
- http://www.cmhask.com/programs/gambling/index.html
- Public education and community
development components of the province of Saskatchewan's Problem
Gambling Program
- http://www.gamb-ling.com
- A multilingual gambling
information Web site in 11 languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, Farsi,
Hindi, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Spanish and Urdu). Information
in audio formats and through these click-on topics: "What's problem
gambling?," "Do I have a problem?," "Get help," "Ethno-cultural resources,"
"Library" and a help-line number.
- http://www.youthbet.net
- The TeenNet Youth Gambling
Web site (University of Toronto) has an interactive neighbourhood
(community centre, library, corner store, casino, schoolyard, and
back alley) with access to youth gambling information and help resources,
diagnostics, and activities related to risk assessment, time management,
money management and balanced decision making.
- http://www.ncpgambling.org
- National Council on Problem
Gambling : to increase public awareness of pathological gambling,
ensure the availability of treatment for problem gamblers and their
families, and to encourage research and programs for prevention and
- Alberta Alcohol and Drug
Abuse Commission: information, brochures and survey results
- http://www.responsiblegambling.org
- Responsible Gambling
Council (Ontario): information, publications and calendar of international
gambling-related events
- http://www.unr.edu/unr/colleges/coba/game
- Institute for the Study
of Gambling and Commercial Gaming: an academically oriented program
on gambling and the commercial gaming industries
- http://www.ncrg.org
- National Centre for Responsible
Gaming: funding for scientific research on problem and underage
- http://www.problemgambling.ca
- Problem Gambling: A Canadian
Perspective Website (Gerry Cooper): annotated international links
- http://www.youthgambling.org
- Youth Gambling Research
& Treatment Clinic (McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada):
information, self-quiz and FAQs