Public Works and Government Services Canada
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Publications and Procurement Documents

Supply Manual
The Supply Manual describes the supply activities of PWGSC. It contains relevant laws, regulations, government and departmental policies. It explains why and how PWGSC carries out its supply activities. It is used by PWGSC contracting officers.
SACC Manual
The Standard Acquisition Clauses and Conditions Manual provides suppliers and clients of PWGSC with information on clauses, conditions and templates commonly used in the contracting process by the federal government and PWGSC. Its contents are referred to in bidding opportunities and contracting activities; the manual is used primarily by PWGSC's contracting officers.
Policy Notifications
Policy Notifications are used, as an interim measure, to implement new or modified policies and procedures, and/or clauses and conditions, until they can be incorporated into the relevant manual(s): SACC Manual and/or Supply Manual.
Green Procurement
Green Procurement is the integration of environmental performance considerations into the procurement decision-making process.
Acquisitions Forms
Provides businesses with the required procurement forms for their contractual documents. Forms are in PDF format and can be viewed or printed on-screen or downloaded.
Code of Conduct for Procurement
Provides all those involved in the procurement process - public servants and vendors alike - with a clear statement of mutual expectations to ensure a common basic understanding among all participants in procurement.
Customer Information System
The Customer Information System (CIS) contains the names and addresses of government customers who obtain goods and services through PWGSC. Each name and address is linked to a five character Customer Address Code (CAC) that may be used as a consignee code, ordering office code or accounting office code. Each customer obtaining goods and services through PWGSC is required to have one or more CAC listed in the CIS.