Ministry summary

Public Accounts of Canada 2018 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

(in dollars)

Vote Description Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates Adjustments, warrants and transfers Total available for use Used in the current year Lapsed or (overexpended) Available for use in subsequent years Used in the previous year
  Department of Public Works and Government Services
1 Operating expenditures 2,134,161,650 2,134,161,650        
1c Operating expenditures 159,985,195 159,985,195        
  Transfer from:
  Vote 1 (Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development) 12,064,000 12,064,000        
  TB Vote 15Link to footnote 1 27,281,036 27,281,036        
  TB Vote 25Link to footnote 1 56,795,057 56,795,057        
  TB Vote 30Link to footnote 1 25,413,005 25,413,005        
  Transfer to:
  Vote 1 (Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development) (negative 459,519) (negative 459,519)        
  Vote 1 (Indian Affairs and Northern Development) (negative 500,000) (negative 500,000)        
  Vote 1 (National Defence) (negative 1,210,006) (negative 1,210,006)        
  Vote 1 (Shared Services Canada) (negative 529,669) (negative 529,669)        
  Vote 5 (negative 30,433,000) (negative 30,433,000)        
  Total—Vote 1 2,134,161,650 159,985,195 88,420,904 2,382,567,749 2,231,626,713 150,941,036 1,930,668,064
5 Capital expenditures 1,441,927,728 1,441,927,728        
5c Capital expenditures 28,756,764 28,756,764        
  Transfer from:
  Vote 1 30,433,000 30,433,000        
  Vote 5 (Canada Border Services Agency) 12,350,000 12,350,000        
  Vote 5 (Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development) 2,100,000 2,100,000        
  TB Vote 33Link to footnote 1 44,020,011 44,020,011        
  Transfer to Vote 5 (Shared Services Canada) (negative 6,974,827) (negative 6,974,827)        
  Total—Vote 5 1,441,927,728 28,756,764 81,928,184 1,552,612,676 1,297,049,674 255,563,002 1,187,447,922
Link to footnote S Contributions to employee benefit plans 107,826,353 13,828,072 (negative 8,552,728) 113,101,697 113,101,697 102,749,433
Link to footnote S Minister of Public Services and Procurement - Salary and motor car allowance 84,400 (negative 166) 84,234 84,234 83,500
Link to footnote S Optional Services Revolving Fund 36,688,658 36,688,658 1,498,440 35,190,218 (negative 9,145,982)
Link to footnote S Translation Bureau Revolving Fund 52,351,012 3,956,604 (negative 3,956,604) 52,351,012 2,991,783 49,359,229 (negative 9,078,442)
Link to footnote S Real Property Services Revolving Fund 224,051,427 6,125,449 (negative 6,125,449) 224,051,427 7,375,085 216,676,342 (negative 29,042,510)
Link to footnote S Defence Production Revolving Fund 100,000,000 100,000,000 100,000,000
Link to footnote S Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 321,505 186,726 508,231 173,971 147,534 186,726 289,677
Link to footnote S Payment in lieu of taxes to municipalities and other taxing authorities 579,548,157 579,548,157 579,548,157 593,474,917
Link to footnote S Recoveries from custodian departments (negative 572,758,174) (negative 572,758,174) (negative 572,758,174) (negative 562,019,872)
Link to footnote S Refunds of amounts credited to revenues in previous years 216,745 216,745 216,745
  Total budgetary 413,412,602 3,694,082,184 202,570,031 158,907,595 4,468,972,412 3,660,908,325 406,651,572 401,412,515 3,205,426,707
Link to footnote L7c Imprest funds, accountable advances and recoverable advances Limit $36,000,000 (Net) 1,677,238 14,000,000 15,677,238 1,029,460 14,647,778 33,923
Link to footnote S Link to footnote L Seized Property Management Act, 1993 section 12, subsections 1, 2, 3 and 4. Limit $50,000,000 (Net) 70,353,611 70,353,611 (negative 3,652,378) 74,005,989 (negative 2,176,577)
  Total non-budgetary 72,030,849 14,000,000 86,030,849 (negative 2,622,918) 88,653,767 (negative 2,142,654)
  Total Department—Budgetary 413,412,602 3,694,082,184 202,570,031 158,907,595 4,468,972,412 3,660,908,325 406,651,572 401,412,515 3,205,426,707
  Total Department—Non-budgetary 72,030,849 14,000,000 86,030,849 (negative 2,622,918) 88,653,767 (negative 2,142,654)
  Canada Post Corporation
