DARWIN & Company

by David Sutherland

Under false witness diligent workers
with honey-combed hair, ruddy cheeks and wire frame
labor with the scrawled consternation
of indeterminate cares.

We must work it now ! Keep it to a pulse,
a flash of incandescence.
Polite affections:  hellos, goodbyes, the weather
pass under the illumination of a fireflies light.

Or say something,
promise all inalienable rights,
hidden agendas, covert action,
hard lines of backs turning front.

Politician, Pharisee, Judge
to the birds and bees and ants
that line our trampled coronations,
our destiny underfoot.

And pride's perfunctory curtsy
spillover slogans of the moment,
are testaments of will
that sponge-up the mental lozenges
and burn a hole in the lining
going down.

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Page created by Dave A. Law
Last update: March 6, 1998