International Organization for Standardization - ISO 9000 Quality Management & ISO 14001 Environmental Management

You are committed to quality, in the way you do business and in the way you serve your customers.

You are dedicated to implementing and maintaining the highest standards of excellence, to meeting and exceeding the most demanding requirements of your suppliers and clients.

You have chosen to meet the standard. Start by selecting the people who stand for excellence.

The trusted name in quality registration.

  • Experienced
  • Committed
  • International
  • Professional
  • Versatile

A commitment to achievement

To succeed in today's world of intense competition and demanding customers, organizations must consistently meet and exceed their goals. The most successful organizations are those who choose to attain the standards recognized around the world – ISO 9000 (Quality Management System) and ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System). By becoming ISO 9000 and ISO 14001 registered, these organizations are telling their customers they are committed to the highest levels of quality and environmental performance.

The Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) is the recognized name in helping organizations achieve registration. CGSB will work with you to surpass the levels of excellence you have set for yourself through your commitment to ISO 9000 and ISO 14001.

CGSB will work with your company and your employees to help you meet your goals on time and within budget. We offer these advantages:

  • we act as an independent registrar. That means you get an unbiased and independent verification of your system from a third party.
  • count on our support every step of the way. You will receive a guide to ensure we meet your expectations. We provide all the start-up materials, forms and the applications you require. We conduct a registration audit, provide reports and corrective actions as required and ensure you receive follow-up surveillance audits.

ISO 9000 – your stamp of quality

Earn certification to the internationally recognized ISO 9000 series of quality systems – standards and guidelines that tell your customers you consistently produce and deliver superior products and services.

With CGSB, you can count on a well-designed ISO 9000 registration service, one that cuts costs, streamlines productivity and creates business opportunities. That's because our team of highly competent, experienced professionals follows strict procedures to ensure your expectations are met.

Rely on CGSB to deliver these ISO 9000 benefits:

  • enhanced credibility and position in the marketplace;
  • the expertise acquired in more than seven years experience; and
  • the ability to serve you in a wide range of Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) and Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) codes.

ISO 14001 – an environment for growth

The world's first international environmental management system (EMS) standard, ISO 14001 will give your organization a standardized model for complying with legislative and business requirements.

CGSB can help even if you have an effective EMS in place. We will make sure you adhere to the discipline required by ISO 14001, while receiving credit for meeting your environmental responsibilities. We will help you reduce liabilities, establish a foundation of your due diligence and enable you to monitor your progress.

Rely on CGSB to deliver ISO 14001 benefits which may include:

  • an environmental status you can use to promote your organization's standing in any competitive business sector;
  • a poly site concept that will allow you to meet the environmental liabilities of numerous sites at a reasonable cost.
  • a significant reduction in waste and insurance premiums.

Show your commitment

Upon registration to either ISO 9000 or ISO 14001, you will receive the appropriate CGSB official mark. Display them and tell the world you're committed to quality and the environment.

CGSB delivers these advantages:

  • Experience. The knowledge we've acquired in 65 years puts us in a strong position to help your organization prosper in the new millennium.
  • Reach. CGSB's network of talented professionals will meet your needs in Canada, the United States, Mexico, Europe – anywhere in the world you do business.
  • Price. Call us for a quick and easy estimate. It's free and there's no obligation. You will be delighted to find quality comes at a price you can afford.
  • Savings. CGSB offers a sampling procedure to register multi-site organizations, the most cost-effective and efficient way to register multiple sites.
  • Commitment. Count on CGSB for the long term. We pride ourselves on maintaining a strong post-registration relationship with our clients after registration.
  • Language. CGSB will audit your organization in the language in which you do business.
  • Versatility. We serve small and large and private and public organizations. And our federal government roots put us in a unique position to support federal policies.

Begin the process today

CGSB offers a complete range of services including standards development, product and service certification and QMS and EMS registration.

We are as eager to help you reach the highest standards of quality as you are to attain them. Call us today for a full ISO 9000 or ISO 14001 presentation. For more information, you can reach us at:

Canadian General Standards Board
11 Laurier Street
Place du Portage
Phase IIl, 6B1
Hull, Quebec
K1A 1G6

Visit our CGSB web site.

Or phone us at:

Ron Tessier 956-0397 (ISO 9000)

Roy John 956-3479 (ISO 14001)

CGSB offers:

  • Listings for products and services
  • Quality and Environment management systems
  • Standards Development