3 reviews the evolution and expansion of gambling in the United States.
A discussion of opposition forces in the legalization drive and quirks
in the American system of legalization (especially with regard to riverboat
gambling) is followed by a review of data on the age, gender and ethnicity
of gamblers. I found myself wishing that Volberg would speculate beyond
the data to explain some of these patterns. For example, blacks are more
likely to be weekly gamblers than non-blacks, but less likely to have
gambled in the past year. One could speculate that, like patterns of alcohol
use and abuse, this may be explained by religious factors. Blacks are
more likely to be fundamentalist Christians, thus limiting their overall
drinking and gambling. Clearly, further research is needed.
Volberg shifts her discussion to changing patterns of
gambling frequency in states she has studied. Her conclusion that people
increase their gambling when gambling is legalized and then decrease it
over time is quite interesting and worthy of note. In particular, Figure
3.2 needs to be examined carefully by those who assume that legalization
inevitably means a steady increase in the extent of gambling. The topic
of problem gambling emerges in the last four pages of the chapter, primarily
in a discussion of the shift in perspective from gambling as "bad" to
a perspective sanctioned by the American Psychiatric Association that
defines excessive gambling as "sick" behavior.
In Chapter 4, the reader confronts technical discussions
of different measures of problem gambling like the South Oaks Gambling
Screen, SOGS-R (for Revised), and the National Opinion Research Center's
Diagnostic Screen for gambling problems (NODS). The rate of problem and
pathological gambling and whether it is changing over time (Volberg's
answer is that the data are mixed), and the relationship of change to
the presence of treatment services, are discussed. This chapter also gives
an overview of the risk factors for problem gambling in the general population.
In this vein, Volberg does not confine her discussion to individual demographic
characteristics but also considers the spread of convenience gambling
and event frequency as possible contributors to problem gambling. In particular,
there are the potential policy implications of the relationship between
legalization of electronic gaming devices and increases in problem gambling
among women. In this chapter she relies on data from other countries as
well as the United States. She notes that data on the "outflow" of pathological
gambling is higher than previously acknowledged. In other words, a substantial
per cent of individuals classified as pathological gamblers at one point
in time are no longer classified as having a problem at a later point
in time. However, the number of individuals with intractable problems
may increase.
Volberg turns to the issue of addressing problem gambling
in Chapter 5. Reading this chapter, it would appear that the casino industry
is doing more to raise public awareness of "disordered gambling" (the
term the gambling industry prefers) than many state governments. While
she points out what is happening in Canada, a more thorough discussion
of what has happened in the different Canadian provinces as well as New
Zealand and Australia could teach the reader how things could be different
if state governments took a more proactive stance. Available treatment
is another area addressed. Unfortunately, some of this information is
already out of date. For example, Trimeridian no longer operates an inpatient
facility. In fact, the failure of different inpatient treatment facilities
and the necessity for state funding to support such operations would be
a story on its own. Volberg's discussion of treatment evaluations is worth
examining. When she turns to research on problem gambling her discussion
is narrowly focused on prevalence surveys and funded research. It ignores
quite a bit of research conducted outside of those realms. When she comments
near the end of the chapter on funding in the U.S. versus Canada and Australia,
the paucity of public commitment to addressing the issue in the United
States is clear. U.S. funding would have to be increased by 880 per cent
(to $.99 per capita) in order to equal the funding level in Australia.
Volberg winds up the book by outlining the public policy
challenges that lie ahead in the United States. She points out the contrast
between the lessons of alcohol and tobacco. While not stating it specifically,
in Volberg's view, it appears that the gambling industry has learned to
take lessons from both, partially because, as she states, gambling, like
alcohol, was successfully medicalized (in the United States in any case).
However, when it comes to attempts by specific individuals to sue the
industry, they have typically failed. Whether tobacco-like legislation
would ever be successful is another matter, primarily because, unlike
tobacco, many states actively promote gambling.
Her argument that each state should have one regulatory
agency to oversee all gambling in the state makes much sense. Instead
of having a Lottery Commission, Charitable Gaming Board, Racing Commission
and Casino Control Commission, as do many states in the U.S., one agency,
a gambling regulatory board would exist. I would add that this agency
should have a problem gambling advocate as a member. The board would be
able to oversee self-exclusion programs, make sure that fines for violations
(either by the gambler or the facility) would go to a problem gambling
treatment fund, and would ensure that problem gamblers and their family
members were considered in decision-making.
The discussion of the scattered approach taken by different
federal agencies is quite telling. There is no coordinating agency at
the federal level in the United States. Volberg calls for a national clearinghouse
for information as well as some agency that would coordinate regulatory
efforts and provide help to the states. I would call for the involvement
of the World Health Organization in setting up uniform standards like
those devised for alcohol; an effort to do just that is being championed
in New Zealand.
Dr. Volberg's view is clearly that of a sociologist, with
both the advantages and drawbacks of that position. While not exhaustive
(to do so would require excessive length), the information that is presented
is empirically based. There are references for virtually every statement
made in the book. Volberg's call for federal involvement, along with her
advocacy of a public health perspective that focuses on efforts to keep
the social costs down, are features that makes this book a worthy read.