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above/ground press

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Interview with rob mclennan

When did you start publishing? Why did you start publishing?

i started publishing because i didnt see the point in waiting for someone else to get excited abt making a chapbook of mine. when i noticed how relatively easy it was, i started asking for manuscripts from other people. i made my first chapbook in 1992, & my first above/ground press chapbook in the summer of 1993.

Briefly describe the type of work you publish.

i publish poetry chapbooks & STANZAS magazine, a chapbook-sized mag for long poems &/or sequences.

Do you accept unsolicited submissions? How do you decide what to publish?

i always accept unsolicited, but i take forever to decide. i decide basically from what interests or excites me. i cant usually take that much, since im often behind on previous things, for lack of money.

How many chapbooks have you published? (both number of books & volume of books)

including chapbooks, magazines & broadsheets, ive published about three hundred items since 1993. someday ill even publish that bibliography ive been advertising for 3 years. my current backlist & new publications are on my website

Any advice for people thinking of starting a small press?

not really, just start makin things & get them out to folk. be aware of trades, & that handouts are important. its not necessary to be a stickler abt getting yr four dollars. sometimes its more important to have that reader. book fairs are good. im currently doing exchages with abt 6 chapbook presses around the country, & am usually into trades. i like to see what other people are doing.

Additional comments?

if you have a small press & dont tell anyone about it, there really isnt much point.



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