Bridge benefits

When does the bridge benefits end?

Watch this video to discover the answer to this question and many others, including how the bridge benefit supplements your pension income until age 65.

Transcript of the Bridge benefits

As you may know, every employee in Canada contributes to the Canada or Quebec Pension Plan (CPP or QPP). Like most pension plans, contributions and pension benefits under the public service pension plan are coordinated with those under the CPP and QPP.

As a result of this coordination, pensions under the public service pension plan include a lifetime pension payable until your death and a temporary bridge benefit which is payable until you reach age the 65. The bridge benefit portion is intended to supplement your pension income until you start receiving CPP or QPP retirement benefits, which is normally at age 65.

The bridge benefit ends on the first of the month following your 65th birthday or earlier if you start receiving CPP or QPP disability benefits before age 65. If you receive disability benefits from one of these plans before you reach age 65, you must notify the Government of Canada Pension Centre immediately. Failure to do so would result in an overpayment of the bridge benefit.

It is important to remember that the calculation of benefits under the CPP or QPP is different from the public service pension plan. The amount you will receive from the CPP or QPP may be different from the amount of the bridge benefit.

For more information about the coordination of benefits or the bridge benefit, please visit Your public service pension and benefits web portal at Pension and benefits or contact the Government of Canada Pension Centre.

End of clip

View the Bridge benefit video.

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