canadian ~ twenty-first century literature since 1999



Shiny and New (Recent articles)


New! YouTube Guide to Canadian Literature 2008

Pilot Pocket Book's Rising Stock
by Nathaniel G. Moore


Stocking Stuffers Made Of Canadian Magazines Smelling Like Oranges
by Nathaniel G. Moore

Montreal Fall Books Spectacular 2007
by Nathaniel G. Moore, with files from Mary Williamson

Nine Days at the Ottawa International Writers Festival 2007
by Amanda Earl

First-time Authors on Governor General Awards 2007 Shortlist
by Nathaniel G. Moore

Grappling With Reality: Nathaniel G. Moore discusses the Benoit murder-suicide with author Greg Oliver

Brooklyn and New York City Lit Scene Fall 2007 Highlights
by Janine Armin and Nathaniel G. Moore

Back to School Reading for Fake Urban Guerillas
by Brian Joseph Davis

The Rise of the Fall Preview 2007
by Nathaniel G. Moore

Report from Book Expo 2007
by Janine Armin

Summerslam 2007: Canada's elite poets, writers and candlestick makers face, drink and stage off in the literary event of the season in Toronto, Canada.

Chuck Palahniuk Migration Patterns in 21st Century Big Box Retail
by Nathaniel G. Moore

Extracting the Ego: The Review as Symbiotic to the Text
by Aaron Tucker

On (not) Being an Alberta Writer: or, anticipating UofA
by rob mclennan

Dean Serravalle on why English teachers are to blame for kids hating literature

YouTube Guide to Canadian Literature!


New York Independent and Small Press Book Fair 2006
by Janine Armin

Hosting at the International Festival of Authors
by Ibi Kaslik

Three Weeks with the Sheep: A Visit to the Klaustriđ Residence at Skriđuklaustur, Iceland
by K.I. Press

Plains Text: The Literary Scene in Winnipeg and Beyond
by A.J. Levin

Giller Green Room, 2006 - In which four apparently bright readers engage in vicious gossip about the country's favourite literary contest 

From Poet to Creativity Consultant: On Becoming a Wholistic Enabler
by Catherine Graham

Scotiabank Giller Prize: 2006 Shortlist announced

Reading and Ranking: Reflections on The New York Times "Best Novel List: 1980-2005"
by Michael Bryson

My love affair with DH Lawrence
by Alexandra Leggat

St. Petersburg, Russia: June 2006
by Amy Reiswig

Top Pages on TDR (The stats are in)

[Nov 2006]

  1. Home page
  2. /features/special/short_story_101.htm 
  3. /submissions.htm 
  4. /reviews/poetry
  5. /features/special/giller_green_room_2006.htm 
  6. /reviews/poetry/porco.htm 
  7. /fiction
  8. /features/essays/1984.htm 
  9. /reviews/fiction
  10. /links.htm 
  11. /features/comment.htm 
  12. /features/essays/firth_on_sex_fiction.htm 
  13. /features/special/the_short_story_in_canada.htm 
  14. /misc_links.htm 
  15. /features/special/best_online_fiction.htm 

Old and Worn (In case you missed it)

Dani Couture visits ...

The online guide to writing in Canada

Literary Press Group

Metcalf: A Counterblaste (or Italics Everywhere: A Cautionary Tale)
by Gordon Phinn

Space for Creating
by Susan Ioannou

The ‘Two Solitudes’ Illusion: Reflections on the role of Toronto in the nation's literary culture
by Shane Neilson

Public Hanging: The Death of the Book Review
by Shane Neilson

Micro press generalizations: US and Them
by Matthew Firth

The Short Story 101: 27 writers tell TDR what short stories they would make the world read, given the chance

Critics in Disarray: On Don Quixote
by Douglas Glover

FICTION SITED: A Look at Fiction Online
by Corin Cummings

Where are the short story collections? TDR investigates

How to write sex fiction (not erotica)
by Matthew Firth

The lowdown on the loser class - Jason Camlot on Jon Paul Fiorentino's The Theory of the Loser Class

The Griffin 2006 - Short-lists - Coach House Wins!

Poetry For Dummies: A Reference for the Rest of Us
by Shane Neilson

Lobsters and Threadworms: Canadian Poetry in the Undertow
by J. Mark Smith

Poetry Readings - Stand Up and be Counted
by Tom Henihan

Comfort and Canadian Poetry
by Alex Boyd

Whither People’s Poetry? A report on the Controversy of Poets at the Junction Cafe (Hamilton, Ontario - June 1, 2002)
by Terry Barker

Beyond Bethune: Thomas D’Arcy McGee’s Recovery of the Trail to the True North
by Terry Barker

Solway the Sad Balladeer: an open letter to the (Unofficial) Laureate of ‘This Sucks’
by Shane Neilson

Against a League of Cowering Persons: Biased Gender Jurisprudence in the League of Canadian Poets
by Shane Neilson

Political Poetry and the Canadian Tradition
by Shane Neilson

May 2006 marked the ten year anniversary for Montreal’s Conundrum Press. To mark this anniversary, the press released the PORTABLE CONUNDRUM. Read the introduction by editor and publisher Andy Brown

No more prizes, no more contests! by Matthew Firth

Selected by Terence M. Green

THE 10 MOST IMPORTANT WORKS  by First Nations Authors (So Far)
According to Richard Van Camp

FAVORITE BOOKS: A dozen Montreal high school students reveal what and why

Teaching Canadian literature: In April 2002, the Canada Council published a report on the state of English-language Canadian literature in high schools. The results were not encouraging. Read responses to this report

Remembering Hubert Selby Jr.
by Matthew Firth

An Approach to the Work of Ted Plantos
by Terry Barker

Writers tell TDR what they find grand or ghastly about the work of Mordecai Richler

Terry Barker talks to James Deahl about Al Purdy: Canada's 'Voice of the Land'


Editorials & Misc. Comment

by Michael Bryson

Reading and Ranking: Reflections on The New York Times "Best Novel List: 1980-2005"
(September 2006)

Leonard Cohen & Anjani Thomas
(May 2006)

Commentary & Response on "What Makes A Short Story" [with Harold Hoefle]
(January 2006)

What Makes A Short Story
(January 2006)

"The Short Story in Canada" – The top 20 links returned by Google
(December 2005)

Short Fiction in Canada, 2004/05: The State of the Nation
(May 2005)

Publishing: What the &%!@ is going on?
(April 2005)

Goodbye Saul Bellow
(April 2005)

The Fiction of Douglas Glover: An Essay in Three Parts
(December 2004, February 2005, June 2005)

Update to 1984 essay
(November 2004)

TDR: Five Long Years
(September 2004)

Mea Culpa II: Free Speech, Editorial Practice & Poets Fighting
(June 2004)

Canada is a huge nature reserve, UK headlines insist
(April 2004)

When life gives you lemons, listen to Mary Prankster
(April 2004)

Let's talk, eh? A contemporary response to Orwell's 1984
(January 2004)

Mea Culpa: I review books
(November 2003)

Canadian Writers Beg for Your Support
(December 2001)

The Death of the (Canadian) Novel
(January 2001)

Educating the Clients - Readers
(March 2000)

On Becoming an Editor - An Act of Betrayal?
(December 1999)







TDR is produced in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 

All content is copyright of the person who created it and cannot be copied, printed, or downloaded without the consent of that person. 

See the masthead for editorial information. 

All views expressed are those of the writer only. 

TDR is archived with the Library and Archives Canada

ISSN 1494-6114. 

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts. Nous remercions de son soutien le Conseil des Arts du Canada.