay Centre will ensure all entitlements and benefits are updated as required in Phoenix.

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Other (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01)

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Other (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Description

Other types of leave without pay include the following:

  • Leave with income averaging
  • Pre-retirement transition leave
  • Self-funded Leave
  • Authorized leave without Pay
  • Suspension
  • Care of immediate family
  • Personal needs less than 3 months
  • Personal needs more than 3 months
  • Relocation of spouse
  • Education Leave
  • Greater than 5/3 year and pension opt-out

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Other (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Employee

The employee is responsible for filling out the appropriate form and submitting it to their manager:

  • Application form for Leave with Income Averaging (Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat 325-10)
  • Application form for Pre-Retirement Transition Leave (Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat 325-9E)
  • Application for Self-Funded Leave (Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat 330-109)
  • Leave Application Form (Government of Canada 178)

Once the employee receives the benefit letter and related forms, they must collect and send the following documentation by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including the Personal Record Identifier and case number on the form:

  • Agreement for the payment of Public Service Health Care Plan Contributions while on leave without pay (if applicable);
  • Cheques for cash payment of Public Service Health Care Plan (if applicable); and
  • If an employee chooses to cease the Public Service Health Care Plan deduction, written notification
  • Cheques for payment of Public Service Dental Care Plan. Refer to the Plan member booklet Government of Canada website

If there is an amendment to original leave dates, the employee is responsible for notifying the manager if the original agreed upon leave dates have changed.

The employee is responsible for amending the leave form (Government of Canada 178) as required and providing to the delegated authority for signature.

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Other (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Manager

Managers need to validate that the employee is eligible for entitlement (i.e. PRTL).

The delegated authority is responsible for signing the leave form and requesting authentication by the departmental trusted source (if the employee is on secondment, seek signature from home organization delegated authority)

Once authenticated, the leave form can be submitted by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

Delegated Authorities are responsible for contacting the Pay Centre if under exceptional circumstances there are changes to the leave arrangements.

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Other (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Finance

Finance is responsible for the Section 33 authorization of the transaction in Phoenix.

If there are questions or concerns on a transaction requiring Section 33 authorization, finance will contact the Pay Centre in accordance with procedures.

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Other (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Pay Centre

The Pay Centre will check the trusted source list for all leave without pay greater than 5 days.

Upon receipt of the leave form, the Pay Centre will provide the compensation standard benefits letter and any related forms to the employee.

The Pay Centre is responsible for entering the leave without pay into PeopleSoft (job data including expected return date and leave balances).

The Pay Centre will ensure all entitlements and benefits are updated as required in Phoenix.

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Workers Compensation (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01)

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Workers Compensation (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Description

The Government Employees Compensation Act provides for employment injury benefits (workers' compensation) to all federal government employees, including employees posted outside Canada, and employees locally engaged outside Canada who are injured in the course of their duties and are not covered under any local legislation. Industrial and occupational diseases are treated in the same way as work-related injuries.

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Workers Compensation (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Employee

The employee will complete the required Workers’ Compensation Board or Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail forms.

If the employee is unable to work, they can use their sick leave while waiting for Workers’ Compensation Board decision. If the employee doesn’t have sick leave available or uses up their sick leave they can request an advancement of additional sick leave.

If taking sick leave is not an option, the employee can request Leave Without Pay. For leave without pay of less than or equal to 5 days the employee follows the self-service process in Phoenix for Government of Canada Human Resources Management System departments and in the Absence Management module for My Government of Canada Human Resources.

For leave without pay of greater than 5 days, the employee will submit a formal leave request to their manager (Government of Canada 178 or equivalent). If the employee is unable to complete the leave form, the delegated authority can complete on their behalf.

The employee will receive notice of the Workers’ Compensation Board or Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail decision.

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Workers Compensation (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Manager

If the employee is unable to complete the form (i.e. hospitalization), the delegated authority can complete the Workers’ Compensation Board or Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail forms on behalf of the employee.

The delegated authority completes the supervisor portion of the Workers’ Compensation Board or Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail forms and sends the forms to the Pay Centre: Mail facility for completion of the salary information by encrypted email, fax or mail including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type. Once the Pay Centre completes the forms and sends back to the delegated authority, they must send to the departmental point of contact for Workers’ Compensation Board or Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail .

If the employee exhausts their sick leave, the delegated authority will advise the employee on leave available. The delegated authority can either approve advanced sick leave or Leave Without Pay.

If approving leave without pay of greater than 5 days, once authenticated by a trusted source, the leave form can be submitted by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

If the Workers’ Compensation Board or Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail is approved, the delegated authority ensures proper leave codes are used. employees must use their available sick leave credits pending the granting of this approval by the Workers’ Compensation Board or Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail .

Upon receipt of an approved employee claim, the delegated authority provides the required approvals to human resources.

The delegated authority must submit the approved Workers’ Compensation Board form via a trusted source by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

Should the total period of injury-on-duty leave granted to an employee with respect to an injury or illness reach 130 working days, a special departmental review in accordance with departmental procedures of the case should be carried out and a decision made as to whether or not the continued provision of such leave beyond this period is warranted.

If an extension is not granted, the appropriate regional office of Employment and Social Development Canada should be immediately notified of the date that injury-on-duty leave will terminate. Upon receipt of such notification, Employment and Social Development Canada will make the required arrangements for the disabled employee to receive Provincial Workers' Compensation payments from the date injury-on-duty leave ceases until the claim is settled.

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Workers Compensation (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Human resources

Department point of contact submits Workers’ Compensation Board or Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail forms to Employment and Social Development Canada who will receive and process claims and provide to the appropriate provincial authority.

Coordinate the return to work with the manager and the Workers’ Compensation Board or Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail caseworker assigned to the employee, when applicable.

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Workers Compensation (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Finance

Finance is responsible for the Section 33 authorization of the transaction in Phoenix.

If there are questions or concerns on a transaction requiring Section 33 authorization, finance will contact the Pay Centre in accordance with procedures.

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Workers Compensation (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Pay Centre

The Pay Centre will check the trusted source list for all leave without pay greater than 5 days.

Provide salary information for related Workers’ Compensation Board or Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail forms upon request.

Advise employee on leave options available as per collective agreement.

Upon receipt of a leave request form, the Pay Centre will perform the following actions:

  • Enter the leave without pay into PeopleSoft (job data including expected return date and leave balances)
  • Ensure all entitlements and benefits are updated as required in Phoenix
  • Provide the compensation standard benefits letter and any related forms to the employee

If the Workers’ Compensation Board or Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail is approved and the Pay Centre receives authorization, the Pay Centre will take the following actions:

  • Reinstate pay for the employee on Leave Without Pay
  • Enter leave without pay injury on duty into PeopleSoft
  • Update leave balances, the Pay Centre will convert sick leave (paid or without pay) to injury on duty leave
  • Advise Workers’ Compensation Board provincial boards if employee becomes entitled to a retroactive salary revision, reclassification, etc
  • Ensure all entitlements and benefits are updated as required in Phoenix
  • Provide the compensation benefits letter and any related forms to the employee
  • Complete any required adjustments on the employee’s T5

Leave without pay (less than or equal to 5 days) (Common Human Resources Business Process 7.04.04)

Leave without pay (less than or equal to 5 days) (Common Human Resources Business Process 7.04.04) Description

Leave without pay (less than or equal to 5 days) is entered into the system after approval is granted by the employee’s manager (with the exception of strike or suspension which do not require manager approval) and after the leave is actually taken.

