
Art Business Magazine.

"Art is a rum business."

J.M.W. Turner.

September 29, 1996.
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Column: "Knowing the Numbers of Art: a key to making successful sales", by guest columnist Rick Boychuk, Salesman and Entrepreneur.

Letter to the Editor: Machinations of the Art Market regarding "Contemporary Art as an Investment Part II, speculation, artifice or magic." (see Features section for this article)

Art Business News:
Canadian On-line Content Liability Study
Withholding an Artwork is Not Infringement

Survey Results: Highlights of ABM's Visual Art On-line Survey results.

Love in the Art World: a saga of love and hate, greed and fear, jealousy and generosity, speculation, artifice and magic, all in the art world.

The Artist as a Businessperson Workshops.

Art Business Magazine is seeking a professional visual artist to write a regular column. For more information contact H.A. Fraser, Managing Editor, at Opportunity closes Nov. 5, 1996.