Ministry summary

Public Accounts of Canada 2019 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

(in dollars)

Vote Description Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates Adjustments, warrants and transfers Total available for use Used in the current year Lapsed or (overexpended) Available for use in subsequent years Used in the previous year
  Treasury Board Secretariat
1 Program expenditures 233,305,792 233,305,792        
1a Program expenditures 26,629,870 26,629,870        
1b Program expenditures 169,587 169,587        
  Transfer from:
  Vote 10 1,783,184 1,783,184        
  Vote 15 2,916,406 2,916,406        
  Vote 25 11,753,480 11,753,480        
  Vote 30 1,811,294 1,811,294        
  Vote 40 20,329,108 20,329,108        
  Total—Vote 1 233,305,792 26,799,457 38,593,472 298,698,721 279,801,932 18,896,789 272,955,611
5 Government Contingencies 750,000,000 750,000,000        
  Transfer to other ministries (negative 129,196,789) (negative 129,196,789)        
  Total—Vote 5 750,000,000 (negative 129,196,789) 620,803,211 620,803,211
10 Government-Wide Initiatives 28,193,000 28,193,000  
10a Government-Wide Initiatives 247,520,000 247,520,000        
10b Government-Wide Initiatives 95,516,932 95,516,932  
  Transfer from Vote 40 4,000,000 4,000,000        
  Transfer to this ministerial portfolio and other ministries (negative 165,576,299) (negative 165,576,299)        
  Total—Vote 10 28,193,000 343,036,932 (negative 161,576,299) 209,653,633 209,653,633
15a Compensation Adjustments 541,377,556 541,377,556        
15b Compensation Adjustments 8,247,749 8,247,749        
  Transfer to this ministerial portfolio and other ministries (negative 549,625,305) (negative 549,625,305)        
  Total—Vote 15 549,625,305 (negative 549,625,305)
20 Public Service Insurance 2,398,905,397 2,398,905,397        
  Transfer from Vote 40 554,014,000 554,014,000        
  Total—Vote 20 2,398,905,397 554,014,000 2,952,919,397 2,739,639,374 213,280,023 3,164,665,468
25 Operating Budget Carry Forward 1,600,000,000 1,600,000,000        
  Transfer to this ministerial portfolio and other ministries (negative 1,282,094,992) (negative 1,282,094,992)        
  Total—Vote 25 1,600,000,000 (negative 1,282,094,992) 317,905,008 317,905,008
30 Paylist Requirements 600,000,000 600,000,000        
30b Paylist Requirements 200,000,000 200,000,000        
  Transfer to this ministerial portfolio and other ministries (negative 303,744,034) (negative 303,744,034)        
  Total—Vote 30 600,000,000 200,000,000 (negative 303,744,034) 496,255,966 496,255,966
35 Capital Budget Carry Forward 600,000,000 600,000,000        
  Transfer to other ministries (negative 537,259,016) (negative 537,259,016)        
  Total—Vote 35 600,000,000 (negative 537,259,016) 62,740,984 62,740,984
40 Budget Implementation 7,040,392,000 7,040,392,000        
  Transfer to this ministerial portfolio and other ministries (negative 4,941,470,052) (negative 4,941,470,052)        
  Total—Vote 40 7,040,392,000 (negative 4,941,470,052) 2,098,921,948 2,098,921,948
Link to Table note S Contributions to employee benefit plans 27,897,303 18,114 1,417,376 29,332,793 29,332,793 27,932,725
Link to Table note S President of the Treasury Board—Salary and motor car allowance 86,000 (negative 10,360) 75,640 75,640 84,600
Link to Table note S Payments under the Public Service Pension Adjustment Act (R.S.C., 1970, c. P-33) 7,706 7,706 7,706 15,823
Link to Table note S Employer contributions made under the Public Service Superannuation Act and other retirement acts and the Employment Insurance Act 340,000,000 3,107,000,000 (negative 340,000,000) 3,107,000,000 3,107,000,000 341,250,848
Link to Table note S Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 404 404 404
  Appropriations not required for the current year (negative 3,072)
  Total Secretariat—Budgetary 404 13,618,779,492 4,226,479,808 (negative 7,650,944,293) 10,194,315,411 6,155,857,445 4,038,457,966 3,806,902,003
  Canada School of Public Service
1 Program expenditures 64,391,765 64,391,765        
1a Program expenditures 99,196 99,196        
  Transfer from:
  Vote 15 623,752 623,752        
  Vote 25 3,170,805 3,170,805        
  Total—Vote 1 64,391,765 99,196 3,794,557 68,285,518 67,457,841 827,677 67,189,658
Link to Table note S Contributions to employee benefit plans 8,038,445 (negative 7,705) 8,030,740 8,030,740 6,453,976
Link to Table note S Spending of revenues pursuant to subsection 18(2) of the Canada School of Public Service Act
Unspent amount at beginning of year 9,740,365 9,740,365        
Amount received during the year 9,044,939 (negative 2,620,891) 6,424,048        
Total—Spending of revenues 9,740,365 9,044,939 (negative 2,620,891) 16,164,413 9,740,365 6,424,048 2,646,000
Link to Table note S Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 4,492 1,701 6,193 6,193
  Total Agency—Budgetary 9,744,857 81,475,149 99,196 1,167,662 92,486,864 85,235,139 827,677 6,424,048 76,289,634
  Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying
1 Program expenditures 4,086,292 4,086,292        
  Transfer from:
  Vote 15 79,428 79,428        
  Vote 25 201,321 201,321        
  Vote 30 73,274 73,274        
  Vote 40 1,400,000 1,400,000        
  Total—Vote 1 4,086,292 1,754,023 5,840,315 4,930,738 909,577 4,438,552
Link to Table note S Contributions to employee benefit plans 394,644 (negative 15,768) 378,876 378,876 333,393
Link to Table note S Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 28 28 28
  Total Agency—Budgetary 4,480,936 1,738,283 6,219,219 5,309,614 909,577 28 4,771,945
  Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner
1 Program expenditures 5,009,887 5,009,887        
  Transfer from:
  Vote 15 126,231 126,231        
  Vote 25 245,892 245,892        
  Total—Vote 1 5,009,887 372,123 5,382,010 5,202,328 179,682 4,518,110
Link to Table note S Contributions to employee benefit plans 476,051 (negative 57,267) 418,784 418,784 431,723
  Total Agency—Budgetary 5,485,938 314,856 5,800,794 5,621,112 179,682 4,949,833
  Total Ministry—Budgetary 9,745,261 13,710,221,515 4,226,579,004 (negative 7,647,723,492) 10,298,822,288 6,252,023,310 4,040,374,902 6,424,076 3,892,913,415

Public Accounts of Canada 2019 Volume II—Bottom of the page Navigation

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