Leave without pay (less than or equal to 5 days) (Common Human Resources Business Process 7.04.04) Employee

Departments using Time & Labour Module in Phoenix (Government of Canada Human Resources Management System Departments)

For departments that use the Time & Labour module in Phoenix self-service, employees must have enrolled in MyKey to access to self-service functionality.

Employees use Phoenix self-service to enter leave without pay of 5 consecutive days or less (after the leave is taken).

Some employees may not be able to access Phoenix self-service (due to lack of internet connection or a remote location). In this case, their Section 34 manager will be able to make entries on their behalf.

Departments not using Time & Labour in Phoenix

Some Government of Canada Human Resources Management System, departments have decided not to use the Time & Labour module in Phoenix for some or all of their employees. In this case, employees must submit their leave without pay of 5 consecutive days or less to their Section 34 manager.

Departments using My Government of Canada Human Resources

Employees in departments that use My Government of Canada Human Resources will enter leave without pay of 5 consecutive days or less in the Absence Management module of My Government of Canada Human Resources; these entries will update automatically Phoenix.

Late Submission of leave without pay (My Government of Canada Human Resources and Government of Canada Human Resources Management System Departments)

For departments using My Government of Canada Human Resources or Government of Canada Human Resources Management System, if the leave without pay of 5 consecutive days or less is not submitted within 8 weeks of the leave being taken, the employee must complete a leave form and provide it to their Section 34 manager or delegated manager for entry on their behalf.

Leave without pay (less than or equal to 5 days) (Common Human Resources Business Process 7.04.04) Manager

Departments using Time & Labour Module in Phoenix (Government of Canada Human Resources Management System Departments)

The Section 34 manager is responsible for authorizing entries in Phoenix manager self-service.

When an employees is unable to access Phoenix self-service, a Section 34 manager is required to enter the leave without pay on behalf of the employee in Phoenix manager self-service. In addition, if the employee has not entered their leave without pay within 8 weeks of the leave being taken, section 34 managers can enter the leave without pay for up to 6 months of the leave being taken on behalf of the employee.

Departments not using Time & Labour in Phoenix (Government of Canada Human Resources Management System Departments)

The Section 34 manager must approve the request for leave without pay and provide the request to the Timekeeper.

Departments using My Government of Canada Human Resources

The Delegated manager must approve the leave without pay of 5 consecutive days or less in the Absence Management module of My Government of Canada Human Resources. In addition, if the employee has not entered their leave without pay within 8 weeks of the leave being taken, the Delegated manager can enter the leave without pay for up to 6 months of the leave being taken on behalf of the employee.

Late Submission of leave without pay (My Government of Canada Human Resources and Government of Canada Human Resources Management System Departments)(Greater than 6 months)

The Section 34 manager or delegated manager is responsible for signing the leave form and requesting authentication by the departmental trusted source. The leave form can then be submitted by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

Leave without pay (less than or equal to 5 days) (Common Human Resources Business Process 7.04.04) Pay Centre

Departments using Government of Canada Human Resources Management System

The Pay Centre is responsible for entering the leave without pay into PeopleSoft (leave balances).

Late Submission of leave without pay (My Government of Canada Human Resources and Government of Canada Human Resources Management System Departments)

The Pay Centre will check the trusted source list.

The Pay Centre is responsible for entering the leave without pay into Phoenix and into PeopleSoft (leave balances).

Liquidate Leave (Mandatory) (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.02.02)

Liquidate Leave (Mandatory) (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.02.02) Description

In accordance with the provisions of applicable Collective Agreements, excess earned and unused vacation and compensatory leave will be paid to the employee in cash.

Liquidate Leave (Mandatory) (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.02.02) Employee

Employees who are requesting a reduction of tax withheld on lump-sum payments must provide the Pay Centre: Mail facility with the Letter of Authority from Canada Revenue Agency (and the Ministère du Revenu du Québec for the employee who works and resides in Quebec) along with the request (Government of Canada-178) by encrypted email, fax or mail, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

Payments issued with tax deducted will not be canceled solely for the purpose of withholding tax if the Letter of Authority is not received prior to the issuance of the payment.

Liquidate Leave (Mandatory) (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.02.02) Manager

According to information provided by human resources, the manager is responsible for reviewing mandatory information provided by human resources to determine if sufficient funds remain in their budget or request employees take some, or all, of the days in excess.

Once a decision has been made to pay out leave, the Section 34 manager must approve the payout.

Departments using Government of Canada Human Resources Management System

Once the payout has been approved, the Section 34 approval signature must be authenticated by the trusted source. The leave cash our request can then be forwarded to the Pay Centre: Mail facility for processing by encrypted email, fax or mail, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

Departments using My Government of Canada Human Resources

The leave cash out request will be entered by the Section 34 manager and approved in in My Government of Canada Human Resources and automatically uploaded to Phoenix.

Liquidate Leave (Mandatory) (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.02.02) Human resources

Based on the pending mandatory payouts, managers and employees will be advised in advance (e.g. 3 months) of the close of accounting period 12-2 on May 15 of each fiscal year, by human resources, of the over the maximum carry-over balance that will be liquidated.

Liquidate Leave (Mandatory) (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.02.02) Finance

Finance is responsible for the Section 33 authorization of the transaction in Phoenix.

If there are questions or concerns on a transaction requiring Section 33 authorization, finance will contact the Pay Centre in accordance with procedures.

Liquidate Leave (Mandatory) (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.02.02) Pay Centre

Departments using Government of Canada Human Resources Management System

The Pay Centre will check the trusted source list.

The Pay Centre will validate and update the leave balance against PeopleSoft data and then process the leave cash-out transaction in Phoenix.

Liquidate Leave (Voluntary) (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.02.02)

Liquidate Leave (Voluntary) (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.02.02) Description

Subject to the provisions of the applicable Collective Agreement, an employee may request to be paid in full or in part during a fiscal year for the following:

  • Accumulated compensatory leave and
  • Earned but unused vacation leave credits

Liquidate Leave (Voluntary) (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.02.02) Employee

Employees who are requesting a reduction of tax withheld on lump-sum payments must provide the Pay Centre: Mail facility with the Letter of Authority from Canada Revenue Agency (and the Ministère du Revenu du Québec for the employee who works and resides in Quebec) along with the request (Government of Canada-178) by encrypted email, fax or mail, including a pay action request form and including the Personal Record Identifier and case number on the form.

Payments issued with tax deducted will not be canceled solely for the purpose of withholding tax if the Letter of Authority is not received prior to the issuance of the payment.

Liquidate Leave (Voluntary) (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.02.02) Manager

According to the information provided by human resources, the Section 34 manager is responsible for approving any leave payouts.

