Translation, terminology and interpretation—Our Services, Standards and Results 2017 to 2018

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The following tables on service standards and targets for the "Translation, terminology and interpretation" service category for 2016 to 2017 and 2017 to 2018 for: translation and linguistic services; terminology standardization services; interpretation; and client relationship management. The tables also include results for 2016 to 2017.

Translation and linguistic services

Service standard Target 2016 to 2017 Results 2016 to 2017 Target 2017 to 2018
Deliver each translation request within the deadline 95% 95.63% 95%
Handle translation requests and confirm the designated contact within 1 business day 95% 89.91% 95%
Maintain the price per word for translation services at 0.37$ or less annually – Deleted $0.37 $0.364 Not applicable
Percentage of clients satisfied with the quality of  translation services 85% 91.2% 90%
Deliver translation services with a quality level that meets clients' expectations – Deleted 80% 99.91% Not applicable

Terminology standardization services

Service standard Target 2016 to 2017 Results 2016 to 2017 Target 2017 to 2018
Answer requests from the terminology help service within 1 business day 99% 99.43% 99%
Publish, in TERMIUM Plus®Footnote 1 terminological records that comply with quality and methodology standards 95% 94.8% 95%


Service standard Target 2016 to 2017 Results 2016 to 2017 Target 2017 to 2018
Deliver interpretation services for all event requests received by the Translation Bureau 95% 98.86% 96%
Acknowledge interpretation requests within 1 business day – Deleted 99% 100% Not applicable
Percentage of clients satisfied with the quality of conference interpretation services 85% 94.9% 90%

Client relationship management

Service standard Target 2016 to 2017 Results 2016 to 2017 Target 2017 to 2018
Acknowledge clients' inquiries within 1 business day 95% 100% 95%
Respond to clients' inquiries within 3 business days 95% 99.26% 95%

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