Issue 7 December 2002 ISSN: 1494-5185
Updated December 23, 2002
Intro Readership survey results
research Gambling
by college athletes: An association between problem gambling and athletes
By Don
L. Rockey, Kim R. Beason and James D. Gilbert
research Understanding
the school culture: Guidelines for conducting gambling research in
secondary schools
By Jennifer
L. McPhee and Robert S. Canham
clinic Online
help for problem gambling: Why it is and is not being considered
By Gerry
Cooper and Guy Doucet
opinion Are
lottery scratchcards a 'hard' form of gambling?
Mark Griffiths
opinion Lotteries
and the Problem Gambling Community: Myths and Countermyths
By Don
person Arnie
Wexler's story: I am a recovering compulsive gambler who placed my last
bet April 10, 1968
By Arnie Wexler
service profile A multilingual gambling information Web site (Niagara region, Canada)
review The Habit Change Workbook: How to Break Bad Habits and
Form Good Ones. (2001).
By James Claiborn and Cherry Pedrick
by Mark Griffiths
review The
Effects of Compulsive Gambling on the Marriage (and)
Can this Marriage Recover (From the Effects of Compulsive Gambling)? (1994).
By Arnie Wexler and Sheila Wexler
by David C. Hodgins, Erin Cassidy, Alice Holub, Maria Lizak, Chrystal L.
Mansley, Adriana Sorbo, Steve Skitch and Kylie Thygesen
review Best
Possible Odds: Contemporary Treatment Strategies for Gambling Disorders. (2000.)
By William G. McCown and Linda L. Chamberlain
by Jeffrey I. Kassinove
review Winning
Web sites: Accessing gambling research on the Internet
By Rhys