News from Vienna

.the CT of V!E pla2ned an EXPO
.wanted 2 do !t w!th BudapesT
.A tw!n CT EXPO @ the danubE

.1 bought !n the 2nd D. of V!E
.1 Started 2 MT the bu!ld!ngS
.the CT started 2 bu!ld alreadY
.a 50!es-dream turned 90!es-truE

.borders opened surpr!s!nglY
.V!E started 2 grow aga!n theN
.m!grat!on !ncreased over n!ghT
.a major!ty vote aga!nst EXPO

.budapest w!2l do !t alone noW
.speculat!on hangs on a cl!2F
?who w!2l f2ot the bi2l noW

- Dr. Michael Schreiber, Vienna, Austria