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Ceraurus pleurexanthemus

Trilofest '97 - Second International
Trilobite Conference

Brock University, St. Catherines, Ontario - August 22-24, 1997

By Stuart Milliken

The organisers of these two unique conferences are pleased to offer an invitation to attend this very special three day celebration of Trilobites and palaeontology.

For the first, and probably only time, a high level professional palaeontology conference is now accessable to the collecting public at large. The "Trilofest" element of this conference is geared towards the beginner to advanced amateur collector. We are also pleased to offer to all those interested the chance to sit in on these high level meetings as well.

The First International Trilobite Conference was held twenty five years ago in Oslo, Norway, so don't miss this opportunity to attend this event. These concurrent conferences will have something to offer to everyone including: a field trip to collect Eurypterids, seminars, displays of collections from all over the world, and a chance to meet amateurs and professionals from all corners of the globe.

Trilofest has booked some excellent guest speakers, including Dr. Rolf Ludvigson, Dave Rudkin and Janet Waddington. We also have a Saturday night "social" planned for the chance to mingle with the pros and fellow amateur collectors in a non-formal setting.

The fee for this one-in-a-lifetime opportunity is ony $60 (Canadian). This fee includes access to ALL of the seminars and the Eurypterid field trip, as well as an invitation to our social, but not lodging or food. We also have discounts for clubs and other ways of reducing the entrance fees.

For more specific details, please contact Stuart Milliken at for Trilofest information, or you may contact Dr. Steve Westrop at

Trilobite Photo Gallery

Below is a list of trilobites found in Ontario. Click on a name below to see an image of it. These outstanding fossil images were prepared by Steve Anderson and made available to the Canadian Rockhound by Stuart Milliken. All images are less than 80 kb and should download quickly.
  1. Greepos boothi
  2. Naneillaneus americanus
  3. Flexicalymene
  4. Phacops
  5. Phacops, enrolled position
  6. Ceraurus pleurexanthemus
  7. Isotelus latus (most common of Ontario trilobites)

Copyright ©1997 Stuart Milliken

This article may not be copied, distributed or reprinted in any form without the author's permission. To contact the author, please use the e-mail address provided. If you are unable to contact the author, please contact the Canadian Rockhound. Authorized reprints must acknowledge the author and the Canadian Rockhound, and include the website URL address of the Canadian Rockhound.

Photographs of trilobite fossil images were prepared by Steve Anderson and provided courtesy of Stuart Milliken. If you wish to use any of the trilobite images, please contact Stuart Milliken using the above e-mail address.

More on Copyright

Document Number: CR9701303

Maple Leaf
The Canadian Rockhound

Copyright ©1997 Canadian Rockhound
Website created by Dirk Schmid

Images of minerals are Copyright ©1996
unless otherwise noted.

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