Public Works and Government Services Canada
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Supplier Advisory Committee

PWGSC Acquisitions and national associations and their members work together through the Supplier Advisory Committee to bring potential improvements to government procurement and for a better understanding of supply and demand.

The Supplier Advisory Committee (SAC) is an ongoing consultative body whose objectives are to:

  • obtain information and experience pertaining to procurement issues within the responsibility of PWGSC;
  • complement and supplement the government’s expertise through external perspectives and knowledge;
  • capitalize on best procurement practices by giving voice to industry wide issues;
  • identify emerging procurement issues and recommend improvements to procurement tools and processes; and
  • improve government-supplier relations.

The SAC is co-chaired by the Assistant Deputy Minister of Acquisitions Branch in Public Works and Government Services Canada and a private sector co-chair, and is composed of a representative group of national industry associations (one association representative and one member firm invited by each association).

View the Supplier Advisory Committee Terms of Reference.

View the Supplier Advisory Committee Members.


Access agendas and records of discussions from Supplier Advisory Committee Meetings.


For more information

If you have any questions or to obtain copies of the presentations, please contact