1 Payments to the Corporation for special purposes 22,210,000 22,210,000 22,210,000 22,210,000
Link to footnote S Link to footnote L Loans to the Corporation pursuant to the Canada Post Corporation Act, sections 28, 29 and 30. Aggregate limit $500,000,000 (Net) 500,000,000 500,000,000 500,000,000
  Total Agency—Budgetary 22,210,000 22,210,000 22,210,000 22,210,000
  Total Agency—Non-budgetary 500,000,000 500,000,000 500,000,000
  Public Service Commission
1 Program expenditures 72,137,719 72,137,719        
1b Program expenditures 1 1        
  Transfer from:
  Vote 1 (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) 252,000 252,000        
  TB Vote 15Link to footnote 1 2,888,052 2,888,052        
  TB Vote 25Link to footnote 1 4,270,609 4,270,609        
  Total—Vote 1 72,137,719 1 7,410,661 79,548,381 75,829,518 3,718,863 66,714,150
Link to footnote S Contributions to employee benefit plans 11,373,214 (negative 1,538,310) 9,834,904 9,834,904 9,108,096
Link to footnote S Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 1,594 1,594 1,594 642
Link to footnote S Refunds of amounts credited to revenues in previous years 2,680 2,680 2,680 220
  Total Agency—Budgetary 83,510,933 1 5,876,625 89,387,559 85,668,696 3,718,863 75,823,108
  Shared Services Canada
1 Operating expenditures 1,263,902,106 1,263,902,106        
1b Operating expenditures 14,704,740 14,704,740        
1c Operating expenditures 20,455,242 20,455,242        
  Transfer from:
  Vote 1 (Canada Border Services Agency) 5,593 5,593        
  Vote 1 (Citizenship and Immigration) 192,311 192,311        
  Vote 1 (Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development) 665,305 665,305        
  Vote 1 (National Defence) 104,571 104,571        
  Vote 1 (Public Works and Government Services) 529,669 529,669        
  Vote 1 (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) 1,609 1,609        
  Vote 1 (Transport) 4,067 4,067        
  TB Vote 15Link to footnote 1 17,826,270 17,826,270        
  TB Vote 25Link to footnote 1 79,975,057 79,975,057        
  Transfer to Vote 1 (National Defence) (negative 31,749) (negative 31,749)        
  Total—Vote 1 1,263,902,106 35,159,982 99,272,703 1,398,334,791 1,349,579,105 48,755,686 1,278,274,051
5 Capital expenditures 379,955,130 379,955,130        
5b Capital expenditures 1 1        
5c Capital expenditures 150,000 150,000        
  Transfer from:
  Vote 5 (Canadian Border Services Agency) 4,028,365 4,028,365        
  Vote 5 (Environment) 450,000 450,000        
  Vote 5 (Fisheries and Oceans) 1,732,739 1,732,739        
  Vote 5 (National Defence) 2,000,000 2,000,000        
  Vote 5 ((Public Works and Government Services) 6,974,827 6,974,827        
  TB Vote 33Link to footnote 1 59,882,102 59,882,102        
  Transfer to Vote 5 (National Defence) (negative 3,862,294) (negative 3,862,294)        
  Total—Vote 5 379,955,130 150,001 71,205,739 451,310,870 368,865,718 82,445,152 328,246,669
Link to footnote S Contributions to employee benefit plans 81,687,804 199,606 (negative 6,604,755) 75,282,655 75,282,655 71,054,522
Link to footnote S Pensions and other employee benefits—Members of Royal Canadian Mounted Police 4,184,282 4,184,282 4,184,282 3,794,495
Link to footnote S Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 291 1,244 1,535 1,535
  Total Agency—Budgetary 291 1,725,545,040 35,509,589 168,059,213 1,929,114,133 1,797,913,295 131,200,838 1,681,369,737
  Total Ministry—Budgetary 413,412,893 5,525,348,157 238,079,621 332,843,433 6,509,684,104 5,566,700,316 541,571,273 401,412,515 4,984,829,552
  Total Ministry—Non-budgetary 572,030,849 14,000,000 586,030,849 (negative 2,622,918) 588,653,767 (negative 2,142,654)

Table notes

The dash means that the amount is 0 or is rounded to 0.
A blank cell means there is no available data.
Note: The full wording of all authorities granted in current year Appropriation Acts, of all authorities granted by statutes other than Appropriation Acts, of all non-lapsing authorities granted / repealed in the current year, and of all authorities available from previous years is given in Section 1 of this volume.

Public Accounts of Canada 2018 Volume II—Bottom of the page Navigation

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