APRIL 1994 - VOL. 3 NO. 3
Seperate Realities: India "What can a
visitor hope to absorb of India in a short
time? Nothing but glimpses, dancers captured in the light
of a flash gun. How you see a place affects what you see,
how you feel affects what you experience." - Dr. Euan Taylor
Tsukuba: Science City "Founded in the
1970's, Tsukuba is amongst the newest
cities in Japan, a nation in which most towns and cities
have histories spanning centuries. It's also Japan's
Technological capital." - Surekha and Prasad Akella
Impressions of Thailand "Thai society
is extremely status-conscious. Your social
status depends on many factors: monetary wealth, family
connections, relatedness to the royal family, religious
standing, and so forth." - Ken Ewing
Hawaii Pubcrawl "But what do you do after
you've returned the snorkel gear
and showered off your Goldfinger-like suit of number-137
sunscreen? Watch TV in your room?" - Ken Eisner
Guatemala Travel Notes "I was told
of a German tourist who became so seriously
dehydrated that a med-evac to Guatemala City was
necessary. Once there, his passport was confiscated and a
bill for $12 000 was presented for the helicopter ride."" - Brian Quinby
Toronto to Vancouver by Train "Every
now and then we pass a lake, completely frozen
over, flat and white, smooth as a skating rink. I'd love
to walk to the center of a big frozen lake like that and
just sit there for a while. I'd feel like the first blot
of paint on a fresh silk canvas." - Paul Gribble
Editor's Note - Ian Wojtowicz
The Latin Quarter (Part 1) "On the night
Marcos arrived in San Cristobal, he was
serenaded by women with hired guitarists outside the 16th
century cathedral where he was staying. In Mexico City,
women talk about spending a 'fantasy night in the jungle'
with Marcos, and others have confessed to discussing their
lust for the dashing leader with their psychiatrists." - Andreas Seppelt
The Latin Quarter (Part 2) "These are
strange times for Mexico - awash in scandal,
kidnappings, armed insurrection, assassinations, and
swirling conspiracy theories; only four months ago it all
seemed so fine." - Andreas Seppelt
The Keepers of Light "An excellent
darkroom technician, Wolchock seldom employs
any tricks or manipulative techniques in his work,
preferring to concentrate on strong images that present
best when simply properly printed." - Kent Barrett
Déjà Vu "Writing an article in
a forum such as Teletimes about a
topic like gun control can be quite difficult...It is the
author's hope that this brief article will suggest to the
reader that further inquiry is required before forming an
opinion about the right to keep and bear arms." - Gerry Roston
Music Notes "Long a favorite of critics,
John Hiatt has undergone a
transformation from angry '70s new waver to tasteful roots
rocker, all the while turning out songs that other
musicians have lined up to cover." - Jay Hipps
The Wine Enthusiast "Like wine, beer is a
wonderful alcoholic beverage that
can have complexity, sophistication, and be a delight to
the senses. Like wine as well, the majority of beer
produced is made to appeal to as wide a market of
consumers as possible, and because of this most beers lack
the above mentioned qualities." - Tom Davis
The Debate Room "Should we limit what
represents 'acceptable' opinion, or
are universities and colleges places where it should be
possible and acceptable to express any opinion without
restraint? If there are to be limits on the permissible --
what should they be and how should they be defined ?"
- Dr. Euan Taylor, Jon Gould, Paul Gribble
Cuisine "Chiles are exceptionally good for you.
High in vitamin C, the chile adds flavor to food without adding many
calories, sodium, or fat. Poorer countries have known for
years that you can feel full on less food if the food is
highly spiced." - Brian Silver
ISSN 1198-3604