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Winning Web sites: Researching gambling on the Internet

By Rhys Stevens
Alberta Gaming Research Institute
University of Lethbridge
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

On-line reports and papers are an increasingly popular way to distribute research findings. This trend seems to be especially true for the field of gambling and gaming research. New reports can be disseminated from Web sites to the rest of the Internet-connected world almost instantaneously. Oftentimes, these on-line reports contain more complete and detailed information than subsequent journal articles that report the same findings. As a librarian for the Alberta Gaming Research Institute, I’ve had the opportunity to identify hundreds of Web sites that include such reports. This review summarizes a number of these sites that provide access to original research reports and studies in electronic formats — generally HTML or PDF files (which are viewable in most current Web browsers).


Australian Centre for Gambling Research (ACGR) — Australia


Jan McMillen is the executive director of the ACGR and has been researching gambling issues extensively since the 1980s. The Centre is located at the University of Western Sydney and performs a wide range of research on gambling-related topics of international interest. All reports, journal articles and working papers produced by the Centre are documented on the site — and are available electronically in some cases. Abstracts of journal articles published in International Gambling Studies can also be read on the Web site.


Gambling Research Panel & Victorian Casino and Gaming Authority (VCGA) — Australia

www.grp.vic.gov.au & www.gambling.vcga.vic.gov.au

The Gambling Research Panel is a state government-funded organization that independently commissions and publishes research into the social and economic impacts of gambling and the causes and prevention of problem gambling. The Victorian Casino and Gaming Authority’s Research Committee was replaced by the Gambling Research Panel in November 2000. Over 30 extensive publications have been produced to date, and most are available from the VCGA Web site. I especially recommend this site to those performing research on the socioeconomic impacts of gambling.


Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (AADAC) — Canada


The AADAC Web site provides a wealth of information on alcohol, drugs and gambling. As an agency funded by the Province of Alberta, its mandate is to help citizens achieve lives free from substance use and gambling problems. The gambling section provides a good selection of recent reports, fact sheets and brochures. The Commission’s resource catalogue (see Catalogue near the top of the page http://corp.aadac.com/gambling/index.asp) offers a complete listing of all resources available for purchase from the organization. Many of the items on this substantial list include resources designed to educate special populations of gamblers.


Alberta Gaming Research Institute (AGRI) — Canada


The AGRI site can be considered a research portal for individuals interested in gambling issues. The Library Resources section of the site provides an extensive listing of on-line and print materials (e.g., reference sources, gambling journals, newspaper articles, bibliographies, etc.). Other areas of interest on the site include current and completed initiatives funded by the Institute in the Research section and the growing Grey Literature Database of gaming reports not controlled by commercial publishers, which is found at http://gaming.uleth.ca. The Institute is a consortium arrangement of the universities of Alberta, Calgary and Lethbridge, and its function is to support and promote research into gaming and gambling in Alberta.


Canada West Foundation — Canada


Unlike the United States and Australia, the Canadian federal government has never funded a national gambling study. The Canada West Foundation, an independent, non-partisan, non-profit public policy research institute, undertook a comprehensive Gambling in Canada project that ended in November 2001. The 18 reports in the series were produced over four years and are freely accessible from the foundation’s Web site in the Publications section. As an added bonus, speaking notes from recent presentations on gambling issues are included in the Presentations section. It is necessary register (at no charge) on your initial visit to the Web site in order to download reports and presentations.


Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre — Canada


This Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre gets my vote for technological excellence among the Web sites reviewed here. The Webcasts (i.e., video clips) and eWildman bibliography are both terrific resources. Also available are reports commissioned by the Centre in order to enhance the understanding of problem gambling and strengthen treatment and prevention practices through research. Shortcomings are the registration and sign-in requirements for access to resources.


