Ministry summary

Public Accounts of Canada 2020 Volume II: Top of the page Navigation

(in dollars)

Vote Description Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates Adjustments, warrants and transfers Total available for use Used in the current year Lapsed or (overexpended) Available for use in subsequent years Used in the previous year
  Department of Citizenship and Immigration
1 Operating expenditures 797,460,552 797,460,552        
1a Operating expenditures 15,279,493 15,279,493        
1b Operating expenditures 163,598 163,598        
  Transfer from:
  Vote 1 (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) 2,215,200 2,215,200        
  Vote 5 7,099,604 7,099,604        
  Vote 15 112,142,493 112,142,493        
  Vote 20 13,843,723 13,843,723        
  Vote 25 21,920,101 21,920,101        
  Vote 35 125,120,000 125,120,000        
  TB Vote 10Link to footnote 1 291,119 291,119        
  TB Vote 15Link to footnote 1 7,106,651 7,106,651        
  TB Vote 25Link to footnote 1 32,434,588 32,434,588        
  Transfer to:
  Vote 1 (Canada Border Services Agency) (negative 2,128,261) (negative 2,128,261)        
  Vote 1 (Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development) (negative 10,203,741) (negative 10,203,741)        
  Total—Vote 1 797,460,552 15,443,091 309,841,477 1,122,745,120 1,027,830,097 94,915,023 879,421,147
5 Capital expenditures 22,242,541 22,242,541        
5a Capital expenditures 7,584,974 7,584,974        
  Transfer from:
  Vote 15 245,448 245,448        
  TB Vote 35Link to footnote 1 6,212,000 6,212,000        
  Transfer to Vote 1 (negative 7,099,604) (negative 7,099,604)        
  Total—Vote 5 22,242,541 7,584,974 (negative 642,156) 29,185,359 16,313,249 12,872,110 21,317,943
10 Grants and contributions 1,775,345,121 1,775,345,121        
10a Grants and contributions 153,173,000 153,173,000        
10b Grants and contributions 1,859,411 1,859,411        
  Transfer from Vote 15 12,720,504 12,720,504        
  Transfer to Vote 10 (Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development) (negative 3,000,000) (negative 3,000,000)        
  Total—Vote 10 1,775,345,121 155,032,411 9,720,504 1,940,098,036 1,827,665,242 112,432,794 1,437,038,724
15 Enhancing the Integrity of Canada's Borders and Asylum System 160,430,000 160,430,000        
  Transfer to:
  Vote 1 (negative 112,142,493) (negative 112,142,493)        
  Vote 5 (negative 245,448) (negative 245,448)        
  Vote 10 (negative 12,720,504) (negative 12,720,504)        
  Total—Vote 15 160,430,000 (negative 125,108,445) 35,321,555 35,321,555
20 Improving Immigration Client Service 18,000,000 18,000,000        
  Transfer to Vote 1 (negative 13,843,723) (negative 13,843,723)        
  Total—Vote 20 18,000,000 (negative 13,843,723) 4,156,277 4,156,277
25 Helping Travellers Visit Canada 24,384,000 24,384,000        
  Transfer to Vote 1 (negative 21,920,101) (negative 21,920,101)        
  Total—Vote 25 24,384,000 (negative 21,920,101) 2,463,899 2,463,899
30 Protecting People from Unscrupulous Immigration Consultants 11,250,000 11,250,000 11,250,000
35 Providing Health Care to Refugees and Asylum Seekers 125,120,000 125,120,000        
  Transfer to Vote 1 (negative 125,120,000) (negative 125,120,000)        
  Total—Vote 35 125,120,000 (negative 125,120,000)
Link to footnote S Contributions to employee benefit plans 74,502,816 1,147,558 2,290,647 77,941,021 77,941,021 73,167,907
Link to footnote S Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship—Salary and motor car allowance (Salaries Act and Parliament of Canada Act) 87,700 (negative 200) 87,500 87,500 86,000
Link to footnote S Passport Canada Revolving Fund (Revolving Funds Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. R-8)) 1,273,060,519 178,824,148 (negative 178,824,148) 1,273,060,519 101,307,641 1,171,752,878 (negative 14,158,031)
Link to footnote S Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 13,492 10,767 24,259 2,207 11,285 10,767 22,122
Link to footnote S Refunds of amounts credited to revenues in previous years 8,975,525 8,975,525 8,975,525 5,857,194
Link to footnote S Court awards 33,178 33,178 33,178 1,018
Link to footnote S Fees returned in connection with a terminated application 341,680 341,680 341,680 619,250
Link to footnote S Fees returned in connection with a terminated application in Investor and Entrepreneur Classes 102,180 102,180 102,180 223,210
  Appropriations not required for the current year 262,273
  Total budgetary 1,273,074,011 3,187,646,878 179,208,034 (negative 134,142,815) 4,505,786,108 3,060,599,520 273,422,943 1,171,763,645 2,403,858,757
Link to footnote S Link to footnote L Loans to immigrants and refugees to facilitate the arrival of newcomers pursuant to section 88 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. Limit $126,600,000 (Net) 58,156,773 58,156,773 16,966,093 41,190,680 6,817,034
  Total Department—Budgetary 1,273,074,011 3,187,646,878 179,208,034 (negative 134,142,815) 4,505,786,108 3,060,599,520 273,422,943 1,171,763,645 2,403,858,757
  Total Department—Non-budgetary 58,156,773 58,156,773 16,966,093 41,190,680 6,817,034
  Immigration and Refugee Board
1 Program expenditures 148,584,137 148,584,137        
  Transfer from:
  Vote 5 47,369,599 47,369,599        
  TB Vote 10Link to footnote 1 108,047 108,047        
  TB Vote 15Link to footnote 1 994,300 994,300        
  TB Vote 25Link to footnote 1 4,490,004 4,490,004        
  Transfer to Vote 1 (Treasury Board Secretariat) (negative 86,000) (negative 86,000)        
  Total—Vote 1 148,584,137 52,875,950 201,460,087 181,258,241 20,201,846 142,999,378
5 Enhancing the Integrity of Canada's Borders and Asylum System 56,850,000 56,850,000        
  Transfer to Vote 1 (negative 47,369,599) (negative 47,369,599)        
  Total—Vote 5 56,850,000 (negative 47,369,599) 9,480,401 9,480,401
Link to footnote S Contributions to employee benefit plans 18,119,215 1,029,146 19,148,361 19,148,361 15,358,289
Link to footnote S Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 703 703 703 968
  Total Agency—Budgetary 223,553,352 6,536,200 230,089,552 200,407,305 29,682,247 158,358,635
  Total Ministry—Budgetary 1,273,074,011 3,411,200,230 179,208,034 (negative 127,606,615) 4,735,875,660 3,261,006,825 303,105,190 1,171,763,645 2,562,217,392
  Total Ministry—Non-budgetary 58,156,773 58,156,773 16,966,093 41,190,680 6,817,034

Public Accounts of Canada 2020 Volume II: Bottom of the page Navigation

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