In Chapter 2, McCown and Chamberlain
cover the major paradigms that describe problem and pathological gambling.
They emphasize Custer's classic model illustrating the stages that lead
to pathological gambling. This model is useful, particularly for the novice
clinician, in understanding the typical maladaptive patterns of behavior
emitted at different times in the life of gamblers. Within the chapter,
lucid evaluations of Gamblers Anonymous and the disease model are also
presented. The authors deserve praise for their thoughtful commentary
about the cyclical, explanatory nature of the medical model.
Chapter 3 contains information
about the phenomenology of gambling. At the outset, the authors compare
alcohol abuse and gambling disorders in the DSM-IV, which I found informative.
The term "addictive gambler" is used to describe a person with a more
serious problem than a "problem gambler." In addition, the authors use
the term "compulsive gambling," as opposed to "pathological gambling."
Moreover, much of this chapter focuses on Custer's subtypes of gamblers.
Although interesting, these are not the standard terms currently used
in the field and the inconsistent terminology may confuse novice practitioners.
The standard subtypes of gamblers used today are non-gambler, social gambler,
problem gambler and pathological gambler.
When discussing the etiology
and maintenance of gambling (Chapter 4), McCown and Chamberlain suggest
that the Zeigarnik effect may underlie persistent gambling. Specifically,
they hypothesize that when a gambler plays to win but ends up losing,
it constitutes unfinished business. Therefore, the gambler is highly motivated
to return and complete the task. This intriguing concept has not often
been attached to excessive gambling and may be valuable in explaining
the possible causes of behavioral persistence.
The second half of the book
focuses on treatment modalities. The authors lean strongly toward a clinical
experience approach as opposed to a research-based one. McCown and Chamberlain
state that their focus is based on the assumption that few published studies
have supported any modality by showing clear treatment efficacy. This
statement is a bit too harsh, as some treatment studies have shown efficacy
in reducing gambling (Sylvain, Ladouceur & Boisvert, 1997). It would
also have been valuable to include some of the step-by-step treatment
approaches published by clinical researchers. In addition, advice about
addressing touchy subjects with gamblers, such as family and personal
finances, would have been an added bonus for the novice practitioner.
Nevertheless, these are minor points and the book gives some good insights
into methods for treating pathological gamblers.
On a positive note, the authors
provide a valuable clinical, experiential perspective on the treatment
of gamblers. They also discuss measuring techniques to evaluate the behavior
of gamblers. Chapter 5 covers the Gamblers Anonymous model, an inpatient
model and an Internet self-help approach, which are important services.
However, they fail to tell readers specifically how to gain access to
them (i.e., Web addresses, telephone numbers, etc.). Chapter 6 presents
a multiphasic model of outpatient treatment that describes the therapy
process with gamblers. This chapter would certainly be helpful for new
clinicians interested in disordered gambling.
Strategies to enhance treatment
effectiveness are given in Chapter 7, but the authors note that these
techniques are "adjuncts" to abstinence-based treatments (p. 136). They
briefly cover social skills training, relapse prevention and covert sensitization.
Although presented as adjuncts, it would have been valuable to present
more detailed descriptions of these powerful behavior therapy techniques.
The authors offer a thorough
description of the assessment tools used in the gambling treatment literature
and practice. McCown and Chamberlain discuss the South Oaks Gambling Screen
as well as other measurement tools for different age groups and for families
of gamblers. The authors nicely go beyond the standard assessment tools
and discuss the benefits of more general tools (e.g., Minnesota Multiphasic
Personality Inventory, Thematic Apperception Test). In addition, they
present a clear psychological case report completed for a problem gambler.
The authors boldly move the
field forward when they discuss Chaos Theory as it might apply to pathological
gambling. To my knowledge, Chaos Theory has not been examined within the
realm of gambling and they are to be commended for this presentation.
The authors' disposition toward
family therapy as a treatment modality is clear and there is a separate
chapter on this approach. Most clinicians with experience working with
gamblers would agree that integrating the family into treatment is essential.
Although two family-based approaches are presented, I would have liked
to see more about the specifics of treating the family.
McCown and Chamberlain present
some of the classic theories regarding the development and maintenance
of problem gambling, and use their clinical wisdom to provide insight
into the treatment of excessive gambling. Their discussions of topics
such as the Zeigarnik effect and Chaos Theory are worthy of note for the
advanced practitioner. For the novice, many real and interesting case
examples are presented, which drive home many of the points being made.
Although it has some limitations, Best Possible Odds: Contemporary Treatment
Strategies for Gambling Disorders is a solid resource that lays down a
foundation for clinicians new to the treatment of pathological gambling.
- Sylvain, C., Ladouceur,
R. & Boisvert, J. (1997).
- Cognitive and behavioral
treatment of pathological gambling: A controlled study. Journal of
Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 65 (5), 727-732
This book review was not
peer-reviewed. Submitted: July 27, 2002
Jeffrey Kassinove, PhD,
has studied gambling and other addictive habits (e.g., alcohol use and
day trading) in the United States and abroad since 1996. At Monmouth
University's Gambling and Addictions Research Laboratory, he has focused
on understanding the factors that lead to gambling persistence. Specifically,
he has studied both the cognitive and behavioral elements that increase
slot machine play. He has developed cognitive scales for understanding
attitudes toward gambling as well as tools to assess such mediating
factors as illusions of control. He has lectured in Russia, India and
Poland on the problems associated with gambling and is a consultant
with St. Petersburg University in Russia. Dr. Kassinove also has a small
practice where he treats people who have problems with gambling or drug
and alcohol use.