Public Works and Government Services Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Medical Examinations

With few exceptions, if you buy back prior service, you will have to undergo a medical examination.

If you buy back service within one year from the date of issuance of your written Notification of Plan Membership (PWGSC-TPSGC 2018) under the pension plan (also known as a "normal" election) and you fall into one of the following categories, you will not need to undergo a medical examination:

  • You are buying back prior Federal Public Service that ended immediately prior to the date you became a plan member. This means that there cannot be a break in service;


  • You have been continuously employed in the Federal Public Service for at least five years. This may include a combination of employment as a member of the Canadian Forces or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. This means that you have had no breaks in employment in excess of three months.

For all other "normal" elections, a medical must be undergone to validate your election. Should you undergo but fail the examination, neither you nor your survivors would be entitled to pension benefits in respect of the service buyback unless you remain employed in the Federal Public Service for five years from the date of the failed examination. If you do not remain employed in the Federal Public Service for five years, then the payments for the elective service will be refunded. Interest is only payable on the contributions that have been in the fund for at least two years. However, if you undergo and pass a subsequent medical examination within this five-year period and are still employed, then the buyback will be validated.

The following are circumstances under which you must pass a medical examination:

  • You are buying back service after one year from the date of issuance of written Notification of Plan Membership (PWGSC-TPSGC 2018), also known as a "late" election;
  • You are buying back service as a former member of the Canadian Forces or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, or as a former Member of Parliament and you choose to surrender your pension entitlement under these plans;
  • You are buying back a period of Leave Without Pay (LWOP) which you had previously chosen not to count;
  • You are buying back the balance of service which was not purchased under a pension transfer. Refer to Medical requirements associated with a PTA.

If you do not pass the medical examination, the service cannot be counted.

You must undergo the examination not more than 90 days before or six months after the date of signing the election form. You should therefore contact your physician as soon as possible and advise the Contact Us - Government of Canada Pension Centre if you experience difficulty in obtaining an appointment within this timeframe. The medical examination is undergone at your own expense.

The following forms, which your physician must fill out, sign and forward, are required for your medical examination and will be provided by the Pension Centre:

  • Evidence of Medical Examination (PWGSC-TPSGC 2081)

Keep a copy for your records and send the original to the Contact Us - Government of Canada Pension Centre.

  • Occupational Health Assessment Report (HC-SC 3312)

Complete, sign and date section D. Your physician must complete sections B, E and F and the form should then be mailed to Health Canada at the address provided to you by the Contact Us - Government of Canada Pension Centre.