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2012-2013 Parks Canada Agency Corporate Plan

Section I – Organizational Overview

Figure 1: The System of National Parks of Canada - Text Version

Parks Canada's long-term goal is to establish at least one national park in each of Canada's terrestrial regions. There are 43 national parks representing 28 of Canada's 39 terrestrial regions, making the system over 70 percent complete and protecting approximately 301,500 square kilometres of Canada's lands.

The purpose of Figure 1 is to identify the 39 terrestrial regions of Canada including whether or not they are presently represented by a national park.

Canada's 39 terrestrial regions are as follows:

In the Western Mountains, there are:

  1. Pacific Coast Mountains, represented
  2. Strait of Georgia Lowlands, represented
  3. Interior Dry Plateau, not represented
  4. Columbia Mountains, represented
  5. Rocky Mountains, represented
  6. Northern Coast Mountains, represented
  7. Northern Interior Plateaux and Mountains, not represented
  8. Mackenzie Mountains, represented
  9. Northern Yukon, represented

In the Interior Plains, there are:

  1. Mackenzie Delta, represented
  2. Northern Boreal Plains, represented
  3. Southern Boreal Plains and Plateaux, represented
  4. Prairie Grasslands, represented
  5. Manitoba Lowlands, not represented

In the Canadian Shield, there are:

  1. Tundra Hills, represented
  2. Central Tundra, represented
  3. Northwestern Boreal Uplands, not represented
  4. Central Boreal Uplands, represented
  5. 19a. West Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Precambrian Region, represented
  6. 19b. Central Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Precambrian Region, represented
  7. 19c. East Great Lakes–St. Lawrence Precambrian Region, not represented
  1. Laurentian Boreal Highlands, not represented
  2. East Coast Boreal Region, not represented
  3. Boreal Lake Plateau, not represented
  4. Whale River, not represented
  5. Northern Labrador Mountains, represented
  6. Ungava Tundra Plateau, not represented
  7. Northern Davis Region, represented

In the Hudson Bay Lowlands, there are:

  1. Hudson–James Lowlands, represented
  2. Southampton Plain, not represented

In the St. Lawrence Lowlands there are:

  1. 29a. West St. Lawrence Lowland, represented
  2. 29b. Central St. Lawrence Lowland, represented
  3. 29c. East St. Lawrence Lowland, represented

In the Appalachian Region, there are:

  1. Notre Dame-Megantic Mountains, represented
  2. Maritime Acadian Highlands, represented
  3. Maritime Plain, represented
  4. Atlantic Coast Uplands, represented
  5. Western Newfoundland Highlands, represented
  6. Eastern Newfoundland Atlantic Region, represented

In the Arctic Lowlands, there are:

  1. Western Arctic Lowlands, represented
  2. Eastern Arctic Lowlands, represented

In the High Arctic Islands, there are:

  1. Western High Arctic, not represented
  2. Eastern High Arctic, represented

[Return to Figure 1]