Here is an outline of the Problem Gambling Program:
Intake: To see a counselor for an assessment,
clients must call Amethyst and complete a brief intake interview over
the phone. An appointment for the client will usually be made for one
week later.
Assessment: During the first meeting, the counselor
will assess the client's gambling problem and decide if Amethyst is the
right place for the client to seek treatment.
Individual counseling: Provision of counseling
using a variety of therapeutic approaches including: cognitive behavioral,
feminist, empowerment, humanistic counseling.
Group support: Therapeutic groups are facilitated
by a problem gambling counselor.
Twelve-week treatment program (available in English
only): The program consists of 12 psycho-educational groups and
is held two hours per week for 12 weeks. The following topics are covered
in the group discussions:
• Problem gambling
Women and gambling
• Finances and the emotional meaning of money
• Assertiveness
• Stress
• Body image and self-esteem
• Relationships
• Relapse prevention
• Women and violence
• Anger
• Women and depression
• Priorities and goals
Two-year follow-up support: Individual counselling
and support groups are available for up to two years after cessation
of treatment.
Other services available to Amethyst clients (available
in English only):
- Sexual Abuse Program: A 12-week support group for
Amethyst clients confronting painful memories of childhood sexual abuse.
- Childcare: Available two half days per week for women
attending appointments.
- Children's programming: Children who have parents
in either the gambling program or the substance abuse program can participate.
There are two programs available for children at Amethyst: a play-therapy
group for four- to seven-year-olds and a drug abuse prevention program
group for eight- to 12-year-olds.
- Parenting course for women in recovery
- Other services: Amethyst often offers courses on a
variety of topics, such as dealing with anger, stress or building self-esteem.
Other courses include Art Therapy and Structured Relapse Prevention.
Philosophy of service
Amethyst is grounded in the feminist belief that women's
experience with problem gambling, alcohol or other drugs cannot be separated
from our experiences and status as women. We address the direct links
between gambling and/or substance use with the unequal position of women
in society and the many forms of violence against women. A central task
for Amethyst is to help women take charge of their lives by changing
or ending their gambling habits and by making changes that enhance their
strengths, their freedom and their choices. We help link women to other
services that are available in the community for issues such as abuse,
mental health and housing.
Staff background
Amethyst staff come from a variety of different educational
backgrounds, including social work, psychology and counselling.
Description of our clients
Amethyst is mandated to work with women 18 and over.
Couple counselling is available as requested and services for children
are available. Our primary clients are adult women. The majority of the
women we work with have experienced physical and/or sexual abuse.
Program evaluation and research involvement
Amethyst has been involved in several research initiatives
since the inception of our Problem Gambling Program in 2000. We were
a part of the advisory board for a research project on women and gambling
with the University of Toronto. Students working toward their master
of social work degree at Carleton University conducted research that
evaluated problem gambling treatment services for women; this evaluation
tool has been administered to Amethyst service users. We look forward
to contributing to and benefiting from further research on gender specific
issues with problem gambling.
This service profile was not peer-reviewed.
Submitted: July 19, 2002