Specialized Areas


The specialized areas are knowledge areas that are not standard Project Management Institute (PMI) knowledge areas for construction projects. This section was created to include the matters of interest for the Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) Real Property context that are not covered in the standard PMI knowledge areas.


Ensure that all questions to be considered in the management of PWGSC Real Property projects are incorporated in the National Project Management System.

Summary of the Procedure

The purpose of the NPMS Procedure on Managing Projects for Heritage Properties is to ensure that real property projects undertaken by PWGSC on heritage properties, respect federal policy obligations regarding the protection of the heritage values of these federal heritage buildings, structures, or historic sites. It also serves to ensure that these projects integrate international heritage conservation practices within the NPMS process. Of particular note is the new mandatory requirement for heritage recording documentation and a conservation plan for all Classified Crown-owned buildings under the custodianship of PWGSC.

Aboriginal Consultation and Accommodation

The duty to consult applies to activities that may adversely impact potential or established Aboriginal or Treaty rights. Real property activities that have the potential to raise the most risks in this regard include: land transactions, project delivery and possibly building management.

If it is determined that a project has the potential to trigger the duty to consult, project managers shall contact Legal Services for advice.

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) provides Training for Federal Officials to Fulfill the Duty to Consult and, when appropriate, accommodate Aboriginal groups. For more information or to register, contact consultation-sessions@aadnc-aandc.gc.ca.

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