Ministry summary

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Table Summary

The table presents the Ministry Summary. The table consists of 4 columns: Vote; Authority Description, Source of authorities and Disposition of authorities. Under Source of authorities, there are 4 columns: Available from previous years; As shown in; Adjustments, warrants and Transfers; Total available for use. Under As shown in there are 2 columns: Main Estimates and Supplementary Estimates. Under Disposition of authorities there are 4 columns: Used in the current year; Lapsed or (overexpended); Available for use in subsequent years; Used in the previous year. Sub-totals are displayed within each department or agency, for each vote, statutory votes, budgetary and non-budgetary authorities and for each department or agency. At the end of the table, ministry totals are displayed for total budgetary and non-budgetary authorities.

Vote   Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years
As shown in Adjustments, warrants and transfers
Total available for use
Used in the current year
Lapsed or (overexpended)
Available for use in subsequent years
Used in the previous year
Main Estimates
Supplementary Estimates
1 Operating expenditures   492,532,197     492,532,197        
1b Transfer of $10,099,700 from Foreign Affairs and International Trade Vote 1     51,749,542   51,749,542        
1c Transfer of $1,887,200 from Foreign Affairs and International Trade Vote 5, and $196,000 from Foreign Affairs and International Trade Vote 1     1   1        
Transfer from: Vote 1 (Foreign Affairs and International Trade)       10,295,700 10,295,700        
Vote 5 (Foreign Affairs and International Trade)       1,887,200 1,887,200        
TB Vote 15 1       372,647 372,647        
TB Vote 25 1       20,115,400 20,115,400        
TB Vote 30 1       42,327,867 42,327,867        
Transfer to: Vote 5       (6,061,840) (6,061,840)        
Vote 7b       (9,302) (9,302)        
Deemed appropriations to Vote 17 (Shared Services Canada) 2       (8,293,103) (8,293,103)        
Total—Vote 1   492,532,197 51,749,543 60,634,569 604,916,309 569,530,870 35,385,439   571,289,333
5 Grants and contributions   944,970,969     944,970,969        
5c Transfer of $6,061,840 from Citizenship and Immigration Vote 1     15,253,390   15,253,390        
Transfer from Vote 1       6,061,840 6,061,840        
Total—Vote 5   944,970,969 15,253,390 6,061,840 966,286,199 948,590,233 17,695,966   953,050,395
7b To write-off from the Accounts of Canada 4,726 debts due to Her Majesty in right of Canada amounting to $1,709,358 in the amount of $1,700,056 in 2011-12— Transfer of $9,302 from Citizenship and Immigration Vote 1     1,700,056   1,700,056        
Transfer from Vote 1       9,302 9,302        
Total—Vote 7b     1,700,056 9,302 1,709,358 1,684,523 24,835    
(S) Contributions to employee benefit plans   53,161,503   4,807,065 57,968,568 57,968,568     57,015,940
(S) Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multicultur-alism—Salary and motor car allowance   77,516   20 77,536 77,536     77,638
(S) Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 11,041     24,295 35,336 20,785   14,551 5,370
(S) Refunds of amounts credited to revenues in previous years       5,504,249 5,504,249 5,504,249     8,560,597
(S) Court awards       113,983 113,983 113,983     68,969
  Total budgetary 11,041 1,490,742,185 68,702,989 77,155,323 1,636,611,538 1,583,490,747 53,106,240 14,551 1,590,068,242
(S) (L) Loans to immigrants and refugees to facilitate the arrival of newcomers pursuant to section 88 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.Limit $110,000,000 (Net) 70,913,894       70,913,894 2,722,769   68,191,125 1,097,628
  Total Department—                  
  Budgetary 11,041 1,490,742,185 68,702,989 77,155,323 1,636,611,538 1,583,490,747 53,106,240 14,551 1,590,068,242
  Non-budgetary 70,913,894       70,913,894 2,722,769   68,191,125 1,097,628
  Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada                  
10 Program expenditures   136,540,730     136,540,730        
Transfer from: TB Vote 15 1       17,653 17,653        
TB Vote 25 1       4,651,252 4,651,252        
TB Vote 30 1       10,812,582 10,812,582        
Transfer to Vote 1 (Public Works and Government Services)       (40,889) (40,889)        
Deemed appropriations to Vote 17 (Shared Services Canada) 2       (557,000) (557,000)        
Total—Vote 10   136,540,730   14,883,598 151,424,328 126,367,421 25,056,907   111,917,964
(S) Contributions to employee benefit plans   16,459,481   (2,019,893) 14,439,588 14,439,588     13,639,316
(S) Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets       1,615 1,615 1,615     1,303
  Total Agency—Budgetary   153,000,211   12,865,320 165,865,531 140,808,624 25,056,907   125,558,583
  Total Ministry—                  
  Budgetary 11,041 1,643,742,396 68,702,989 90,020,643 1,802,477,069 1,724,299,371 78,163,147 14,551 1,715,626,825
  Non-budgetary 70,913,894       70,913,894 2,722,769   68,191,125 1,097,628
Note: The full wording of all authorities granted in current year Appropriation Acts, of all authorities granted by statutes other than Appropriation Acts, of all non-lapsing authorities granted / repealed in the current year, and of all authorities available from previous years is given in Section 1 of this volume.


Footnote S

Statutory authority.

Return to footnoteS referrer

Footnote L

Non-budgetary authority (loan, investment or advance).

Return to footnoteL referrer

Footnote 1
  • Treasury Board Vote 5—Government contingencies.
  • Treasury Board Vote 10—Government-wide initiatives.
  • Treasury Board Vote 15—Compensation adjustments.
  • Treasury Board Vote 25—Operating budget carry forward.
  • Treasury Board Vote 30—Paylist requirements.
  • Treasury Board Vote 33—Capital budget carry forward.

Return to footnote1 referrer

Footnote 2

Deemed appropriations to Vote 17, Shared Services Canada pursuant to section 31.1 of the Financial Administration Act (Order in Council 2011-1297).

Return to footnote2 referrer

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