Public Works and Government Services Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

How to Use NPMS

How the National Project Management System (NPMS) Web site is organized

This site is divided into four main sections:

1. National Project Management System

This section provides background information on the system. It also describes the three stages and nine phases of the system, (one phase within the Inception Stage and four phases within Identification and Delivery), as well as the control points and deliverables for each phase.

2. Roadmaps

Roadmaps are guidance documents that identify the generic activities and tasks required in each stage and phase of the system. NPMS has the flexibility to allow users to develop additional roadmaps to satisfy specific needs.

3. Knowledge Areas (KA)

Knowledge Areas are organized into distinct sections that describe the project management knowledge and practice within the context of Real Property Branch, Information Technology Services Branch, and the Project Management Institute's Body of Knowledge. Each KA is comprised of an introductory description page that defines the KA and provides hyperlinks to all related documents, policies and practices that are currently available.

4. Deliverables

Each of the nine NPMS phases requires a specific deliverable to be completed in order to move on to the next phase. These deliverables are to be approved at the appropriate control point referenced in the NPMS Model.

Getting started

It is recommended that users become familiar with the NPMS stages and phases, and use the project plan template and the applicable roadmap. The roadmap will guide you through each project activity required within NPMS. Links to information, templates and other resources will be provided at each step.


On-going NPMS training is provided to familiarize new NPMS users with the system, and to provide existing users with more detailed subject-specific training. For further information on course availability and registration, please contact:

Frequently asked questions

The FAQs provide answers to the most commonly asked questions about the NPMS.

If you still have questions about the NPMS or you have ideas for improving the content of the system, please contact your Continual Improvement regional representative. The Continual Improvement Team ensures that the NPMS is continually improved upon so it remains useful, current and relevant.