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Volume Five

Volume Four

Volume Three

Volume Two

Volume One

Other Resources
Film Reviews
Call for Papers
Dictionary of the Social Sciences

Sociology Resource Center
EJS Community Announcements

Refer the EJS to a colleague

[Author Index]

[Title Index]

[Date Index]

This week's featured ICAAP resource is %s",$myrow["resource_web"], $myrow["resource"]); $result = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM journalinfo where icaap_member='yes'",$db); $myrow = mysql_fetch_row($result); printf("

The EJS is an ICAAP journal.
There are currently %s Open Access scholarly journals and resources affiliated with ICAAP and ", $myrow[0]); $result = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM journalinfo",$db); $count = 0; $myrow = mysql_fetch_row($result); printf("%s resources in the ICAAP journals database.", $myrow[0]); ?>