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TDR's Short Story Page
(Material from TDR, 1999-2004)


Interviews with short story writers


Reviews of short story collections


Atlantica: Stories from the Maritimes and Newfoundland (2001)

Mike Barnes - Aquarium (1999)

Dana Bath - Universal Recipients (2003)

Jonathan Bennett - Verandah People (2003)

Clark Blaise - Pittsburgh Stories (2001)

Clark Blaise - Montreal Stories (2003)

Andy Brown - I Can See You Being Invisible (2003)

Natalee Caple - The Heart is Its Own Reason (1998)

Carnal Nation: Brave New Sex Fictions (2000)

André Carpentier - Rue Saint Denis: Fantastic Tales (2001)

Jim Christy - Tight Like That (2003)

Lynn Coady - Play the Monster Blind (2000)

Ken Cormier - Balance Act: Poems & Stories (2000)

Ivan E. Coyote - Close to Spider Man (2000)

Ivan E. Coyote - One Man's Trash (2002)

Cyril Dabydeen - My Brahmin Days (2000)

Peter Darbyshire - Please (2002)

Sharon English - Uncomfortably Numb (2002)

Stephen Finucan - Happy Pilgrims (2000)

Matthew Firth - Can You Take Me There, Now? (2001)

Bill Gaston - Sex is Red (1998)

Marilyn Gear Pilling - The Roseate Spoonbill of Happiness (2002)

Paul Glennon - How Did You Sleep? (2000)

Douglas Glover - 16 Categories of Desire (2000)

John Gould - Kilter: 55 fictions (2003)

Grunt & Groan: The New Fiction Anthology of Work & Sex (2002)

Elizabeth Haynes - Speak Mandarin, Not Dialect (1999)

Sheila Heti - The Middle Stories (2001)

Joy Hewitt Mann - Clinging to Water (2000)

Mark Anthony Jarman - New Orleans is Sinking (1998)

Mark Anthony Jarman - 19 Knives (2000)

Sean Johnston - A Day Does Not Go By (2002)

Monica S. Kuebler - Legacy (and other short fiction) (1999)

John Lavery - Very Good Butter (2000)

Alexandra Leggat - Pull Gently, Tear Here (2000)

Annabel Lyon - Oxygen (2000)

Judy MacDonald - Grey: Stories for Grown-Ups (2001)

Mark Macdonald - Home (2001)

Lisa Moore - Open (2002)

Bernice Morgan - The Topography of Love (2000)

P.K. Page - A Kind of Fiction (2001)

Brian Panhuyzen - Death of the Moon (1999)

Leon Rooke - Painting the Dog (2001)

David Rose - Stripe (2001)

Rod Schumacher - Habits and Love (2002)

Barbara Scott - The Quick (1999)

Ron Smith - What Men Know About Women (1999)

Russell Smith - Young Men (1999)

J.J. Steinfeld - Would You Hide Me? (2003)

J.J. Steinfeld - Curiosity to Satisfy and Fear to Placate (2003)

Mary Swan - Emma's Hands (2003)

Jan Thornhill - Drought and other stories (2000)

Turn of the Story: Canadian Short Fiction on the Eve of the Millennium (1999)

Richard Van Camp - Angel Wing Splash Pattern (2002)

Various authors - The Paris Connection: Stories (2000)

Terence Young - Rhymes with Useless (2000)




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The Danforth Review is produced in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. All content is copyright of the person who created it and cannot be copied, printed, or downloaded without the consent of that person. See the masthead on the submissions page for editorial information. All views expressed are those of the writer only. International submissions are encouraged. The Danforth Review is archived in the Library and Archives Canada. ISSN 1494-6114. 

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We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts. Nous remercions de son soutien le Conseil des Arts du Canada.