Departments using Government of Canada Human Resources Management System

Once the payout has been approved, the Section 34 approval signature must be authenticated by the trusted source. The leave cash our request can then be forwarded to the Pay Centre: Mail facility for processing by encrypted email, fax or mail, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

Departments using My Government of Canada Human Resources

The leave cash out request will be entered by the Section 34 manager and approved in in My Government of Canada Human Resources and automatically uploaded to Phoenix.

Liquidate Leave (Voluntary) (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.02.02) Finance

Finance is responsible for the Section 33 authorization of the transaction in Phoenix.

If there are questions or concerns on a transaction requiring Section 33 authorization, finance will contact the Pay Centre in accordance with procedures.

Liquidate Leave (Voluntary) (Common Human Resources Business Process 4.02.02) Pay Centre

Departments using Government of Canada Human Resources Management System

The Pay Centre will check the trusted source list.

The Pay Centre will validate and update the leave balance against PeopleSoft data and process leave cash-out transaction in Phoenix.

Long service awards

Long service awards Description

Long service awards are provided to employees for their years of service in the public sector. This includes calculating and verifying long service awards.

Long service awards Employee

If an employee who is eligible for any long service awards has been overlooked by the department, the employee is responsible for advising the department’s Awards coordinator (or responsible party in the department) if eligible for any long service awards.

Long service awards Manager

Manager is responsible for advising department’s Awards coordinator (or responsible party in the department) that employees are eligible for any long service awards.

Long service awards Human resources

Human resources is responsible for conducting the initial calculation of Long Service Award dates (using available departmental PeopleSoft data)

Human resources may request to have the Pay Centre validate dates and calculations (sending the information to be validated), as well as to identify any specific details regarding type of service to be validated (if applicable).

Long service awards Pay Centre

The Pay Centre will validate service dates and long service calculations using the department’s PeopleSoft data, Phoenix data and file review (if required).

The confirmation or additional information will be provided to the human resources contact.

Performance pay (Common Human Resources Business Process 5.03.01)

Performance pay (Common Human Resources Business Process 5.03.01) Description

Performance pay is only awarded to an employee in an appointed position.

Performance pay Plans include the following:

  • Executives and non-executives
  • Governor in Council appointees
  • Leadership development plan
  • Upper level management

Performance pay (Common Human Resources Business Process 5.03.01) Human resources

The department is responsible for the following:

  • Determining if the individual is eligible for the performance pay awarded
  • Providing a signed letter of notice with the applicable performance pay rate/amount and a spreadsheet to the trusted source to authenticate the Section 34 signature and sending the necessary information to process the performance pay by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type

Performance pay (Common Human Resources Business Process 5.03.01) Finance

Finance is responsible for the Section 33 authorization of the transaction in Phoenix.

If there are questions or concerns on a transaction requiring Section 33 authorization, finance will contact the Pay Centre in accordance with procedures.

Performance pay (Common Human Resources Business Process 5.03.01) Pay Centre

The Pay Centre will check the trusted source list.

If missing information regarding the employee, human resources will be contacted.

The Pay Centre will process the transaction in Phoenix.

Recovery of overpayment

Recovery of overpayment Description

The Receiver General for Canada has authority to recover overpayment from employee due to administrative error or if an unearned payment is made.

The following are examples that may be overpaid or paid in advance and need to be recovered:

  • Acting pay
  • Entitlements
  • Allowances
  • Recovery of pension arrears
  • Transition payment on terminations
  • Salary advances such as vacation advance or emergency salary advance

Recovery of overpayment Employee

The employee is responsible for repayment.

For an overpayment identified by the Pay Centre through a query in Phoenix, the employee will receive a notification from the Pay Centre that an overpayment has been identified and the amount to recover is greater than 10% of the gross pay.

If the amount to recover is less than 10% of the gross pay, the funds will be automatically recovered from first available funds.

If the amount to recover is greater than 10% of the gross pay and the full and immediate amount imposes a financial hardship, the employee has 10 business days to indicate their intent to file a claim of financial hardship to the Pay Centre: May facility by encrypted email, fax or mail, including a pay action request form and including the Personal Record Identifier and case number on the form.

If no claim of financial hardship is made the overpayment will be recovered from the first available funds.

If employee applies for financial hardship, they are responsible for providing the required information to their manager.

For an overpayment identified in the department but not reported by Finance to the Pay Centre prior to the termination of that employee, the employee will be responsible for providing a voluntary payment once contacted by the Pay Centre.

Recovery of overpayment Manager

The delegated authority is responsible for authorizing the employee’s hardship request.

The delegated authority is responsible for reviewing an employee’s hardship request and determining if additional time is required to process the request.

If delegated authority authorization is received, the hardship request is sent to the departmental authority for approval.

Upon receipt of authorization from delegated authority and departmental authority approval, the delegated authority Resources is responsible for sending the hardship request to finance.

The delegated authority will work with the employee and finance to establish a repayment schedule. Either the manager or finance will send the repayment schedule via a trusted source who is responsible for authenticating the delegated authority signature to the Pay Centre: Mail facility by encrypted email, fax or mail, including a pay action request form and including the Personal Record Identifier and case number on the form.

If the hardship request is rejected, the delegated authority is responsible for informing the employee and the Pay Centre.

Recovery of overpayment Human resources

If the hardship request is approved, human resources is responsible for working with the delegated authority, employee and Departmental Finance to establish a repayment schedule.

Recovery of overpayment Finance

Finance is responsible for the following:

  • If the hardship request is approved, working with the employee, delegated authority and human resources to establish a repayment schedule and provide this information to the trusted source who is responsible for authenticating the authorization on the hardship request and then sending this information to the Pay Centre: Mail facility by encrypted email, fax or mail, including a pay action request form and including the Personal Record Identifier and case number on the form

Finance is responsible for pursuing collection action on overdue accounts (for example where sufficient funds were not available on a separation) in accordance with the policy and guidelines on the collection of overdue accounts.

Recovery of overpayment Pay Centre

The Pay Centre will check the trusted source list.

The Pay Centre is responsible for running the R19 Report in Phoenix to identify overpayments.

The Pay Centre is responsible for notifying the employee that an overpayment has been identified (via email or mail) with a copy to Departmental Finance and providing the case number to the employee if the amount to recover is greater than 10% of the gross pay. The Pay Centre will also include instructions for the employee to work with their departmental delegated authority if they need to file a claim for financial hardship.

Phoenix will automatically recover the overpayment from the first available funds 10 business days after notification unless a claim of financial hardship is received within this time period (in which case, the Pay Centre will put the case on hold).

When the Pay Centre receives an approved and authorized claim of financial hardship, the Pay Centre is responsible for entering the repayment schedule.

In cases where there is no government payment to recover from the Pay Centre will contact the person to solicit a voluntary payment of any amount still owing. If the person does not respond after 30 days an overpayment: final request letter will be sent with a copy to the person’s former Department of Finance. This situation also applies when Finance does not notify the Pay Centre of overpayments identified in the department prior to the termination of an employee.

The Pay Centre should request payment by certified cheque or postal money order. The Pay Centre cash the cheque and notify Finance that the payment has been received.

Note: If the overpayment is not yet recovered by the organization and is reported on the form Termination/Retirement Information: PSPC-SPAC 2386, the Government of Canada Pension Centre may recover the debt from pension payments where possible. This form is sent by the Pay Centre as part of the Termination procedures to the Pension Centre.