Responsible Gambling Council (Ontario) — Canada


The Responsible Gambling Council (Ontario) helps individuals and communities address gambling in a healthy and responsible way, with a strong emphasis on preventing gambling-related problems. The most impressive resource is the e-Library — a collection of nearly 4000 gambling-related items (e.g., newspaper articles, on-line reports). Researchers can search this database by keyword, subject category and geographic location. Also available on the Web site are the complete archives for the Council’s informative Newscan and Newslink publications. Visit this site regularly to stay abreast of new developments in gambling.


The Centre for Gambling Studies, University of Auckland — New Zealand


The recently redesigned and updated Centre for Gambling Studies (formerly known as the Gambling Studies Institute) Web site provides details of the Centre’s research reports. Some exciting gambling research projects are presently underway (e.g., gambling in Samoan communities, adolescent gambling behaviour, prison problem gambling and counselling). The Centre for Gambling Studies is part of the University of Auckland’s faculty of medicine and health sciences and seeks to minimize harm from gambling and promote community well-being.


GamCare — United Kingdom


GamCare is the United Kingdom’s national centre for information, advice and practical help with regard to the social impact of gambling. A range of research-oriented books (e.g., Adolescent Gambling by Mark Griffiths) and counselling resources are available for purchase from the Web site. GamCare’s policy is to be gambling neutral and its main objectives are to improve the understanding of the social impact of gambling, promote a responsible approach to gambling and address the needs of those adversely affected by a gambling dependency.


Gaming Studies Research Center, University of Nevada, Las Vegas — United States


Dave Schwartz, co-ordinator of Gaming Studies Research Center, has done a superior job assembling a virtual potpourri of gambling-related resources on this Web site. Highlights of the site include an extensive listing of graduate dissertations, a reading room of articles on topical issues and an unrivalled collection of links to gambling sites and conferences. It is immediately evident that this resource takes a number of visits to explore fully, but it is well worth the effort. The Gaming Studies Research Center at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, is a clearinghouse of data on the business of gaming, its economic and social impacts and its historical and cultural manifestations.


Gemini Research, Ltd. — United States


Rachel Volberg, president of Gemini Research, Inc., has directed or consulted on dozens of studies on gambling and problem gambling. The Gemini Research Web site provides an authoritative bibliography of journal articles, books and book chapters, and research reports that she has authored since 1986. A section of particular interest to researchers is the Reports & Links area that lists links to the reports, which are fully available on-line.


Institute for the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming — United States


The Institute, based at the University of Nevada, Reno, serves to broaden the understanding of gambling and the commercial gaming industries. A real strength of this site is its listing of current and forthcoming print publications available for order. Several article summaries and book chapters from recent publications by Institute scholars are available as well as an updated selection of gaming events and news.


National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA) Library & Resource Center — United States


NIGA operates as a clearinghouse and educational, legislative and public policy resource for tribes, policymakers and the general public on Native American gaming issues and tribal community development. The highlight of the Web site is certainly the Resources section, which features a searchable, browsable listing of studies, books and testimonies. The majority of these items can be downloaded from the site or read on-line in their entirety. This site is a vital resource when reviewing on-line sources for information on aboriginal gambling issues.


The Wager: Weekly Addiction Gambling Education Report — United States


No review of gambling Web sites would be complete without mention of The Wager. The editors at the addictions division of Harvard Medical School have been producing weekly research bulletins in order to share the latest developments in pathological gambling. The Back Issues section contains an archive of every published newsletter since 1996. Fortunately, there is also an excellent search mechanism to allow site users to quickly locate articles by keyword. Be sure to sign-up for the Mailing List if you would like to be notified when new topics are available.


This review article was not peer-reviewed.
Submitted: August 6, 2002

For correspondence:
Rhys Stevens
Alberta Gaming Research Institute
University of Lethbridge
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

Phone: (403) 329-5176
Fax: (403) 329-2234

Rhys Stevens is currently the librarian for the Alberta Gaming Research Institute, and he is based at the University of Lethbridge in Lethbridge, Alberta. He obtained his masters degree in Library & Information Science at the University of Western Ontario. His primary focus is to work with Institute-funded researchers and the general public who are interested in researching issues related to gaming and gambling.

  issue 7 — December 2002

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