Public Works and Government Services Canada
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Major Projects (Land)

The Major Projects - Land Directorate is responsible for acquisition related to several Department of National Defence projects, including the Medium Support Vehicle System project and the Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle project.

Medium Support Vehicle System (MSVS)

A cornerstone of army transformation, the Medium Support Vehicle System (MSVS) Project will replace the Department of National Defence's existing Medium Logistics Vehicle Wheeled with two new vehicles as follows:

  • a quantity of up to 1,500 Standard Military Pattern (SMP) trucks for operational units as well as logistics support for the life expectancy of the vehicle estimated at 20 years; and
  • a quantity of 1,300 "Militarized" Commercial Off-The-Shelf (MilCOTS) trucks for Reserve training in Canada.

The project will also acquire up to 300 trailers, up to 150 armour protection systems and up to 1,000 Special Equipment Vehicles (SEV) Shelters and associated Kitting. The kits consist of tailored workspaces such as medical units or command posts, which are fitted to the SEV Shelters. Once installed on a truck, they convert that vehicle into a specialized unit such as a dental clinic or an equipment repair facility.

Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle (TAPV)

On June 7, 2012, the Government of Canada awarded Textron Systems Canada Inc (TSCI), contracts for 500 Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicles (TAPV), as well as logistics support for the life expectancy of the vehicle estimated at 25 years. TSCI was awarded the contracts after a comprehensive two-stage procurement process involving a Statement of Interest and Qualification phase as well as a Request for Proposal process in which four companies ultimately submitted proposals.

Canada's Industrial and Regional Benefit (IRB) policy was a mandatory element of the TAPV procurement, where TSCI is required to undertake business activity in Canada valued at 100 percent of the value of both TAPV contracts, thereby ensuring a dollar-for-dollar investment in the Canadian economy.

The TAPV is a wheeled combat vehicle that will fulfill a wide variety of roles including but not limited to reconnaissance and surveillance, security, command and control, cargo, and armored personnel carrier. It will have a high degree of tactical mobility and provide a very high degree of survivability to its crew.

Initial vehicle deliveries are anticipated during 2016.

Major Projects - Land Organization

Sylvie Lalonde, Senior Director
Telephone: 819-997-5368

Medium Support Vehicle System Project

Yves Lortie, Manager
Telephone: 819-997-7268

Lynn Fonger, Manager
Telephone: 819-997-2242

Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle

Marie-Andree Jacques, Acting Manager
Telephone: 819-997-0953