Bibliography Please

[Regarding the article "Canadian Authors" by Dr. Euan Taylor.]

Having read and enjoyed The Stone Diaries and more recently The Shipping News (yes, I know Annie Proulx is not a Canadian author but from this end of the world [the fact] that she writes about the region makes her eligible) I was very interested to read Dr. Taylor's feature. I will certainly make an effort to obtain some of the titles mentioned. With that in mind, would it be possible to publish a short bibliography (including the name of the publisher) at the end of this sort of article so that readers Down Under (or elsewhere) who want to order books which might not be in our bookstores have more to work with than just the title and author. Thanks.

Mary Riekert
Melbourne, Australia

Euan Taylor Replies:

I am grateful to Ms. Riekert for pointing out this deficiency in the article, I would hate to think I had raised an interest only to frustrate it.

The complete references for the books I mentioned are:

A Scholar Gone Bad

[Regarding the article on Camille Paglia's book Sex, Art, and American Culture by Tom Davis.]

If I were a college student again, the first voice of authority I would question would surely be Paglia's own. What she is recommending in the final quotation you give from her new book is entirely contrary to the scholarly tradition she espouses: telling students to ignore the writings of Foucault et al. because they are difficult and (to the intellectual tourist) uninteresting is hardly anencouragement to learning. Paglia is a lifestyle-pagephenomenon, a reckless opponent, and a scholar gone bad.

Bernard Kelly
Toronto, Canada

Where have all the issues gone...

I enjoyed reading the back issues, up through September of 1994... but am I missing something? All I find on this page are the BACK issues, I feel like since back issues are listed I'm missing the current issue, or is this how this is done? I don't know, anyway, really do enjoy the mag.

Larry Devich

Ian Wojtowicz Replies:

I suspect that the confusion that you are experiencing is due to our irratic publishing schedule. I have this strange obsession with finishing high school, so I've had to tone down my commitment to Teletimes. We are now officially publishing bi-monthly (6 times/year) instead of monthly to ensure a high level of quality.

And Finally Some Praise!

I think that it is great what you are doing. E-zine like yours on WWW are a great way to revitalize writing and magazines. Keep up the good work.

Chris Campbell
Fredericton, Canada

I've just had a quick look, but am quite impressed.  Great!  
I am interested in the wine and photography columns, but am 
likely to read a wide variety of diverse items.  I encourage
you to continue to try new things and "push the envelope" of the 'Net.

Dean Boulding
Jakarta, Indonesia

Looks interesting. I hope you succeed and publish more 
frequently. The more stuff like this I can get on the net, 
the less I have to hunt for books and magazines. This is 
good news for me since Regina may be the capital of
Saskatchewan but it is not very cosmopolitan. The net 
provides a better access to the world than any media 
produced or distributed locally.

Michael A.P. Hill
Regina, Canada