Issue 9 October 2003  ISSN: 1494-5185


Contents Issue 9 October 2003

IntroFrom the editor

FeatureMeta-analysis: A 12-step program
By David L. Streiner

ResearchWhy do gamblers over-report wins? An examination of social factors
By John Jamieson, Chris Mushquash and Dwight Mazmanian

ResearchQuitting again: Motivations and strategies for terminating gambling relapses
By Kylie L. Thygesen and David C. Hodgins

ResearchGamblers Anonymous: A critical review of the literature
By Peter Ferentzy and Wayne Skinner

OpinionInstant-win products and prize draws: Are these forms of gambing?
By Mark Griffiths

OpinionLottery fraud: Nothing new under the sun
By Peter Shears

OpinionThe face of Chinese migrants' gambling: A perspective from New Zealand
By John Wong and Samson Tse

Service ProfileOregon's Problem Gambling Services: Public health orientation in a stepped-care approach

ReviewHow to gamble: Information and misinformation in books and other media on gambling
By Nigel Turner, Barry Fritz and Bronwyn Mackenzie

Book ReviewRachel A. Volberg. (2001) When the Chips Are Down: Problem Gambling in America
Reviewed by Henry Lesieur




