Public Works and Government Services Canada
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PWGSC Washington Office

The Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) office located at the Embassy of Canada in Washington, D.C. (PWGSC-W office), is the Government of Canada’s accredited organisation for defence-related contractual arrangements in the U.S. The office was established in 1951 to act as the single window for Canadian purchases under the United States Foreign Military Sales program. Over time, its role has broadened to represent PWGSC in Washington and to support and assist specific business lines in their dealings with U.S. counterparts, such as the application of security safeguards in contracting processes and the management of public buildings.

Defense Acquisitions

Canadian Embassy in Washington

The Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program allows Canada and other foreign governments to acquire defence articles, services and training from the U.S. Department of Defense. In addition to contracting, PWGSC Washington does end-to-end contract management including funds management and export clearances. FMS procurements are conducted in accordance with the U.S. Arms Export Control Act, the International Traffic in Arms Regulations and the Defense Federal Acquisitions Regulations. The office currently manages over 500 Foreign Military Sales cases worth more than $4 billion. Through its FMS program, the PWGSC-W office has contributed to the overall Canada First Defence Strategy by procuring key systems and programs including the Chinook F-model helicopters, CF-18 maintenance program, Mine Resistant Armored Protection (MRAP) Vehicles, C-130J Hercules planes and various radar and missile systems.

International Cooperation

PWGSC-W office also supports the International Cooperation Initiative to facilitate the exchange of best practices and lessons learned and explore areas of common interest with its U.S. counterparts including the U.S. Department of Defense, the Office of Management and Budget, the Government Accountability Office, the Department of Homeland Security and the General Services Administration (GSA). The office acts as a catalyst to support the follow-on activities under the PWGSC-GSA Memorandum of Understanding finalised in 2003, in particular the work of the forums that have developed partnerships in the areas of acquisitions, e-procurement and real property. The intent is to build and leverage relationships with the U.S. government, international counterparts and embassy partners to advocate on common issues and advance departmental files and governmental objectives.


Anya Lisowski, Director General, Defence Procurement

PWGSC Washington, Embassy of Canada


Telephone: 202.682.7679