Archived News

Date deposited:

March 11, 1996: Art Business News, Arts Institutions Smelling the Coffee.

August 26, 1996: Art Business News: Copyright Bill progresses to second reading stage; Provincial measures would see arts "self-reliant"; Against the wall, the Art Gallery of Hamilton; Community standards testing for the visual arts in Alberta.

Sept. 29, 1996: Letters to the Editor.

Oct. 6, 1996: Art Business News: Cuts to culture...; CAPPRT certifies artists' assoc.; Copyright Reform; Cdn Heritage Collection, usign art as a tax shelter; Ont. Gov't "businessplan" for culture ministry; Some Toronto artists ponder the art system...; McMichael Cdn Art Collection, seed donors sue...; $4.5-million Horne collection up for sale.
Oct. 6, 1996: Letters to the Editor, July-Sept., 1996.

December 21, 1996: Art Business News -- OK to arts funding cuts, On-Line Content Liability Study, Withholding a Work is not an Infringement, Ont. Gov't seeks increase in volunteer labour, Fundraising and the VLT, Predictions by Chief Economist Bank of Canada, the Interprovincial Council of Cultural Directors, New union from the CAPPRT, Durban Kwazulu Natal, McMichael Canadian Collection, London lottery boon, Australian feds reducing role in arts funding.
Feb. 3, 1997: Art Business News -- Canadian Museums and Rogers Communications on-line *History of Art Congress scheduled for the millenium *Update on International Copyright Treaties *Lotteries and the arts in Britain *Artists invited to participate in on-line artwork, PORTE PAROLE *Ontario creates new Crown Foundations *Province of Ontario will appeal McMichael decision.
March 3, 1997: Art Business News -- CBC is ithrown a bonus; Sotheby's smuggling scandal; Heritage Minister plays 'hard ball' with Americans...; Debate continues over Canadian protectionist cultural policies; Canada Council eliminates 39 jobs; Ontario Government to improve efficieny of cultural agencies...; U.S. Trade Rep sees WTO ruling as leverage into all Canadian cultural industries.
April 28, 1997: Art Business News -- Building pillars of Canadian art history; AGO director tops government salaries; New arts council in N.S.; Toronto art auction to aid Lubicon Cree; Chalmers Foundation vs. OAC, round two; Willem De Kooning; Canadian Copyright Reform Update; Alberta Craft Council adopts commercial business practices; Canada Council has new name; 14 laid off at the AGH; Amendments to Canadian Copyright bill; Alberta artist's law suit; Federal government levels the field for Canadian arts charities; Trouble at Sotheby's, London; Korper's Toronto gallery complex finally purchased.
June 9, 1997: Art Business News -- Our cultural policy includes subsidy, national arts lobby group; News Bites, Canadian party arts platforms; Yeltsin returns trophy art law; Quebec artists take Canada to court; Rethink Canadian cultural policies, C.D. Howe Institute; Election call coincides with gov't spending; Internet is hot topic at NAMTA; C.C. Director set to leave; Cdn Copyright Bill Passes; Computerised Tracking and Collection Royalties; Copyrighting trees (Tuscany); New anti-tobacco law being challenged; New special interest group "Cultural Emergency" gears up for election; Copyright reform being studied by Senate; Anti-tobacco law passed by Senate; Victor Vasarely dies; Anti-tobacco law; Buy Canadian, but only if it gives the best return.
July 7, 1997: Art Business News -- Romance novelist rescues British art museum; Moscow museum badly underfunded; Greece demands return of Elgin Marbles; Art therapists now regulated in Britain; Top NYC art dealers under investigation; Grand Forks Arts Organizations; NYC street artist federal ruling stands; CARFAC closes Ottawa office; Exodus of art from Hong Kong; Stealing beauty from Africa; UNESCO urges protection of cultural heritage in Afghan conflict.
August 25, 1997: Art Business News -- Museum's prize painting 'fake; Proclamation of Canadian Copyright Reform; "Save the NEA" an appeal from Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro; French firefighters douse Paris museum blaze; Greek students in Britain begin campaign for Parthenon Marbles return; Misfortune surrounds alleged van Gogh painting; Trade body ruling erodes Canadian cultural protections; British sculptor charged with stealing body parts; House rejects block grant funding for the arts; New liquid barcoding product helps in art registration; Japanese owner of Sunflowers says it is not a fake; Francis Bacon bio-pic controversy; Cyberspace art trafficking "ring"; US art dealer charged with defrauding celebrities; British art market fears collapse under EU tax burden; U. of Calgary archaeologist swims Guatemalan river; Greeks keep up with demand for Elgin marbles; Clouds gather on the Canadian culture and trade front; Summer's here and the living is easy? art grads on the loose; Market for fossils on the rise; David Hockney is Nation's if not critics' favourite; US House vote nearly kills NEA.