Core responsibilities

Public Accounts of Canada 2020 Volume II: Top of the page Navigation

(in dollars)

Description Budgetary Total Budgetary Non-budgetary
Operating Capital Transfer payments Revenues netted against expenditures
Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year
Department of Industry
Companies, Investment and Growth 694,516,883 583,841,702 8,101,659 7,019,910 1,007,070,191 722,983,051 242,979,459 246,992,220 1,466,709,274 1,066,852,443 1,408,750,000 1,406,000,000
Science, Technology, Research and Commercialization 20,456,806 20,419,766 935,818,761 792,750,693 956,275,567 813,170,459
People, Skills and Communities 24,952,902 24,533,519 60,092 60,092 510,390,032 308,236,179 535,403,026 332,829,790
Internal Services 213,623,199 205,116,442 1,071,059 789,739 35,950,000 32,651,289 178,744,258 173,254,892
Subtotal 953,549,790 833,911,429 9,232,810 7,869,741 2,453,278,984 1,823,969,923 278,929,459 279,643,509 3,137,132,125 2,386,107,584 1,408,750,000 1,406,000,000
Budget Implementation (for information) 9,516,560 9,516,560
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 278,929,459) (negative 279,643,509) (negative 278,929,459) (negative 279,643,509)
Total Department 684,136,891 554,267,920 9,232,810 7,869,741 2,453,278,984 1,823,969,923 3,146,648,685 2,386,107,584 1,408,750,000 1,406,000,000
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Economic Development in Atlantic Canada 51,619,666 49,565,179 274,953,030 274,953,026 326,572,696 324,518,205
Internal Services 27,919,593 27,141,436 27,919,593 27,141,436
Budget Implementation (for information) 26,772 26,772
Total Agency 79,566,031 76,706,615 274,953,030 274,953,026 354,519,061 351,659,641
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
Economic Development in the Territories 13,085,634 12,654,320 47,261,760 46,756,093 60,347,394 59,410,413
Internal Services 7,629,943 7,752,055 7,629,943 7,752,055
Budget Implementation (for information) 545,562 545,562
Total Agency 21,261,139 20,406,375 47,261,760 46,756,093 68,522,899 67,162,468
Canadian Space Agency
Canada in space 150,362,850 138,747,529 178,174,043 74,280,772 59,626,000 59,582,624 388,162,893 272,610,925
Internal Services 49,381,664 50,178,780 4,293,581 1,646,386 53,675,245 51,825,166
Total Agency 199,744,514 188,926,309 182,467,624 75,927,158 59,626,000 59,582,624 441,838,138 324,436,091
Canadian Tourism Commission 100,665,913 100,665,913 100,665,913 100,665,913
Copyright Board
Copyright Tariffs and Licences 3,497,278 3,297,974 3,497,278 3,297,974
Internal Services 820,349 772,056 820,349 772,056
Total Agency 4,317,627 4,070,030 4,317,627 4,070,030
Department of Western Economic Diversification
Economic development in Western Canada 36,818,117 34,320,929 266,443,500 261,119,937 303,261,617 295,440,866
Internal Services 12,184,578 13,639,563 12,184,578 13,639,563
Budget Implementation (for information) 1,068,810 1,068,810
Total Agency 50,071,505 47,960,492 266,443,500 261,119,937 316,515,005 309,080,429
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
Economic Development in Quebec 26,686,534 25,058,916 284,837,735 278,837,615 311,524,269 303,896,531
Internal Services 20,181,706 20,726,195 20,181,706 20,726,195
Budget Implementation (for information) 38,630 38,630
Total Agency 46,906,870 45,785,111 284,837,735 278,837,615 331,744,605 324,622,726
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Economic Development in Southern Ontario 21,986,853 21,750,078 232,999,790 232,999,790 254,986,643 254,749,868
Internal Services 12,789,120 12,754,540 12,789,120 12,754,540
Budget Implementation (for information) 53,590 53,590
Total Agency 34,829,563 34,504,618 232,999,790 232,999,790 267,829,353 267,504,408
National Research Council of Canada
Science and Innovation 665,801,561 574,127,338 69,913,794 49,753,967 464,165,901 435,225,394 1,199,881,256 1,059,106,699
Internal Services 156,709,880 154,226,523 10,000,000 1,268,643 166,709,880 155,495,166
Total Agency 822,511,441 728,353,861 79,913,794 51,022,610 464,165,901 435,225,394 1,366,591,136 1,214,601,865
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Funding Natural Sciences and Engineering Research and Training 42,594,386 35,898,411 1,300,483,175 1,296,861,360 1,343,077,561 1,332,759,771
Internal Services 21,415,086 26,605,581 21,415,086 26,605,581
Budget Implementation (for information) 35,288 35,288
Total Agency 64,044,760 62,503,992 1,300,483,175 1,296,861,360 1,364,527,935 1,359,365,352
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Funding Social Sciences and Humanities Research and Training 21,426,465 18,437,099 495,909,692 495,633,954 517,336,157 514,071,053
Institutional support for the indirect costs of research 324,603 300,132 406,767,519 406,767,519 407,092,122 407,067,651
Internal Services 18,355,962 19,618,584 18,355,962 19,618,584
Budget Implementation (for information) 35,288 35,288
Total Agency 40,142,318 38,355,815 902,677,211 902,401,473 942,819,529 940,757,288
Standards Council of Canada 18,578,854 18,578,854 18,578,854 18,578,854
Statistics Canada
Statistical Information 600,434,042 584,707,094 100,000 63,800 120,038,495 120,038,495 480,495,547 464,732,399
Internal Services 82,048,294 82,217,225 82,048,294 82,217,225
Subtotal 682,482,336 666,924,319 100,000 63,800 120,038,495 120,038,495 562,543,841 546,949,624
Budget Implementation (for information) 138,531 138,531
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 120,038,495) (negative 120,038,495) (negative 120,038,495) (negative 120,038,495)
Total Agency 562,582,372 546,885,824 100,000 63,800 562,682,372 546,949,624
Total Ministry 2,729,359,798 2,467,971,729 271,614,228 134,819,509 6,286,827,086 5,612,771,035 9,287,801,112 8,215,562,273 1,408,750,000 1,406,000,000

Public Accounts of Canada 2020 Volume II: Bottom of the page Navigation

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