Budgetary details by allotment

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(in dollars)

  Allotments Expenditures Lapsed or
Available for use in subsequent years
Department of the Environment
Vote 1—Operating expenditures
Operating budget 962,367,788 947,026,651 15,341,137
Advertising Initiative 1,324,388 1,324,388
Frozen Allotments
Reprofiled 13,500,000 13,500,000
Transferred or reallocated 2,173,565 2,173,565
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 82,509,207) (negative 77,743,158) (negative 4,766,049)
Subtotal 896,856,534 870,607,881 26,248,653
Vote 5—Capital expenditures
Capital budget 108,006,852 95,510,341 12,496,511
Frozen Allotments
Transferred or reallocated 38,041 38,041
Other 1,496,405 1,496,405
Subtotal 109,541,298 95,510,341 14,030,957
Vote 10—Grants and contributions
Grants and contributions 472,953,492 472,453,481 500,011
International Assistance Envelope 9,180,899 9,180,899
Frozen Allotments
Reprofiled 308,866,938 308,866,938
Other 611,622 611,622
Subtotal 791,612,951 481,634,380 309,978,571
Vote 15—Canada's Marine Safety Response
Frozen Allotments
Other 467,882 467,882
Vote 20—Ensuring Better Disaster Management Preparation and Response
Frozen Allotments
Other 198,215 198,215
Vote 25—Implementing a Federal Carbon Offset System
Frozen Allotments
Other 508,309 508,309
Statutory amounts 98,201,458 97,912,019 289,439
Total 1,897,386,647 1,545,664,621 351,432,587 289,439
Impact Assessment Agency of Canada
Vote 1—Operating expenditures
Operating budget 61,354,907 52,508,379 8,846,528
Frozen Allotments
Reprofiled 496,393 496,393
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 8,001,000) (negative 2,702,848) (negative 5,298,152)
Subtotal 53,850,300 49,805,531 4,044,769
Vote 5—Grants and contributions
Grants and contributions 14,525,184 7,388,431 7,136,753
Statutory amounts 6,252,935 6,252,935
Total 74,628,419 63,446,897 11,181,522
Parks Canada Agency
Vote 1—Program expenditures
Operating budget 462,344,882 444,132,201 18,212,681
Capital budget 897,939,960 726,722,666 171,217,294
Grants and contributions 49,522,926 45,735,530 3,787,396
Advertising Initiatives 2,492,386 2,492,386
Frozen Allotments
Reprofiled 509,632,560 509,632,560
Transferred or reallocated 10,444,607 10,444,607
Subtotal 1,932,377,321 1,219,082,783 520,077,167 193,217,371
Vote 5—Payments to the New Parks and Historic Sites Account
Other authority 26,323,000 26,323,000
Statutory amounts 254,861,951 234,868,873 19,993,078
Total 2,213,562,272 1,480,274,656 520,077,167 213,210,449
Total Ministry 4,185,577,338 3,089,386,174 882,691,276 213,499,888

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