Responding to access to information or privacy requests

Responding to access to information or privacy requests Description

The Access to Information Act provides Canadian citizens and permanent residents, all individuals as well as all corporations present in Canada, with the right of access to records under the control of a government institution subject to the Access to Information Act.

The Privacy Act provides Canadian citizens and permanent residents with a right of access to and correction of personal information about themselves that is under control of a government institution.

All Access to Information or Privacy requests are managed by departmental Access to Information or Privacy Coordinators which are listed on the Treasury Board website. The Coordinators sit in the Access to Information or Privacy Office but are responsible for an individual department.

The Access to Information or Privacy Coordinators reach out to the relevant Office of Primary Interest within their department. The Office of Primary Interest is responsible for reviewing the request and providing any requested information to the Access to Information or Privacy Coordinators in accordance with either the Access to Information Act or Privacy Act.

The Office of Primary Interest may reach out to other areas within their department to assist in collecting the relevant information, including managers, human resources, Finance and in the case of Public Services and Procurement Canada, the Pay Centre.

Responding to access to information or privacy requests Employee

If an employee wishes to make a request under either the Access to Information or the Privacy Act, the request must be in writing and in accordance with the guidelines as set out on the Treasury Board website (if required).

Responding to access to information or privacy requests Manager

Managers may be asked to assist in retrieving information under an access to information or privacy request (if required).

The request will have been received by the Access to Information or Privacy Office and passed on to the Office of Primary Interest within the relevant department.

If the manager does not have the information being requested or believes a different department may be in possession of the information, they should advise the Office of Primary Interest who will in turn advise the Access to Information or Privacy Office.

Responding to access to information or privacy requests Human resources

Human resources may be asked to assist in retrieving information under an access to information or privacy request (if required).

The request will have been received by the Access to Information or Privacy Office and passed on to the Office of Primary Interest within the relevant department.

If human resources does not have the information being requested or believe a different department may be in possession of the information, they should advise the Office of Primary Interest who will in turn advise the Access to Information or Privacy Office.

Responding to access to information or privacy requests Finance

Finance may be asked to assist in retrieving information under an access to information or privacy request (if required).

The request will have been received by the Access to Information or Privacy Office and passed on to the Office of Primary Interest within the relevant department.

If Finance does not have the information being requested or believes a different department may be in possession of the information, they should advise the Office of Primary Interest who will in turn advise the Access to Information or Privacy Office.

Responding to access to information or privacy requests Pay Centre

The Pay Centre may be asked to assist in retrieving information under an access to information or privacy request (if required).

The request will have been received by the Access to Information or Privacy Office and passed on to the Office of Primary Interest within the relevant department.

If the Pay Centre does not have the information being requested or believes a different department may be in possession of the information, they should advise the Office of Primary Interest who will in turn advise the Access to Information or Privacy Office.

Return from leave without pay (greater than 5 days)

Return from leave without pay (greater than 5 days) Description

The re-commencement of basic pay for an employee who has returned to full-time or part-time duty following a period of leave without pay where their pay and other entitlements had been temporarily stopped.

Return from leave without pay (greater than 5 days) Employee

The employee must advise their manager that they have returned to work.

Return from leave without pay (greater than 5 days) Manager

The manager is responsible to confirm with employee that he or she will return to work on agreed upon day.

The Section 34 manager is responsible for obtaining trusted source authentication on the notification of return from leave without pay for the employee. A notification can then be submitted by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type (Leave/rehabilitation).

Return from leave without pay (greater than 5 days) Finance

Finance is responsible for the Section 33 authorization of the transaction in Phoenix.

If there are questions or concerns on a transaction requiring Section 33 authorization, finance will contact the Pay Centre in accordance with procedures.

Return from leave without pay (greater than 5 days) Pay Centre

The Pay Centre will check the trusted source list.

The Pay Centre will receive notification from the trusted source of the return from leave and will process the employee’s return from leave in PeopleSoft.

The Pay Centre will re-enroll employee for Time reporter.

The Pay Centre is responsible for sending the compensation standard benefits letter to the employee.

Return from leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Rehabilitation Schedule

Return from leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Rehabilitation Schedule Description

The re-commencement of basic pay for an employee who has returned to work as part of a rehabilitation schedule.

Return from leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Rehabilitation Schedule Employee

The employee must advise their manager that they have returned to work and will be on a rehabilitation schedule.

Departments using Time & Labour Module in Phoenix

During a return to work on a rehabilitation schedule, the employee is responsible for entering hours worked (including paid leave) in Phoenix self-service time management module to be paid. The leave without pay request must be then be submitted by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type (leave or rehab).

The entries should be made during the current pay period to avoid delays in getting paid. After Phoenix checks the entries, they will be sent to the employee’s Section 34 manager for approval.

Some employees may not be able to access Phoenix self-service (due to lack of internet connection or a remote location). In this case, their Section 34 manager will be able to make entries on their behalf.

Departments not using Time & Labour in Phoenix

For departments that have not opted to use the Time & Labour module in Phoenix for some or all of their employees, employees must submit their time to their Section 34 manager.

End of Rehabilitation Program

The employee must advise their Section 34 manager that a rehabilitation schedule is no longer required.

The employee is no longer required to complete Timesheet at the end of Rehabilitation program.

Return from leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Rehabilitation Schedule Manager

Following the written approval of the insurance the manager is responsible to confirm with employee that he or she will return to work on agreed upon day.

The Section 34 manager is responsible for obtaining trusted source authentication on the notification of return from leave without pay for the employee. The notification must then be sent by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

Departments using Time & Labour Module in Phoenix

It is the Section 34 manager’s responsibility to review and approve time entries for all employees they have Section 34 responsibility for.

When an employee is unable to access Phoenix self-service, a Section 34 manager may report time on behalf of an employee.

Departments not using Time & Labour in Phoenix

The Section 34 manager must approve the request and provide it to the Timekeeper for entry.

End of Rehabilitation Program

The Section 34 manager is responsible for requesting authentication by the trusted source that the employee is no longer on a rehabilitation schedule. The notification can then be submitted by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

The manager must not allow timesheets effective the date the rehab ended.

Return from leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Rehabilitation Schedule Finance

Finance is responsible for the Section 33 authorization of the transaction in Phoenix.

If there are questions or concerns on a transaction requiring Section 33 authorization, finance will contact the Pay Centre in accordance with procedures.

Return from leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Rehabilitation Schedule Pay Centre

The Pay Centre will check the trusted source list.

The Pay Centre will receive notification from the trusted source of the return from leave and will process the employee’s return from leave in PeopleSoft and the start of a rehabilitation schedule after he has received confirmation from the Insurance company.

The Pay Centre will re-enroll employee for Time reporter (Rehab work group in Phoenix).

The Pay Centre must send earnings reports on a monthly basis to the relevant insurer while the employee remains on a rehabilitation schedule including paid and non-paid leave days.

The Pay Centre is responsible for sending the compensation standard benefits letter to the employee.

The client authority notifies the employee by email that he or she needs to enter the hours worked in Time and Labor (timesheets) each week.

The pay Centre will modify the Pension, supplementary death benefit and disability insurance or long-term disability in Phoenix.

