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Bibliothèque nationale du Canada
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Index des noms et des titres
After the War
After the War
Alphonse Knows... A Circle Is Not a Valentine
Alphonse Knows... The Colour of Spring
Alphonse Knows... Twelve Months Make a Year
Alphonse Knows... Zero Is Not Enough
Amy's Promise
Anastasia's Album
Anfousse, Ginette
Anywhere But Here
Arthur Throws a Tantrum
Attention, les murs ont des oreilles
Awake and Dreaming
Back, Francis
Bailey, Linda
Barrette, Doris
Les Barricades d'Arthur
Beddows, Eric
Beha, Philippe
Belfry Bat the Scaredy Cat
La Bergère de chevaux
Bianchi, John
Biscuits in the Cupboard
Bisson, Michel
Blades, Ann
The Body in the Basement
Bogart, Jo Ellen
Bone Dance
Bone Dance
Les Boutons du pirate
Bowers, Vivien
Bradford, Karleen
Brewster, Hugh
Brooks, Martha
Brooks, Martha
Un Cadavre de classe
Le Cauchemar de Klonk
Chan, Harvey
Chan, Harvey
Un Chapeau qui tournait autour de la terre
Le Cinéma de Somerset
Le Cri du grand corbeau
Crime Science
Croteau-Fleury, Marie-Danielle
The Daring Game
De l'or dans les sabots
Demers, Dominique
Un Dragon dans les pattes
Drawson, Blair
Dubé, Jasmine
Duchesne, Christiane
Duchesne, Christiane
Dueck, Adele
Edwards, Frank B.
Escape from Big Muddy
The Extortionist and His Dolls
Eyolfson, Norman
The Faces of Fear
Farmer Joe Baby-sits
Farmer Joe Goes to the City
Farmer Joe's Hot Day
Fernandez, Laura
Flying Dimitri
Follow That Hat!
Gagnon, Cécile
The Garden
Gauthier, Bertrand
George, Imelda
Gerber, Mary Jane
Germain, Philippe
Ghost Train
Ghost Train
Glaze, Dave
The Good Companion
Granfield, Linda
Gravel, François
Gilman, Phoebe
The Gypsy Princess
Hébert, Marie-France
Heneghan, James
The Hollow Tree
Homel, David
The House of Wooden Santas
Hughes, Monica
Hunter, Bernice Thurman
Hutchins, Hazel
In Flanders Fields: The Story of the Poem by John McCrae
Jacob Two-Two and the Dinosaur
Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang
Jacob Two-Two's First Spy Case
Jacobson, Rick
Jeremiah Learns to Read
Jérémie apprend à lire
Jess and the Runaway Grandpa
Jolin, Dominique
Jolin, Dominique
Kele's Secret
Kushner, Donn
Lacasse, Marie-Ève
Laliberté, Louise-Andrée
Lawson, Julie
Lazure, Jacques
Lazure, Jacques
Lemieux, Jean
Léon sans son chapeau
Liberté  -  surveillée
La Ligne de trappe
The Lights Go On Again
Looking at the Moon
Lottridge, Celia Barker
Lunn, Janet
MacGregor, Roy
Major, Kevin
Marcotte, Danielle
Marschall, Ken
Matas, Carol
Matas, Carol
McCallum, Stephen
McClintock, Norah
McCrae, John
McLeod, Chum
McNaughton, Janet
McNaughton, Janet
Merola, Caroline
Mollel, Tololwa M.
Morning on the Lake
Mystère à Lake Placid
La Mystérieuse bibliothécaire
Mystery at Lake Placid
Newbigging, Martha
Nichol, Barbara
The Night Voyagers
Noël, Michel
Noël, Michel
Noémie, la clé de l'énigme
Une Nuit bizarre
Ohi, Ruth
On Board the Titanic: What It Was Like When the Great Liner Sank
On the Go
Oppel, Kenneth
Oppel, Kenneth
Oppel, Kenneth
Papineau, Lucie
Papineau, Lucie
Paré, Roger
The Party
The Party
Pas de dodo sans doudou!
Pas de taches pour une girafe
Pearson, Kit
Pearson, Kit
Peek-a-boo at the Zoo
Pelletier, Francine
Le Petit Capuchon rouge
Plaisirs de vacances
Plante, Raymond
Le plus beau des voyages
Poil de serpent, dent d'araignée
Poulin, Stéphane
Poulin, Stéphane
Poulin, Stéphane
Poupart, Roger
Pratt, Ned
Pratt, Pierre
Pratt, Pierre
The Prince of Tarn
La Princesse gitane
Prud'Homme, Jules
Quelle belle fête!
Quelle belle fête!
Reczuch, Karen
Reid, Barbara
Reid, Barbara
Le Rêve couleur d'orange
Le Rêve couleur d'orange
Richard, Isabelle
Richards, Nancy Wilcox
Richler, Mordecai
Roméo, le rat romantique
Rouyère, Bruno
Row, Richard
Sarah and the People of Sand River
Sarrazin, Marisol
Sauriol, Louise-Michelle
Savoie, Jacques
Scott, Mary Ann
Sernine, Daniel
Shadows on a Sword
Simpson, Danièle
The Singing Basket
Skogan, Joan
The Sky Is Falling
Soulières, Robert
Soulières, Robert
Stock, Catherine
Super trompe
Tanaka, Shelley
Taylor, Cora
There Will Be Wolves
Thomas et la nuit
Tibo, Gilles
Ticket to Curlew
To Dance at the Palais Royale
To Dance at the Palais Royale
Travels for Two
La Traversée de l'apprenti-sorcier
Tremblay, Carole
Tremblay, Gayle McGuire
Le Trésor de Brion
Vachon, Hélène
Vaillancourt, François
Valgardson, W.D.
Vanishing Act
Villeneuve, Anne
Un Voyage pour deux
Waboose, Jan Bourdeau
Wallace, Ian
Wallace, Ian
Whatever You Do, Don't Go Near That Canoe!
What's a Daring Detective Like Me Doing in the Doghouse?
Who Took Henry and Mr. Z?
Wilson, Eric
Wilson, Janet
Wings to Fly
A Winter's Tale
Wish Me Luck
Woodbury, Mary
Wynne-Jones, Tim
Yee, Paul
Zekina, Daniela
Zimmermann, Werner
Zimmermann, Werner
Zoé à l'hôpital
Zoom at Sea
Zoom Away
Zoom Upstream
