© Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, 1995

Canadian HIV/AIDS Policy & Law Newsletter

Volume 2 Number 1 - October 1995

A Comprehensive Young Offender HIV/AIDS Policy

The Toronto-based Prisoners with HIV/AIDS Support Action Network is in the process of drafting a comprehensive young offender HIV/AIDS policy and has issued a "communities call for response."

According to the draft document, the recommendation for the development of a comprehensive young offender HIV/AIDS policy is aimed at both the provincial and federal governments: "At the provincial level, we propose that a joint ministerial task force, including members from the Ministries of Community and Social Services, of Health and of Corrections, be formed to consult with young offenders, community groups, and custody staff's unions while implementing our recommendations. We also propose the same process be undertaken at the federal level with the Solicitor General's Office, Correctional Services Canada and the Ministry of Health and Welfare. We urge these federal ministries to coordinate their response to our recommendations with the provincial task force."

The document contains information about: (1) who is in young offender custody facilities; (2) why they are in custody; (3) why youth are at risk for HIV; and (4) why there is concern for young offenders with regard to HIV/AIDS. It concludes that there is no need for HIV seroprevalence studies to know that HIV/AIDS is threatening young offenders' lives: "HIV/AIDS has already reached the adult institutions. Youth are at risk whether they are in young offender facilities or out on the street."

PASAN is seeking input into the document. For copies, contact PASAN at 517 College Street, Suite 327, Toronto ON M6G 4A2. Tel: (416) 920-9567; fax: (416) 928-2185; toll free: 1-800-263-9534 (PASAN accepts collect calls from prisoners).

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