End of Rehabilitation Program

The Pay Centre will receive notification from the trusted source and Insurance company that the employee is no longer on rehab.

The pay Centre enters the end of rehab in the human resources system.

The client authority will change the code for Pension, supplementary death benefit and disability insurance or long-term disability in Phoenix.

The client authority notifies the employee by email that he or she needs to stop entering the hours worked in Time and Labor (timesheets), effective the date the rehab ended.

Review of Pay File

Review of Pay File Description

Upon request, the pay file of an employee can be made available for review once every year as per the collective agreement: "Upon written request of an employee, the personnel file of that employee shall be made available once per year for his or her examination in the presence of an authorized representative of the Employer." (Article 56.03)

Review of Pay File Employee

Should an employee wish to review their pay file, they must first contact their departmental human resources representative who will make the request on their behalf.

Employees can also make this request to their manager who will contact the appropriate human resources representative to make arrangements with the Pay Centre.

Review of Pay File Manager

Forward the employee’s request to the departmental human resources representative (if applicable).

Review of Pay File Human resources

Initiate the request on behalf of the employee to review a copy of the pay file by submitting a written request through a trusted source by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

Coordinate the viewing of the pay file with the employee once it is received from the Pay Centre.

Note: The copy of the pay file is not to be returned to the Pay Centre once the employee has had the opportunity to review its contents.

Review of Pay File Pay Centre

Provide a copy of the employee’s pay file to human resources only once the request is initiated by the departmental human resources representative.

Note: The copy of the pay file is not to be returned to the Pay Centre once the employee has had the opportunity to review its contents.

Salary Revision (due to collective agreements)

Salary Revision (due to collective agreements) Description

Salary revision is a change in pay rate applicable to a specific group.

Salary Revision (due to collective agreements) Pay Centre

The Pay Centre must advise the following organizations of the salary change:

  • Workers' Compensation Board
  • La Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail
  • SunLife Financial and
  • Industrial Alliance

The Pay Centre will pull a report from Phoenix to identify accounts that did not get processed automatically.

The Pay Centre will apply salary changes for those accounts that were not processed automatically.

Secondment Agreements

Secondment Agreements Description

A secondment has the following characteristics:

  • A temporary move of an employee to another department or agency in the core public administration (Schedule I and IV of the Financial Administration Act), and other organizations for which the Treasury Board is the employer
  • A temporary lateral movement of an employee to perform the functions of a position that already exists or to take on a special project, to another organization. The employee maintains his/her substantive position in the home organization, and is paid by the home organization. The secondment agreement is the instrument of acceptance on this arrangement and must clearly state that the employee returns to their substantive position on completion of the secondment

Secondment Agreements Employee

The employee is responsible for signing the Secondment Agreement.

Secondment Agreements Manager

In each organization, the secondment out (Home) organization and the secondment in (Host) organization, the manager is responsible for advising human resources of the secondment on behalf of the seconded employee by following organizational procedures.

The Section 34 manager in both the Home and Host organizations are responsible for signing the Secondment Agreement.

The manager (Home and Host) is responsible for advising Finance to ensure they transfer all salary payments between the Home and the Host organization.

Secondment Agreements Human resources

Human resources (Home Organization):

Human resources is responsible for entering the following data in PeopleSoft:

  • Effective date of the secondment out
  • Action field
  • Reason
  • Location
  • End date of the secondment

Human resources is responsible for accurate and timely completion of job and personal information rows in PeopleSoft and verification of that data. human resources is responsible for ensuring that information was received successfully in Phoenix.

In the event there is a different location code or a different union (due to different group and/or location), human resources in the home organization is responsible for sending the Secondment Agreement through a trusted source to the Pay Centre by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

Human resources (Host Organization):

Human resources is responsible for preparing the Secondment Agreement.

Human resources is responsible for entering the following information in PeopleSoft:

  • Effective date of the Secondment In
  • Action field
  • Reason

Secondment Agreements Finance

Finance (Host and Home) is responsible for reconciling interdepartmental settlements for salary payments.

The Home organization is responsible for Section 33 authorization of the transaction in Phoenix.

If there are questions or concerns on a transaction requiring Section 33 authorization, finance will contact the Pay Centre in accordance with procedures.

Secondment Agreements Pay Centre

The Pay Centre will check the trusted source list.

When an employee is in a secondment situation and the tasks performed are those of a different bargaining unit, union dues must be paid to the BA associated to the new tasks. The Pay Centre is responsible for stopping the employee’s substantive position union deduction at the home organization and change the deduction code in Phoenix. Although Phoenix does not take into consideration the secondment out and in process, the pay action request form sent to the Pay Centre is used to identify if there are changes to the union and location of work.

The Pay Centre will send, by encrypted email or fax, Government of Canada 80-1 form to inform Finance that a payment must be made to the bargaining unit.

The Pay Centre will recover amounts owing from the employee (refer to recovery of overpayments).

Termination: Death in Service (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.01)

Termination: Death in Service (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.01) Description

Death in service is a type of termination. Because of the priority and sensitive nature of this transaction, it is treated as urgent.

Termination: Death in Service (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.01) Employee

The employee’s spouse, next-of-kin or legal representative provides the manager with the date of death, which may include a death certificate.

Termination: Death in Service (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.01) Manager

The manager must follow the procedures for termination provided by the Pay Centre.

The manager provides the departure documents to the trusted source for authentication of the delegated authority signature and then submits the departure documents including the date of death (and death certificate, if available) as soon as possible by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

The manager can provide the Death Notice themselves or refer the employee’s spouse, next-of-kin, or legal representative to contact the Pension Centre (Shediac).

The delegated authority is responsible for the following:

  • Ensuring all leave is up to date and approved in PeopleSoft
  • Contacting the Pay Centre to advise of any changes in leave or outstanding leave balances
  • Adjusting time and labor entries in MSS if the employee passed away while on paid leave (e.g. vacation)
  • Identifying any departmental payments due from the employee (e.g., outstanding advances, recover of value of unreturned government assets etc.) and to confirm return of government assets, inventory and other government items

The manager must follow all departmental procedures upon termination, including advising finance of the termination.

Termination: Death in Service (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.01) Finance

Finance is responsible for departure forms that include asset management (Pay Centre does not require confirmation of asset control by departments).

finance will inform the Pay Centre of the amount of any outstanding debts owed to the Crown by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type. Refer to Recovery of overpayment for further details.

Ensure non-pay amounts due to the employee or due from the employee are paid or recovered prior to departure or final payment.

If the Pay Centre and/or the Pension Centre have been unsuccessful at recovering monies owed, finance will need to pursue the employee’s estate for repayment.

Termination: Death in Service (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.01) Pay Centre

The Pay Centre is responsible for advising the manager of the process and procedures for termination.

The Pay Centre will check the trusted source list for all reasons for termination.

The Pay Centre will contact the spouse, next-of-kin or legal representative to obtain death certificate (if not previously provided).

The Pay Centre will refer the spouse, next-of-kin or legal representative to the Pension Centre for information on pension benefits, if this has not already been done by departmental manager.

The Pay Centre is responsible to ensure that leave balances are updated in PeopleSoft.

