Selling Art

Date deposited:
September 1, 1996: The Business of Art, Overcoming the Fear of Selling. by Lj Bury, art business adviser, Sterling, Virginia.
Sept. 29, 1996: Art in a New Context: does the white glare of the modern gallery enhance sales? by Celia Sage.
October 13, 1996: Uncover Buyer Concerns, Ask the Right Questions. by Lj Bury.
November 3, 1996: Knowing the "Numbers" of Art: a key to making successful sales. by Rick Boychuk, Salesman and Business Owner, Ontario.
December 1, 1996: Qualifying. by Rick Boychuk.
January 12, 1997: Being Known for Something: your signature counts. by Lj Bury.
January 27, 1997: Graphic Communication for the Fine Artist. by L. Diane Johnson, PSA.
June 9, 1997: The Accidental Networker, right person, right place, right time. by Tony Merino, visual artist.