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The UK58 Group: Quintinite-3T, Charmarite-2H, Charmarite-3T, and Caresite-3T Abstracted by Malcolm Back
Charmarite-2H occurs as tabular hexagonal crystals to 0.5 mm. across, commonly stacked along [0001] to form pagoda-like aggregates up to 1 mm. Long, and as thin mica-like plates in some cases forming star-shaped aggregates. The stacked tabular crystals can show parallel-growth features along [0001]. The most common forms observed are {0001} and {10(bar1)0}. It is transparent, with a vitreous lustre, orange-brown, pale brown, pale blue or colourless, and the streak is white. There is one perfect cleavage {0001}, and an uneven fracture. The Mohs hardness is about 2, and it is non-fluorescent in ultraviolet light. The mineral is attacked by 1:1 HCl (hydrochloric acid) and HNO3 (nitric acid) with effervescence, and dissolves in H2SO4 (sulfuric acid) with effervescence. Charmarite-2H is uniaxial negative, w 1.587(1) and e 1.547(1), with weak pleochroism in the pale-blue varieties, w = colourless e = pale-blue, and strong pleochroism in the orange-brown varieties, w = orange-brown e = very pale brown. It is hexagonal, space group P6322, a 10.985(5) c 15.10(2) Å, V 1578(3) Å and Z = 4. Dcalc. = 2.50 g/cm3 and Dmeas. = 2.47(1) g/cm3.
Quintinite-3T occurs as hexagonal tabular crystals on {0001} to 1 mm across, commonly forming rosettes, in some cases in an epitactic relationship with donnayite-(Y). Common forms observed are {0001} and {10(bar1)0}. It is transparent, with a vitreous lustre, bright yellow to pale yellow and the streak is white. There is one perfect cleavage {0001}, and an uneven fracture. The Mohs hardness is about 2, and it is non-fluorescent in ultraviolet light. The mineral is attacked slightly by 1:1 HCl, strongly by HNO3, and dissolves in 1:1 H2SO4. Quintinite-3T is uniaxial positive or negative, w 1.533(1) and e 1.533(1), both the same within the error of measurement (0.0001), and most are non-pleochroic. One sample with Mg:Fe of ~1 is pleochroic with w = dark green, e = light green. It is trigonal, space group P3112 or P3212, a 10.558(2) c 22.71(3) Å, V 2192(3) Å and Z = 6. Dcalc. = 2.14 g/cm3 and Dmeas. = 2.14(1) g/cm3.
Caresite-3T occurs tabular crystals on {0001} and pyramidal crystals to 0.5 mm across, forming irregular aggregates. Forms observed are {0001} and {10(bar1)0}, generally with a hexagonal pyramid which is not consistent with the symmetry. This apparent form may be caused by a combination of an {h0(bar h)1} trigonal dipyramid and an {hh(bar2)(bar h)l} rhombohedron or by a diminishing pinacoid during crystal growth. It is transparent, with a vitreous lustre, green-black, but it is normally coated with a fine-grained smectite or with chamosite. There is one perfect cleavage {0001}, and an uneven fracture. The Mohs hardness is about 2, and it is non-fluorescent in ultraviolet light. The mineral dissolves in 1:1 HCl, is strongly attacked by HNO3 and H2SO4, with effervescence. Caressite-3T is uniaxial negative, w 1.599(1) and e 1.570(1). It is trigonal, space group P3112 or P3212, a 10.805(3) c 22.48(3) Å, V 2273(4) Å and Z = 6. Dcalc. = 2.59 g/cm3 and Dmeas. = 2.59(1) g/cm3.
Source:Chao, G.Y. & Gault, R.A.(1997). Quintinite-2H, Quintinite-3T, Charmarite-2H, Charmarite-3T and Caresite-3T, a new group of carbonate minerals related to the Hydrotalcite - Manasseite group. Can. Min. 35:1541-1549.
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