The Pay Centre is responsible for entering the termination date and reason for termination in PeopleSoft that will flow through integration to Phoenix (once the account has been finalized).

The Pay Centre will finalize the account to process the last pay for the employee is generated and will ensure all entitlements/ benefits are unenrolled or stopped as required.

The Pay Centre will identify any salary overpayments due from the employee.

If Finance provides information on debts owed to the Crown, the Pay Centre will set up the recovery. (See Recovery of overpayment for further details).

The Pay Centre will provide the termination compensation standard benefits letter to the employee’s spouse, next-of-kin or legal representative and discuss the last pay entitlement or benefits and pay out options.

The Pay Centre will submit the Notification of Death (Public Services and Procurement Canada-2014) and the Termination or Retirement information (Public Services and Procurement Canada-2386) forms to the Pension Centre with all required documentation.

The Record of Employment is automatically initiated in Phoenix. The Pay Centre will have the ability to create or amend the Record of Employment in exceptional circumstances.

For Termination: Death in service, the Pay Centre should create the Statement of Remuneration (T4) immediately and provide to employee’s spouse, next-of-kin or legal representative.

Termination (excludes death in service, severance, transfer out and end of term) (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.01)

Termination (excludes death in service, severance, transfer out and end of term) (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.01) Description

Termination includes the termination of employment from the public sector. This could include the following types:

  • Resignation
  • Retirement
  • Medical retirement
  • Discharge for misconduct (suspension)
  • Release for incompetence or incapacity
  • Rejection on probation
  • Abandonment of position

Termination (excludes death in service, severance, transfer out and end of term) (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.01) Employee

The employee is responsible for the following:

  • Providing a letter of departure (source document from employee can be either paper based or email), including the date and the reason to manager (voluntary departure only)
  • Advising the Pension Centre they are leaving the Public Service (in order to receive their retirement benefits, if any)
  • Complete their departmental departure form (or equivalent) and provide the original to their manager (voluntary departure)

Termination (excludes death in service, severance, transfer out and end of term) (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.01) Manager

The delegated authority is responsible for the following:

  • Creating and signing acceptance letter or other letter for departure, which can be either paper based or email (voluntary departure only)
  • Providing signed acceptance of departure and employee’s departure letter including date and reason and the departmental departure form (or equivalent if non-voluntary termination) to the trusted source for authentication of the delegated authority signature and then submitting the documents to the following:
    • The employee’s finance department
    • The Pay Centre: Mail facility by encrypted email, fax or mail, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type
  • Ensuring all leave is up to date and approved in PeopleSoft
  • Contacting the Pay Centre to advise of any changes in leave or outstanding leave balances
  • Identifying any departmental payments due from the employee (e.g., outstanding advances, recover of value of unreturned government assets etc.) and to confirm return of government assets, inventory and other government items

For terminations, the manager will contact human resources to follow departmental processes and procedures.

Termination (excludes death in service, severance, transfer out and end of term) (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.01) Human resources

For termination of employees, human resources is responsible for advising the manager of the departmental process and procedures for termination.

Termination (excludes death in service, severance, transfer out and end of term) (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.01) Finance

Finance may be responsible for departure forms that include asset management (Pay Centre does not require confirmation of asset control by departments).

finance will inform the Pay Centre of the amount of any outstanding debts owed to the Crown by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type. See overpayment and recovery for further details.

Ensure non-pay amounts due to the employee or due from the employee are paid or covered prior to departure or final payment.

If the Pay Centre and/or the Government of Canada Pension Centre (Pension Centre) have been unsuccessful at recovering monies owed, finance will need to pursue the employee for repayment.

Termination (excludes death in service, severance, transfer out and end of term) (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.01) Pay Centre

The Pay Centre will check the trusted source list for all reasons for termination.

The Pay Centre will ensure all required documentation is with the Termination.

The Pay Centre is responsible to ensure that leave balances are updated in PeopleSoft.

The Pay Centre is responsible for entering the termination date and reason for termination in PeopleSoft that will flow through integration to Phoenix (once the account has been finalized).

The Pay Centre will finalize the account to ensure the last pay for the employee is generated and will ensure all entitlements/ benefits are unenrolled as required.

The Pay Centre is responsible for processing a “stop enrollment” when a notification is received from the Pension Centre indicating the employee received a return of contribution or when a former contributor is rehired as a non-contributor.

The Pay Centre will provide the employee with the Termination compensation standard benefits letter which includes information on all entitlements and benefits.

The Pay Centre is responsible for sending the: PSPC-SPAC 2386 to the Pension Centre.

The Record of Employment is automatically initiated in Phoenix. The Pay Centre will have the ability to create or amend in exceptional circumstances.

Time reporting

Time reporting Description

Time reporting is required for employees who are positive time reporters (i.e. those employees that are required to submit timesheets in order to receive payment).

Time reporting Employee

Departments using Time & Labour Module in Phoenix

For departments that use the Time & Labour module in Phoenix self-service, employees must have enrolled in MyKey to access the self-service functionality.

It is the employees’ responsibility to record and save their positive time entries regularly in the timesheet page using Phoenix self-service. The entries should be made during the current pay period to avoid delays in getting paid. After Phoenix checks the positive time entries, they will be sent to the employee’s Section 34 manager for approval.

Some employees may not be able to access Phoenix self-service (due to lack of internet connection or a remote location). In this case, their Section 34 manager will be able to make entries on their behalf.

Departments not using Time & Labour Module in Phoenix

For departments that have not opted to use the Time & Labour module in Phoenix for some or all of their employees, the employees must submit their positive time to their Section 34 manager.

Late submission of time

If Time is not submitted within 8 weeks of the time worked, the employee must complete a form and provide it to their Section 34 manager for entry on their behalf.

Time reporting Manager

Departments using Time & Labour Module in Phoenix

It is the Section 34 manager’s responsibility to review and approve positive time entries for all employees they have Section 34 responsibility for.

When an employee is unable to access Phoenix self-service, a Section 34 manager may report positive time on behalf of an employee. In addition, if the employee has not entered their positive time within 8 weeks of the time worked, they can enter the time in Phoenix self-service for up to 6 months of the time worked.

Departments not using Time & Labour Module in Phoenix

The Section 34 manager must approve the positive time entries and provide the request to the Timekeeper.

Late submission of time (Greater than 6 months)

If the Section 34 manager does not enter positive time within 6 months of the time worked, they are responsible for signing the time form and requesting authentication by the departmental trusted source. The form can then be submitted by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

Time reporting Finance

Finance is responsible for the Section 33 authorization of the transaction in Phoenix.

If there are questions or concerns on a transaction requiring Section 33 authorization, finance will contact the Section 34 manager in accordance with procedures.

Time reporting Pay Centre

Late submission of time

The Pay Centre will check the trusted source list.

The Pay Centre is responsible for manually entering the late time into Phoenix.

Transfer In to Integration Organization serviced by the Pay Centre (Common Human Resources Business Process 3.05)

Transfer In to Integration Organization serviced by the Pay Centre (Common Human Resources Business Process 3.05) Description

A Transfer In represents a permanent move of an employee into an organization from another organization.

This row presents the responsibilities for the Integration Organization serviced by the Pay Centre when transferring an employee into the organization.

