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Official languages training services of Canada


Welcome to Procurement Methods for official languages training services! Official languages training services, including current standing offers and future supply arrangements, are procurement tools across federal government designed to provide access to qualified or pre-qualified suppliers who provide official languages training services to federal government employees.

Standing offers (SOs) are open to the federal departments, agencies and corporations listed in Schedules I, I.1, II and III of the Financial Administration Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. F-11).

To receive training on the use of the SOs, you must communicate with PWGSC by e-mail at

Table of contents

  1. Important Notices
  2. List of Standing offers (SOs)
  3. Information for users
  4. Frequently asked questions This link is available only to clients with access to Publiservice, the Government of Canada extranet.
  5. Glossary
  6. Contact us

Note: Distinct standing offers have been issued in the following Atlantic region provinces

  • New Brunswick;
  • Nova Scotia;
  • Newfoundland and Labrador; and
  • Prince Edward Island

To obtain more information of these standing offers, please contact Charline MacDonald at 506-851-6067 or at


  • This link is available only to clients with access to Publiservice, the Government of Canada extranet.The following information is only accessible to federal departments and agencies.