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Electronic Journals| Submit Papers via email


The Electronic Journal of Sociology (EJS), an international online refereed journal published on the Internet in both html and ascii formats, is now accepting manuscripts for consideration. Our online review produces very fast turn around in decisions and publication. We pride ourselves in an open, transparent, and democratic review procedure. Being freely available on the Internet, authors are assured that their works have a global audience. Anyone with a computer, modem and internet access can read or download articles and notes published in the EJS.

The Electronic Journal of Sociology is a refereed outlet for the publication of scholarly research that makes an original contribution to the advancement of sociological knowledge. The Journal encompasses the broad range from macro works comparing societies and cultures to theoretically insightful micro case studies and accepts submissions from a wide range of theoretical traditions and methodological approaches. Being an electronic journal, we are interested in receiving original submissions that explore the sociological import of information technologies, or which employ innovative hypertextual or multimedia/hypermedia features. Papers that do not employ such features will not be disadvantaged in the evaluation process.

Authors should follow the EJS style guidelines when submitting papers for consideration. Authors do not need to concern themselves over the translation from plain text to hypertext. However, if you wish, you may explore a hypertext/hypermedia presentation.

Articles can be sent directly over the Internet as email attachments. If this method is not accessible to the authors, they might mail their manuscripts on a 3 1/2 inch disk to

Dr. Andreas Schneider
Department of Sociology, Anthropology & Social Work
Texas Tech University
Holden Hall 161
Lubbock, TX 79409-1012, U.S.A.
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