Transfer In to Integration Organization serviced by the Pay Centre (Common Human Resources Business Process 3.05) Employee

The employee is responsible for the following:

  • Signing the letter of offer
  • Providing information and all required documents to applicable human resources, as requested
  • Completing TD1 form and Provincial tax form, if required
  • Completing the employee questionnaire (including providing departmental email address), if required
  • Updating enrolment in myKEY
  • Establishing relationship with Section 34 manager in Phoenix employee self-service
  • Recording any Time and Labour entries against the appropriate employee record

Transfer In to Integration Organization serviced by the Pay Centre (Common Human Resources Business Process 3.05) Manager

The manager(s) with Section 34 authority and staffing authority is responsible for the following:

  • Signing the letter of offer
  • Ensuring the employee has updated myKEY
  • All relevant tasks in manager self-service in Phoenix, including reviewing or creating and assigning the employee’s work schedule in manager self-service in Phoenix

Transfer In to Integration Organization serviced by the Pay Centre (Common Human Resources Business Process 3.05) Human resources

Human resources is responsible for preparing the letter of offer for the transfer-in employee.

Human resources is responsible for ensuring all required documentation including the letter of offer is received from the hiring manager.

Human resources is responsible for verifying the employee Personal Record Identifier in the Central Index.

Human resources must wait for notification that the transfer out has been completed prior to completing any Transfer In Human Resources Management System entries.

Human resources is responsible for accurate and timely completion of job and personal information rows in PeopleSoft as a Hire/Re-Hire and verification of that data. human resources is responsible for ensuring that information was received successfully in Phoenix.

Examples include the following:

  • Start Date
  • Valid Personal Record Identifier
  • Pay office and pay List
  • Location code
  • Official language field
  • Bargaining status, union code and bargaining unit designator code

In addition, human resources is responsible for entering the following:

  • Current organization the employee is transferring from into the Transfer Company field
  • The effective date of the transfer

If applicable, human resources is responsible for collecting the following documentation and sending through a trusted source by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type.

  • Letter of offer and acceptance (for exceptions only: e.g., any salary exceptions, as well as certain allowances that may be specific to a given employee (e.g. Ab initio employee, Isolated Post Allowance) or any other authoritative documentation (e.g. Appointment Letter);
  • The employee questionnaire; and
  • Completed TD1 form and Provincial tax form (update only)

Transfer In to Integration Organization serviced by the Pay Centre (Common Human Resources Business Process 3.05) Finance

Finance is responsible for the Section 33 authorization of the transaction in Phoenix.

If there are questions or concerns on a transaction requiring Section 33 authorization, finance will contact the Pay Centre in accordance with procedures.

Transfer In to Integration Organization serviced by the Pay Centre (Common Human Resources Business Process 3.05) Pay Centre

The Pay Centre will check the trusted source list.

The Pay Centre will ensure all required documentation is with the Hire/Re-Hire.

The Pay Centre’s responsibilities include:

Upon notification of data entry in PeopleSoft:

  • Determining eligibility and enrolling employee in all benefits
  • Enrolling (granting access) employee for Time Reporter

Upon receiving Pay action request & required documents:

  • Entering any additional entitlements and benefits based on documents received, including applying additional tax in Phoenix as requested by employee
  • Inputting any salary exceptions
  • Calculating and recovering late pensionable earnings
  • Establishing leave with pay entitlements (including any adjustments required for a re-hire)

Transfer Out From Integration Organization serviced by the Pay Centre (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.01)

Transfer Out From Integration Organization serviced by the Pay Centre (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.01) Description

A Transfer Out represents a permanent move of an employee from one organization to another. This row presents the responsibilities for the Integration Organization serviced by the Pay Centre when transferring an employee out of the organization.

Transfer Out From Integration Organization serviced by the Pay Centre (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.01) Employee

The employee is responsible for:

  • Accepting the letter of offer from the new organization (the Transfer In organization)
  • Ensuring all leaves and extra duty pay are entered through employee self-service in Phoenix
  • Providing a letter of departure (source document from employee can be either paper based or email), including the date and the reason to the manager in the current organization (the transfer out organization)
  • Provide the letter of offer from the new organization to the manager in the current organization
  • Completing their departmental departure form (or equivalent) and provide the original to their manager

Transfer Out From Integration Organization serviced by the Pay Centre (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.01) Manager

The delegated authority is responsible for:

  • Creating and signing the acceptance letter or other letter of departure, which can be either paper based or email
  • Providing signed acceptance of departure and employee’s departure letter including date and reason to the trusted source for authentication of the delegated authority signature and then submitting to The Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type
  • Providing the departmental departure form to the following:
    • The employee’s finance department
    • The employee’s human resources department
  • Identifying any departmental payments due from the employee (e.g. outstanding advances, recover of value of unreturned government assets, etc.) and to confirm return of government assets, inventory and other government items
  • Ensuring all leaves and extra duty pay are entered through manager self-service
  • Contacting human resources to follow departmental processes and procedures

Transfer Out From Integration Organization serviced by the Pay Centre (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.01) Human resources

Human resources is responsible for advising the manager of the departmental process and procedures for termination or transfer out.

Human resources is responsible for completing any outstanding actions unrelated to the departure in the human resources System (e.g. all acting assignments have been entered).

Transfer Out From Integration Organization serviced by the Pay Centre (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.01) Finance

Finance may be responsible for departure forms that include asset management (Pay Centre does not require confirmation of asset control by departments).

Ensure non-pay amounts due to the employee or due from the employee are paid or covered prior to departure or final payment.

Finance will inform the Pay Centre of the amount of any outstanding debts owed to the Crown that were not recovered prior to departure or final payment by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type. See overpayment and recovery for further details.

Transfer Out From Integration Organization serviced by the Pay Centre (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.01) Pay Centre

The Pay Centre will check the trusted source list for all reasons for termination.

The Pay Centre will ensure all required documentation is with the Transfer Out From Integration Organization.

The Pay Centre is responsible to ensure that leave balances are updated in PeopleSoft.

The Pay Centre is responsible for entering the termination date and reason for termination in PeopleSoft that will flow through integration to Phoenix (once the account has been finalized).

Determine benefits eligibility of the employee and modify as needed.

The Pay Centre is responsible for entering:

  • The NEW organization in the Transfer Company field
  • Effective date of the transfer

The Pay Centre will complete all pay related transactions and finalize the account in Phoenix.

The Pay Centre will identify any salary overpayments due from the employee.

If Finance provides information on debts owed to the Crown, the Pay Centre will set up the recovery. See Recovery of overpayment for further details.

The Pay Centre will communicate with the New organization and advise that the Transfer In is ready for processing.

Workforce Adjustment (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01)

Workforce Adjustment (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Description

Workforce Adjustment occurs when the services of one or more indeterminate employees are no longer required beyond a specified date due to a lack of work, the discontinuance of a function, a relocation in which the employee does not wish to participate or an alternative delivery initiative.

The department is responsible to communicate to employees Guaranteed Reasonable Job Offer or Options A, B, C.

An alternation occurs when an opting employee who wishes to remain in the core public administration exchanges positions with a non-affected employee (the alternate) willing to leave the core public administration under the terms of Part VI of Workforce Adjustment Directive.

