canadian ~ twenty-first century literature since 1999

Angel Food Cake

by Elana Wolff

The way you get a twelve egg-
white angel food cake
out of a Bundt-

tin un-
molested is to hang it

on the neck of a bottle
to let it cool.

It then comes out
as high
and light as a shrine. Whimsical

you called my hanging
tin-on-a-bottleneck -

proverbial as
those angels
pirouetting on a pin-head.

Elana Wolff's poems have appeared (or will appear) in acta victoriana, dig, imelod, Intangible, paperplates, Outreach Connection, Firm Noncommital, Jones Av. Quarterly, The Writing Space Journal, White Wall Review, Descant, Defiance, Broken Pencil, Kairos 11, Tower Poetry, Radiance, lichen, Diviners, The Harpweaver and The Backwater Review.







TDR is produced in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 

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All views expressed are those of the writer only. 

TDR is archived with the Library and Archives Canada

ISSN 1494-6114. 


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