f o c u s i n g o n t h e c a n a d i a n s m a l l p r e s s s c e n e a n d o t h e r m a t t e r s o f i n s i g n i f i c a n c e

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Redeye Ghazal: Saskatchewan

by David Solway

It’s only boring if you’re looking for mountains.
Otherwise, you’ll see much to revel in, scenes

emerging from discriminate particulars,
a valley riven out of limestone scree, plains

running to distance, like a landing strip for wind.
The thick moraines have broken up to Tindall stone

and stands of dogwood put on a spectral grace.
Wheatships sail by, and pressing down upon the grain,

skies so low it seems the prairie’s heaved and buckled
and miles of flatland can’t be told from cloud ravines.

Light-and-shadow patches rise in dunes and hillocks
and every river calls the bluff of this terrain.

The night is wide and offers space for dreaming in.
The day is heavy with the solar weight of barns.


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The Danforth Review is produced in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. All content is copyright of its creator and cannot be copied, printed, or downloaded without the consent of its creator. The Danforth Review is edited by Michael Bryson. Poetry Editors are Geoff Cook and Shane Neilson. Reviews Editors are Anthony Metivier (fiction) and Erin Gouthro (poetry). TDR alumnus officio: K.I. Press. All views expressed are those of the writer only. International submissions are encouraged. The Danforth Review is archived in the National Library of Canada. ISSN 1494-6114. 

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We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts which last year invested $19.1 million in writing and publishing throughout Canada. Nous remercions de son soutien le Conseil des Arts du Canada, qui a investi 19,1 millions de dollars l'an dernier dans les lettres et l'édition à travers le Canada.