Workforce Adjustment (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Employee

The employee is responsible for the following:

  • Contacting their manager to request information on their status (i.e. affected, surplus)
  • Requesting clarification or information from the departmental human resources (Staffing or Labor Relations) as required (i.e. is the department offering Guaranteed Reasonable Job Offers or will the employee become an “opting” employee, what is the difference, available options, etc.)

If Guaranteed Reasonable Job Offer is not available, the employee will be referred to the Pay Centre by the departmental human resources once their status has been confirmed (affected or surplus) to obtain information on Option B (Transition support measure) or Option C (Transition support measure plus Education Allowance, resignation, leave without pay to pursue education).

  • The employee is responsible for finding another employee to alternate with.
  • The alternate moving into the opting position must meet the requirements of the position, except if the alternate will not be performing the duties of the position and the alternate will be terminated within five working days of the alternation
  • Any employee serviced by the Pay Centre who is choosing Option B (Transition support measure) or C (Transition support measure plus education leave without pay) of the Workforce Adjustment directive, should request a Transition support measure calculation
  • Any employee who is choosing Option A or B and wanting a pension waiver (must be 55-59 years of age with at least 10 years of service and not in receipt of a reasonable job offer and is laid-off), must complete a pension waiver form (2419 for departments employed by Treasury Board and 2429-1 where Treasury Board is not the employer) and send it to human resources

Workforce Adjustment (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Manager

The manager is responsible for the following:

  • Communicating information to the employee affected by Workforce Adjustment and addressing any concerns raised by the employee
  • Referring the employee to the departmental human resources branch to obtain information and clarification on Workforce Adjustment options depending on the employee’s status
  • Informing Departmental human resources of the employee’s option either for a Guaranteed Reasonable Job Offer or where there is no Guaranteed Reasonable Job Offer
  • Informing Departmental human resources if the employee is being declared surplus or being provided with a Guaranteed Reasonable Job Offer
  • Providing employee termination notice to human resources
  • Providing employee termination notice to the Pay Centre through a trusted source by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type
  • Participating in the alternation process as per 6.2.1 of the Workforce Adjustment Directive

Manager with delegation will authorize leave without pay to pursue education when this option is available to the employee.

The deputy head or delegated authority must certify that the employee has not received an educational allowance, was not in receipt of either a reasonable job offer or a guaranteed reasonable job offer.

Workforce Adjustment (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Human resources

Human resources is responsible for the following:

  • Communicating and sharing information with managers and employees on Workforce Adjustment within their department
  • Coordinating information sharing to employees between the department, Finance and the Pay Centre for Options A, B and C if there is no Guaranteed Reasonable Job Offer
  • Issuing affected or surplus letters to employees and by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type
  • Confirming entitlement to salary protection, where applicable
  • If there is a Guaranteed Reasonable Job Offer, informing the employee of the different options associated with the Guaranteed Reasonable Job Offer
  • If there is no Guaranteed Reasonable Job Offer, informing the employee on Options A and coordinating information sharing on Option C (human resources provides information on layoff and priority status and refers the employee to the Pay Centre for information on Options B and C (Transition support measure and educational leave without pay). Refer them to the Pension Centre
  • Maintaining and providing a list of names of those surplus employees or alternates to the Pay Centre (who may be requesting information on Workforce Adjustment Options B or C if there is no Guaranteed Reasonable Job Offer)
  • Validating whether a Section 34 manager also has staffing delegation (certification) to sign an affected or surplus letter

When alternating, the alternation must occur within 120 days of the other employee having been notified that he is opting. A letter of offer must be issued within the 120 day time frame and sent by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre: Mail facility, including a pay action request form and including mandatory fields to be populated has following: First and last name, Personal Record Identifier, department name, request work type and request sub-type. An alternation must occur on a given date, i.e., two employees directly exchange positions on the same day.

Workforce Adjustment (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Finance

Finance is responsible for the Section 33 authorization of the transaction in Phoenix.

For the surplus and/or lay-off priority periods, Finance, on behalf of the home Department or organization, is responsible for the payment of any other authorized costs such as travel, relocation and retraining for surplus employees and laid-off persons where the department does not offer a Guaranteed Reasonable Job Offer.

Workforce Adjustment (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Pay Centre

The Pay Centre is responsible for the following:

  • Performing the calculations and informing the employee on Options B (Transition support measure) and C (Transition support measure plus education leave without pay)
  • Processing the leave without pay for the employee and all activities related to this process (See: Leave without pay (greater than 5 days)
  • Processing the termination for the employee and all activities related to this process (See Termination)
  • Certifying years of service
  • Reimbursing Tuition Fees and Books

Recall from temporary (seasonal) layoff (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01)

Recall from temporary (seasonal) layoff (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Description

Employees recalled from temporary layoff.

Recall from temporary (seasonal) layoff (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Manager

Managers will provide the recall information to human resources.

Recall from temporary (seasonal) layoff (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Human resources

Human resources will process the recall in the Human Resources Management System

For each subsequent year, human resources will issue a recall letter identifying the exact dates of work for the season

Human resources is responsible for accurate and timely completion of job and personal information rows in PeopleSoft as a Recall and verification of that data. human resources is responsible for ensuring that information was received successfully in Phoenix.

Delegated Authorities are responsible for contacting the Pay Centre if under exceptional circumstances there are changes to the temporary separation.

Recall from temporary (seasonal) layoff (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Finance

Finance is responsible for the Section 33 authorization of the transaction in Phoenix.

If there are questions or concerns on a transaction requiring Section 33 authorization, finance will contact the Pay Centre in accordance with procedures.

Recall from temporary (seasonal) layoff (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Pay Centre

The Pay Centre’s responsibilities include:

Upon notification of data entry in PeopleSoft:

  • Determining eligibility and enrolling employee in all benefits

Upon receipt of the worklist, the Pay Centre will provide the compensation standard benefits letter and any related forms to the employee.

Temporary (seasonal) layoff (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01)

Temporary (seasonal) layoff (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Description

Employer initiated leave: Seasonal layoff

Temporary (seasonal) layoff (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Manager

Managers will provide the seasonal layoff periods information to human resources.

Temporary (seasonal) layoff (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Human resources

Human resources will process the Seasonal Layoff in the Human Resources Management System as specified in the letter of offer.

Human resources is responsible for accurate and timely completion of job and personal information rows in PeopleSoft. human resources is responsible for ensuring that information was received successfully in Phoenix.

Temporary (seasonal) layoff (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Finance

Finance is responsible for the Section 33 authorization of the transaction in Phoenix.

If there are questions or concerns on a transaction requiring Section 33 authorization, finance will contact the Pay Centre in accordance with procedures.

Temporary (seasonal) layoff (Common Human Resources Business Process 6.02.01) Pay Centre

The Pay Centre’s responsibilities include:

Upon notification of data entry in PeopleSoft:

  • Determining eligibility and enrolling employee in all benefits

Upon receipt of the worklist, the Pay Centre will provide the compensation standard benefits letter and any related forms to the employee.

The Pay Centre will ensure all entitlements and benefits are updated as required in Phoenix.

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